Chereads / Pokemon Champion Chronicles / Chapter 13 - Chapter 13: Fight

Chapter 13 - Chapter 13: Fight

After that heartwarming moment I went down to Nidoran♂ for a moment and told him my immediate plans: "Okay Nidoran♂, for now what we need to do is focus on leveling you up, there are at least a few Trainers in the city." who just received their first Pokemon as well, so we'll look for them and face them so that you become stronger and visit a place that I need to go to," I said as I My face was getting serious with the last part.

Nidoran♂ just nodded happily without noticing my mood change until suddenly a shrill voice was heard near us and a grumpy looking boy walked up to me while pointing at me and saying, "Hey you! I finally found you!"


I watched the boy for a few seconds but I couldn't remember where I'm supposed to know him from, I hoped to myself that he wasn't one of the people who knew the former owner of this body because although Mother Clarisse said that apparently he had no friends there is the possibility that maybe he had one or another acquaintance.

The boy seemed even angrier that I didn't react to his provocation and pointed his finger at me again: "If you think that by finishing the written exam before me you are a better Trainer, let me tell you that you are very wrong!, after yesterday's attack of the Dragonites I couldn't get my Pokemon but today I already have Bidoof and I already defeated the other Trainer so I only need you!" he said quite proudly The boy with an angry expression.

After listening to him I understood that he was one of the guys who took the Trainer exam with me, I have no idea how I expected him to remember it when I never crossed a word with him, leaving that aside I was surprised that he chose Bidoof, it is definitely a peculiar option for a Starter but I understand that many people prefer to start with Pokemon of Type Normal because they are easier to train and are usually much more gentle than other Pokémon.

Leaving aside my thoughts I smiled at the boy and said: "Ooh I see, excuse me, as I took the exam very quickly I didn't really notice the other applicants, but I applaud you for thinking outside the mold and choosing Bidoof, I'm sure that Brock was pleased because it was difficult for him to get it, tell me what Pokemon did the other challenger you defeated have?"

The guy seemed happy to be praised and put on a confident smile "HAHAHA in fact Brock gave me several tips to help Bidoof grow up better so I think if I was happy and the other fool picked a Rattata, can you believe it? It only took me five minutes to defeat him," he said, gloating before suddenly opening his eyes and frowning again, "YOU BASTARD, DON'T CHANGE THE SUBJECT!" he said shouting, "I challenge you to a Pokemon battle to see who is the best rookie Trainer in Pewter City!"

Honestly I was just making fun of him a bit but I found it convenient for him to challenge me, Nidoran♂ needs experience and anyway I was going to look for rookie trainers to fight before leaving town, with a confident smile I said to the guy with an angry face "Are you very sure? Do you have any idea how many Trainers I've defeated since yesterday?" The boy's face turned pale and he said in a trembling voice: "I do-don't care, Bidoof and I can beat anyone," said the boy as if trying to convince himself.

I laughed very loudly and said in a relaxed tone: "In fact because of yesterday's incident I haven't fought anyone, so I hope you'll be gentle with me" I said the last while raising my hand to give him a salute, the boy when he heard me almost blew smoke out of his ears, with an expression somehow even more annoying he slapped my hand and shouted: "BASTARD, DO YOU THINK YOU CAN PLAY WITH ME? QUICK, LET'S GO TO THE ARENA TO PUT YOU IN YOUR PLACE!" he said as he stomped his foot into the park's sand.

I raised my shoulders a little and with a smile walked behind him, already in the arena we established the amount of the fight, the boy being angry and being very sure he could win set up the battle for $500 Pokedolars which is more than double what rookie trainers commonly bet.

Everyone stood on one side of the arena and with a calm face I bent down for a moment to talk to Nidoran♂: "Listen buddy, this is our first fight, I know you may be a little nervous but I'm counting on you, we're going to easily win this" I said while giving Nidoran♂ a thumbs up.

The little Nidoran♂ against all odds seemed to be more excited than anything to fight, it reminded me a bit of the Nidoran I saw fighting Gengar, that made me wonder if that attitude is something innate to the evolutionary line of Nidoran♂.

The boy with the angry face, now a little more desperate, yelled at us, "Are you going to take all day or can we start? Go for the win, Bidoof!" he said as he threw his Pokeball and the little beaver Pokemon came out of there, which had a blank look as if it didn't know what it was doing there.

I just nodded to the other Trainer and told Nidoran♂ where to stand, and with both Pokémon in the arena we looked into each other's eyes and the guy with the angry face yelled: "Ok the fight starts at 3,2,1... NOW!" He said and then added: "Let's get this over with a quick Bidoof attack with Tackle!" the little beaver only turned to look at his Trainer for a few seconds and then nodded with a goofy smile and lunged at my Nidoran♂.

I didn't want to sound bad but I would swear that Bidoof is stupid, he had a bit of a wide eye and it seemed to take him some time to understand what his Trainer wanted to tell him, first of all that Pokemon takes its eyes off the fight to nod to its Trainer?, feeling a little bad for the opponent's Bidoof I decided to focus better on the fight, Nidoran♂ was almost trembling with excitement and I could see how small purple drops were exuding from his body, without paying much attention to it and seeing that the Bidoof was close to impact I shouted the first order to Nidoran♂ : "Jump to avoid the attack and use Leer!" When my Pokémon heard the order, it jumped almost two meters and narrowly avoided Bidoof's attack, which due to the angle of the attack ended up hitting the ground leaving a small crater.

Both my Pokemon and I opened our eyes wide impressed by Bidoof's tremendous strength, now I understand how it is that they beat the other challenger's Rattata in such a short time, a direct hit with that strength must be a knockout for any low-level Pokémon, the angry-faced boy put on a confident smile and shouted at his Pokémon: "Don't stop Bidoof! Use Tackle until you hit him!" The Bidoof just put on another goofy smile and tried to hit my Nidoran♂ again.

It took Nidoran♂ a moment to wake up and, remembering my instruction, he jumped backwards, gaining some distance from the rival Bidoof and then focused and put on an intense look with terrifying red eyes.

I interpreted that this is how Leer worked in this world, I could notice how the rival Bidoof put on a frightened expression and stopped attacking to curl up cowed by the gaze of my Pokemon, taking advantage of that opportunity I shouted to Nidoran♂: "Now use Peck while he is still off guard!" Nidoran♂ reacted instantly and with his horn glowing with a white light he hit his opponent squarely.

The Bidoof seemed to take some damage with that, but his Trainer, far from feeling compassion for his Pokemon, barked angrily at him: "Don't be a coward Bidoof and take advantage of the fact that he's around to hit it!" Bidoof when listening to his trainer shook his body like a dog and without preparing enough he lunged at my Nidoran♂, it was fortunate that to use Tackle the Pokemon must take some momentum or it will not be as effective so the blow although very strong was not enough to knock out my Nidoran♂ but it did cause a large amount of damage.

Nidoran♂ had one eye squinted in pain but he was still standing, which made me a little nervous, I thought that at this rate we would lose the battle until the rival Bidoof seemed to falter for a second and seemed to breathe with some difficulty, both Trainers noticed how a purple aura surrounded poor Bidoof.

It took me a few seconds to understand that that was due to Nidoran♂'s purple sweat, it was definitely some kind of poison, I remember Nidoran♂ had the Poison Point ability in the games so it must be some kind of similar effect in this world.

Not wanting to waste this opportunity and assuming that Nidoran♂'s poison must have a very mild effect due to its low level, I yelled at my Pokemon, "Quick Nidoran♂, let's finish this with one last Peck!" Nidoran♂ seemed to understand that he couldn't go on with the battle any longer, and he jumped even longer than before, then plummeted with his horn shining on poor Bidoof, who was writhing in pain from the poison.

The impact caused by Nidoran♂ was so strong that it kicked up dust in the area where Bidoof was, after the dust was gone only Nidoran♂ could be seen breathing heavily next to a fainting Bidoof.

I almost give a shout of happiness for my first win, I quickly took out my Pokeball and called Nidoran♂ back to rest, he looked quite happy and only closed his eyes when the red lightning returned him to his Pokeball, meanwhile the Angry Face Trainer seemed to have eaten an insect, He had a face between anger and bitterness, he reluctantly called his Bidoof and approached me with his Trainer license in hand.

Immediately understanding what I wanted, I put my license below his, until a loud "PING" was heard, which indicated that the bet money was already in my account, after confirming that the money was deposited the Trainer with the angry face turned his back on me and then said: "This isn't going to stay like this" and then run out of the park.

"How melodramatic" I said in a low voice while watching the Trainer run, but well the important thing is that I won my first battle, now I just have to corroborate Nidoran♂'s status, I quickly got my Trainer license and I was able to verify that Nidoran♂ went up a level being now at level 6.

It's easier to level up the weaker your Pokémon is and the stronger the opponent's Pokémon is, so I guess I'll only be able to level up a couple of levels with the weak Trainers in town before I have to go out and face wild Pokémon in droves because even though they give less experience they are much easier to face and sometimes you can even defeat them with one attack.

"In the end, it all comes down to quantity>quality when training low-level Pokemon," I said before shrugging my shoulders and heading to the Pokemon Center, totally unwilling to spend a Potion inside a city when the Pokemon Center is so close.


After a quick visit to the Pokemon Center and a light talk accompanied by congratulations for becoming a Trainer from the Nurse Joy I headed back to the park where there were other young Trainers looking for some competition and money with some fights, I focused on looking for the Trainers who had just a couple of days to get their license and challenged them to fight, I really think that the Angry Face Trainer was one of the new Trainers with the strongest Pokemon because the rest of us barely made me and Nidoran♂ sweat.

We faced a total of 5 new Trainers that had Belsprout and Horsea from Starter, really the battles only lasted a few minutes because the Horseas had very little mobility and my Nidoran♂ had an advantage against the Belsprouts but being cautious I decided that after each battle I would go to the Pokemon Center for a quick healing, In this way, Nidoran♂ fought all his battles in an optimal state and without realizing it, he leveled up and learned a new attack.

Happy with the rapid progress of my Pokemon I decided to set goals for myself, first of all I have to raise some money to buy a better Bag and items for my travels, they may be underrated but good camping equipment is essential for any Trainer as well as kitchen items and ingredients for meals outside the cities.

I decided that the best way to make money would be to make the requests that were in the Pokemon Center, there were searches for Pokemon that were located near the city and now that Nidoran♂ has more experience in battle as long as I don't get too far away we should be safe.

With that newfound conviction, I headed to the orphanage to take a break from all the battles I had today, with the idea of going to the Pokemon Center bulletin board tomorrow excited by the prospect of making more money and making my partner stronger.

 Trainer License

Trainer: Maxwell Jones

Hometown: Pewter City

Sponsorship: None

Money: $3,500 Pokedolar

Badges: None


5 Potions – POCKET FULL

3 Rage Candy Bar

10 Pokéballs

1 Super Ball

1 Escape Rope

-15 Spaces Available-



Gender: Male

Level: 8

Movements: Leer, Peck, Focus Energy.