Chereads / Pokemon Champion Chronicles / Chapter 6 - Chapter 6: Legend

Chapter 6 - Chapter 6: Legend

It didn't take long for the laughter to turn into a grimace of surprise when a wild Ekans sprang out of the bushes in such a swift movement that neither Pidgey nor I could react and swallowed my new friend in one bite.


It's funny how in a single day, Pidgey, the most common Pokemon in the franchise, the one we all defeated when we started our adventure, was the Pokemon to open my eyes twice to this new reality.


It may have only been a few seconds, but for me it was like hours, seeing the Ekans swallowing my friend without me being able to do anything was an experience that I could not wish even on my worst enemy, the Ekans without taking much importance to my presence seemed focused on finishing swallowing the now deceased Pidgey, that for the consolation of the poor little bird it seems that he did not feel pain, I would like to think that Ekans' bite was fatal and because of Pidgey's speed and lack of resistance his death was immediate.

With a lot of shame for not even trying to hit that Pokemon that took the life of such an innocent soul as Pidgey's, I was only able to run as fast as I could back to Pewter City, although anger invaded me I can say that my sense of survival was stronger, there's nothing I could do for Pidgey if I let Ekans decide that little Pidgey wasn't enough food and notice me.

Without realizing it after running for a few minutes I was already at the entrance of Pewter City, inside me I felt a sea of emotions, I was upset with myself for being stupid enough to leave the city even when I was warned not to do it so effusively, I was sad for little Pidgey who made the mistake of crossing my path and somehow I felt empty Inside, I think a part of me felt resigned, as if deep down I knew that sooner or later something like this had to happen to me so that I could understand once and for all that things here are not a game.

The idea of treating this world like the previous one was engraved in my mind, with great caution, although there are beings as wonderful and intelligent as Pokemon, they are very similar to humans, each one is a different world, Pidgey was innocent and very animated, the Ekans who killed him was wild and only focused on getting his food, Gengar was malicious and seemed to enjoy taunting his opponent and Nidorino seemed like a warrior only focused on victory without even stopping to gloat after getting it.

With these thoughts and with the day coming to an end I decided to return to the orphanage and rest, the way back was heavy and quite lonely, but in the end I arrived without any setback, I decided to skip dinner and go straight to my room avoiding Mother Clarisse and the other orphans who looked at me with suspicion surprised that they were not victims of my apparent jokes today.

Already in my room, lying on my bed, tears were rolling down my cheeks, I didn't allow myself to cry until I was alone, the images of little Pidgey being devoured tormented me, but I can't let them stop me.

 I decided that the best thing to do was to focus my thoughts on something else, so instead of planning my week-long itinerary before I got my license with time-killing activities I came to the decision to take advantage of it and learn something that might be useful.

I came to the conclusion that the best thing to do would be to spend some time at the Pokemon center, maybe I can convince the person in charge that I taught me the correct way to apply potions and some first aid, what happened with Pidgey was a wake-up call, maybe there was nothing I could do, but what if the situation was different? What if, instead of instant death, he had just been injured? Even if by a miracle Ekans had given up his attack, couldn't help him, and died worse, there's no guarantee that he would have made it to the Pokémon Center in time to be cured.

 Without realizing it, I fell asleep imagining different scenarios where things could have been different.


The next morning things weren't much better, I woke up much earlier than usual with a headache that tormented me, there's something about crying too much before falling asleep that sometimes makes this happen, I don't remember when was the last time it happened to me, maybe when I was a child.

With that little reflection I got out of bed and tried to shake off the tiredness a little with a growth spurt before going to the bathroom of the orphanage, it seems that this place is quite well equipped I have to say, the communal bathroom is quite large and the showers are closed so it is not very difficult to have some privacy as long as one enters at the right times.

After cooling off I walked a bit through the corridors to get to the dining room, I didn't take much importance yesterday because of the excitement of seeing a few Pokemon, but this place is quite impressive, it is one of the few big buildings that you can see in the city, although they don't have the budget to offer anything more than a few changes of clothes and a few private furniture to the orphans, The facilities greatly improve life in this place, after all in any other orphanage in my old world I would have had to share my room with three or four other orphans which as an adult accustomed to having their space would have made my stay in this place too uncomfortable.

Shortly after walking through the corridors I arrived at the orphanage's dining room, a fairly large area that reminds me of a school cafeteria where you can see several tables and in the background behind a glass bar you can see a kitchen with a couple of girls in their 20s hurrying to fill the bar with breakfast ready for the local children.

With a slow walk I approached the bar and took a tray that had a good amount of Pancakes with some honey and a glass with orange juice, to which the kitchen managers only responded by looking at me strangely as if they expected me to do something, but then they calmed down when they saw me walking away to take a table and eat with some reluctance.

While I was having breakfast with a somewhat lost look I heard how the other children began to enter, in the Saint Christopher orphanage there were approximately 40 children ranging from 4 years old to 10 years old since most of them started their journey at that age, from there there were only a few exceptions being children of approximately 12 years old who decided to postpone their trip or wait a little longer before they left. Luckily for him, the orphanage was quite understanding and there were never any records of anyone being kicked out on their own.

When everyone was inside the dining room I could see Mother Clarisse coming in, looking around looking for something until her eyes were fixed on me and her expression lit up as she approached and took a seat at my table

- Eating alone again Max? Even if it won't be long before you leave the nest you should try to make some friends.- she said as he put his hands on his chin and leaned on the table with a smile as she watched me eat, to which I replied with a tired smile and refuted: - I think it's better to spend my time on other things, Besides, I don't need many friends as long as I have you, do I? - Mother Clarisse squealed with joy and hugged me tightly happy at my words

-Oh Max! You do know how to gladden a Mother's heart. - he said while smiling with a playful tone that only stopped after seeing the dark circles under my face. - Did something happen? You look very tired, tell me, did you have trouble sleeping? - she said quickly as she grabbed my face and analyzed it carefully.

Not wanting to remember what happened, I replied somewhat absentmindedly: It's okay, it's just that yesterday I got distracted studying about Pokemon and I slept late. - I lied with some guilt and then looked around and asked: How is it that such a small city has such a large orphanage?, I also wondered how is it that this place is so well equipped to be a public institution? - I asked curiously, hoping that Mother Clarisse would not notice my attempt to suddenly change the subject.

Biting the bait completely, Mother Clarisse put on a nostalgic face and answered: -This place grew a lot about fifteen years ago, you must have seen it before, it was not even an eighth of how big it is now,-she said, looking into the void as if she remembered something, and then put on a serious face and answered: -It's all thanks to Jonathan Jones, the former champion, fifteen years ago when he beat Samuel Oak and was crowned champion, one of his first works was to remodel this place, he had a lot of esteem for the orphanage because he grew up here, after his death the orphanage is sustained by the support of the league and the contributions of the former children of this place-.

I was surprised to hear again that name that didn't appear in the anime or in the video games: - So this guy Jones was an orphan and still managed to become Champion, it's very impressive, but I'm glad that someone set the precedent for when I'm champion.- I said with a smile, Mother Clarisse changed her countenance and looked at me sweetly:- In fact, you look a bit like him, that's why I think you can achieve your goal and for your sake I hope you do it in the time you promised me because I don't like people who don't keep their promises.- she said adding the last with a playful tone.

I opened my eyes and asked, "So you met him?" From the way you talked it looks like you grew up here too, tell me was it really that impressive? - As if it was now her turn to evade answers, Mother Clarisse only commented:- If he was quite impressive, he is considered by many to be the last true champion of Kanto-Johto since he died undefeated and Lance really could not face him, although if I can be honest with you I can tell you for sure that even if they had fought I don't think Lance would have won, It was so good that a lot of Trainers who are stuck in the challenge of the league come to Pewter City for inspiration before continuing to challenge gyms.

Remembering Patrick I was able to believe Mother Clarisse's words and I couldn't help but ask her: "It seems that he was a legend, but I don't understand what kind of accident can kill a Trainer with a team at the championship level, tell me, how did he die?" -

Mother Clarisse just got up from the table and said to me in a calm tone: - I think there were already a lot of questions for this morning Max, look, most of the children have already finished breakfast and you are wasting a few hours of sunshine, why don't you better play a little outside? - .

Noticing her little intention of not continuing to talk and remembering my plans for this day, I said goodbye to Mother Clarisse with a hug and quickly left the orphanage to head to the Pokémon Center.

Feeling a little more animated after the talk with Mother Clarisse it didn't take long to reach the building with a red roof so characteristic that it was impossible not to recognize, approaching the entrance the doors opened automatically and I was able to examine the place carefully, it was quite impressive, in front of the entrance you could see the reception where if you looked carefully you saw that behind it there was a door where I suppose that the real work was happening, there were several tables in the reception where many trainers could be seen talking quietly, in the background I could see the famous PC, which was really a flat screen connected to a keyboard and a Pokeball transporter device, near there you could also see a huge bulletin board where trainers could paste and take search requests for Pokemons, To request items or even offer their Pokémon for trade, on the sides of the center were spiral staircases that I assumed led to the rooms available for the trainers.

After trying to memorize the layout of the Pokémon Center, I approached the reception, which was a large bar where behind it stood a young woman with pink hair and a professional smile who soon noticed me and politely said: Welcome to the Pokémon Center, where we will heal your Pokémon back to full health. Would you like me to take your Pokémon? - instead of being stunned by the iconic phrase I was amazed by the beauty of the Nurse Joy, really this woman could easily be a supermodel in my old world, every detail of her face and figure fell into the definition of perfection, that not to mention her presence that exuded professionalism and elegance, made me realize why Brock was so insistent in anime, Actually, she could now sympathize with him.

With some nervousness and stuttering a bit about what I assume are a child's hormones I replied: - E- excuse me, I'm not really a Trainer yet, my name is Maxwell and soon I'll start my journey so I wanted to see if you have vacancies for interns, I promise I won't get in the way!, it will only be for a week and I just want to learn a little bit of what is done here.- I said the last part lifting a little the voice, which Nurse Joy found amusing because she laughed, covering her mouth delicately, and answered me; Of course! We always need a little extra help, I wish all the new Trainers would do the same, that would make my job a lot easier. - she said as he offered me his hand as a greeting. - It will be a pleasure to work with you Max! -

Happy at how easy it was to get his approval to learn here, I wiped some sweat from my hand before reaching out to take his when suddenly someone was heard running in the doorway.

When I looked around, I saw how a Young Trainer came in, she looked like a novice, no older than eleven, she had brown hair a little lighter than mine and she was wearing an outfit that would look very fashionable if it weren't for the fact that she looked somewhat tattered and worn as if she had been singed.

What caught my attention is that with his hands he was clinging to a large egg with some orange patterns that I immediately recognized as a Pokemon egg.

The Trainer with what little strength she had looked directly at the Nurse Joy and said with a pleading look, -Please help my Pokémon! - before fainting right in the middle of the entrance to the Pokemon Center.