Chereads / Shadow Lord Returns / Chapter 4 - Slaves cave

Chapter 4 - Slaves cave

Reflecting on his childhood fascination with humans, Zephyr pondered the tales he'd heard about this peculiar race since he was young. He had explored their traits, learning that what repelled him most were their perceived weaknesses—corruption and deceitfulness. Now, faced with his own transformation into one of them, panic gripped him.

"The features, the physique... everything," Zephyr muttered urgently, hurrying toward a small pool of water in the cave. The warmth in his veins, the steady beat of his heart, and the vibrant vitality of his skin all confirmed his newfound humanity. It shattered his preconceptions.

"No, no! This can't be happening," Zephyr exclaimed, a mix of anger and disbelief in his voice. He had imagined inhabiting the body of another vampire or a powerful being, not being trapped as a mere human. It felt like a cruel twist of fate, perhaps punishment for his past actions as the Shadow Lord.

"Quiet down, you son of a bitch. Do you want to get us all killed, or at least most of us?" admonished a voice, calm yet tinged with warning. Startled, Zephyr spun around to confront the speaker, realizing he wasn't alone in this unfamiliar place. With newfound vulnerability in his human form, caution became instinctual.

Turning, Zephyr was met with surprise rather than fear. Five individuals sat behind him, their eyes void of life as they huddled in the corner of the cavern.

The cave, about six meters long, featured cracked walls allowing faint moonlight to filter through, enough to illuminate the figures. Zephyr's shock at discovering his human form had consumed his senses, preventing him from noticing them earlier.

A crucial detail caught Zephyr's eye: steel bars at the cavern entrance, turning it from a mere cave into a prison. Unraveling the mystery of his confinement alongside these humans became his immediate priority.

"What's happening?" Zephyr wondered silently, his eyes darting between the four living individuals before him. Another figure lay motionless in a corner, their desiccated appearance indicating they had long succumbed to death. Despite the unsettling sight, Zephyr maintained his composure, his face revealing no hint of unease, a testament to his experiences on battlefields and as a vampire.

Turning his attention back to the remaining four, Zephyr observed their peculiar behavior with a mix of curiosity and apprehension.

The man with disheveled brown hair showed signs of exhaustion, evident in the deep bags under his eyes, hinting at prolonged periods without sleep. Similar signs of weariness marked the others in the group, including Zephyr himself. Their ragged attire, faded with time, spoke volumes about their dire circumstances.

As Zephyr surveyed the scene, a grim realization dawned upon him.

"Where am I?" he questioned inwardly. The grim conditions and shared appearance with the others left little doubt—they were slaves, trapped in a cycle of servitude and suffering.

"You're in hell, of course. I thought you were dead like the man over there. You've been motionless for hours since you fell and hit your head on a rock," remarked the man with brown hair, his expression devoid of emotion, as if such occurrences were routine in their dismal existence.

"Fell? Hit my head? What is this madman talking about?" Zephyr muttered incredulously, his confusion quickly overtaken by a sudden, searing pain in his head. The agony struck him like a lightning bolt, intensifying with each passing moment. Veins throbbed beneath his skin, threatening to burst from the pressure.

"Ahh!" Zephyr cried out in torment, the sensation threatening to overwhelm him. Despite the agony, he fought against the urge to succumb to despair, drawing upon his resilience to endure.

"Quiet down! I can see you're in pain right now, but the suffering you're experiencing pales in comparison to what awaits you in their hands," the man interjected, a hint of fear flickering in his eyes. Yet, Zephyr's focus remained fixed on the relentless torment gnawing at his senses.

"You... bastard. I'm on the brink of agony, and you're concerned about the noise?" Zephyr retorted through gritted teeth, his voice strained with anguish. Though consumed by pain, he couldn't shake the suspicion that the man's fear held a deeper significance, hinting at the horrors that had led to their imprisonment.

"Well, I don't care. I just want to survive a little longer before dying in peace," the man declared with a resigned air, closing his eyes briefly before reopening them with a steely resolve. "I have to survive at any cost."

Zephyr attempted to respond, but the pain surged anew, threatening to overwhelm him. Despite the excruciating torment wracking his body, Zephyr's indomitable willpower, honed through years of vampiric strength and now as a human, allowed him to endure. An ordinary human would have succumbed to unconsciousness or worse, but Zephyr's mental fortitude remained steadfast against the onslaught of agony.

As the pain intensified and Zephyr struggled to stifle his screams, primarily due to his ego's aversion to weakness even in human form rather than the man's warnings about "they," he cared less.

Gradually, unfamiliar memories began to flood his mind—recollections he had never lived through. Zephyr concluded that these were the memories of the individual who previously inhabited the body he now possessed.

The former owner's narrative surprisingly mirrored Zephyr's own story. His parents were slain in a conflict involving entities Zephyr struggled to envision clearly, the memories somewhat blurred due to the owner's youth. Equally surprising was the fact that the former owner bore a name strikingly similar to Zephyr's: Zeph.

Zeph's circumstances were dire; he fought for survival in a world besieged by the enigmatic beings, whose arrival on Earth occurred a few years prior. Now, they waged war against humanity, and it was these very beings who had captured Zeph, condemning him to slavery within this prison.

Unlike Zephyr, who had the fortune of being taken in by the king, Zeph had no one. Trapped for six agonizing months without adequate sustenance, he languished in his cell, deprived of proper nourishment.

"So, there are more slaves here?" Zephyr pondered, observing the hundreds of captives. "These beings have been remarkably industrious. I would have desired to learn more about them, but Zeph's recollections are too fragmented to decipher. Either he was too frightened to confront them directly, or he chose to expunge them from his mind," Zephyr mused, the earlier wave of pain subsiding as images of Zeph's ordeal played out in his mind.

After enduring six months of scant nutrition, Zeph resolved to rise and formulate an escape plan from this dismal place. Unfortunately, as he stood, he slipped on a patch of water on the floor, his head colliding with a rock, plunging him into darkness—a fate Zephyr presumed to be Zeph's demise. The other captives, indifferent, merely observed. Hours passed without movement, and they concluded he had perished—indeed, he had. Yet, when Zephyr inhabited his body, their indifference persisted, albeit tinged with surprise at his revival.

For six months, silence enveloped the cave, gnawing at Zeph's sanity. However, with the fatal blow to his head, his torment ended.

As Zephyr absorbed Zeph's memories, the familiar ache gradually subsided.

"There's something I must verify," Zephyr mused, dragging himself to a puddle reflecting his visage. Despite the need to acclimate to his new vessel, it still felt feeble, perhaps due to starvation or the recent demise of its former inhabitant.

"I don't see any signs of injury on my head," he noted, puzzled by the absence of the wound he recalled from Zeph's demise.

Examining his reflection, Zephyr recognized the familiar, albeit worn, countenance of his vampire self.

"My face may be marred, but it endures," Zephyr mused, resigned yet relieved as he surveyed his altered appearance.

Zephyr then turned to face the brown-haired man. "There are questions I have that you must answer," he asserted.


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