Chereads / Shadow Lord Returns / Chapter 27 - Vampire gene

Chapter 27 - Vampire gene

Zephyr was too exhausted to even glance at the notification that popped up before him. It took him about three hours to muster enough strength just to lift himself off the ground. When he finally did, the notification caught his eye.

'Oh, my. I've become a vampire again,' Zephyr thought with a surge of excitement. He hadn't anticipated this transformation. Anyone observing Zephyr would be taken aback by his altered appearance. His hair had returned to the short, jet-black style characteristic of his vampire days. His eyes were a deep brown, and his skin, slightly parched, wasn't noticeably different at first glance. His eyes seemed a bit sunken from exhaustion, but aside from that, Zephyr retained more human features than vampiric ones.

'The system mentioned something about acquiring a vampire gene, which suggests a fusion of my human genes with vampire DNA, resulting in a sort of human-vampire hybrid. That's why I appear more human than vampire,' Zephyr mused. What intrigued him further were the new skills he had gained.

[Compulsion Lv1]: This skill grants you the power to manipulate the human mind to a certain extent, placing them under your influence.

[Blood Aura Control]: This ability allows you to wield the very essence of blood at will. It can be used defensively or offensively. To enhance your aura, you must absorb blood.

[Flash Step Lv1]: This skill gives you a burst of speed for a brief moment. Cooldown time: 2 minutes.

Zephyr stood at a crossroads, the weight of choice heavy upon him. Three paths lay before him, each promising its own brand of power.

'I must choose wisely,' Zephyr mused, his feet firmly planted on the ground. 'The skill I select must serve me well in battle. I have the Inspect skill, which, while not offensive or defensive, could reveal an opponent's strength.'

'Then there's the Shadow Enhance skill, versatile in offense and defense depending on its application. Yet, I lack a truly destructive offensive skill, the kind that can wreak havoc, which is what I really crave.'

Among his options, Zephyr was acquainted with Blood Aura Control and Compulsion. Flash Step was intriguing, but it felt familiar. Eager to embrace change in his new life, Zephyr decided to venture into something he knows.

[Blood Aura Control unlocked]

Zephyr's choice was driven by familiarity; he understood how Blood Aura Control functioned. His life was now a quest for vengeance, and he needed all the power he could amass to defeat the supernatural kings. Once, as the Shadow Lord, he might have found this easy, but death had weakened him.

'With the vampire gene now a part of me, my strength will only grow,' Zephyr contemplated. Activating Blood Aura Control, he felt the essence of blood coalesce around him, bending to his will like an extension of his own body.

With the vampire gene now coursing through his veins, Zephyr felt a surge of potential. Activating his Blood Aura Control, he watched as the essence of blood began to swirl around him, responding to his command like an additional limb.

'The aura is faint, and I'm too weak to fully harness it,' Zephyr acknowledged. Just then, a passerby doubled back upon seeing the alleyway scene.

"Oh, my god. What happened?" the man exclaimed in shock, rushing over to Zephyr. Noticing the blood scattered across the ground and Zephyr's pallid complexion from blood loss, he instinctively moved to help.

"Come on, bro, let's get you to the hospital," the man urged, attempting to lift Zephyr. Approaching a newly transformed vampire in need of blood was a dangerous mistake. As the man hoisted him up, a sinister smile crept across Zephyr's face.

Zephyr's fangs extended by two inches, and with a swift motion, he bit down hard. The man's blood began to drain, his eyes wide with shock, unable to scream or resist due to Zephyr's overpowering strength. Lost in the rich flavor, Zephyr continued until the man turned as pale as death.

"Ah, it's been ages since I've savored blood," Zephyr murmured, discarding the lifeless body. Rejuvenated by the feast, his once-pale skin now radiated health. He rose, looking better than ever. "Your sacrifice has revived me," he declared emotionlessly, leaving the alley without a backward glance, careful to remain unseen.

Zephyr entered the room quietly and shut the door.

"Bro, where have you been?" Jack's voice cut through the silence, causing Zephyr to let out a weary sigh.

Browny was lounging on his bed, and Jack was getting ready for the night. "How was combat class?" Browny inquired, eyeing Zephyr curiously. "We heard some rumors about you."

"Rumors?" Zephyr's voice held a note of surprise. Could it be about the body? No, that was just an hour ago.

"Yeah, man. Rumors that you nearly took some girl's head off," Jack chimed in. "What did she do to you?"

Zephyr lay back on his bed, feeling the dullness of his vampire emotions. "She deserved it," he replied flatly.

While Browny seemed unfazed, Jack looked taken aback by Zephyr's indifference. It was as if the idea of killing didn't even register as something significant.


The night was dark, and all the students were confined to their rooms. Meanwhile, guards patrolled the academy grounds, vigilant for any students breaking curfew or emergencies that might arise.

One burly member of the patrol team grumbled, "Another night on patrol. I hope none of those troublemakers are out past curfew. I despise this job."

His leaner companion chided him, "Quit your complaining. It's either this or facing those creatures on the front lines." He then suggested, "Let's check this alley, and then we should be finished."

The muscular guard scoffed, "Really? It's just an alley." But he relented, "Fine, you go check."

With a nod, the skinny guard entered the alley. Moments later, his voice pierced the night, "Bro, come here, quick!"

"What's wrong?" the muscular guard asked as he entered the alley. His eyes widened in horror at the sight before him—blood was splattered everywhere, and a lifeless body lay on the ground. "Oh, God!"


The morning sun rose into the sky, bathing the horizon in a yellowish glow of beauty. All the students at the academy were awakened by the sun's rays, marking the start of the academy's second day. In just three more days, they would embark on missions that would elevate them to full-fledged champions of the academy and protectors of humanity.

In the main class building, towering over four stories high and spanning the width of a football field, there was a room set apart from the academy's classrooms. The door to this room was large, ornately designed, and shimmered like gems. In reality, it was crafted from supernatural crystals, rendering it nearly impervious to any damage or attacks from humans or supernatural beings.

However, there was a catch: if the attacker was a human or supernatural being of a higher level, the door's defenses could be breached. Inside the room, which resembled an office, there was a desk with a male figure seated comfortably in the chair.
