" Oh before I forget, put this bracelet on," Seraphina said with a stern tone. Seraphina pulled the bracelet from her storage ring and handed it to Arion to wear.
"Sure," Arion replied obediently, not daring to go against his mother. He already found out the hard way during his training when he tried slacking off. This was a new side of his mother he had never seen during the past five years she had truly taken it easy on him.
Taking the bracelet from Seraphina's outstretched hand. He slipped it onto his wrist, feeling the familiar sensation of his mana and aura being restricted. Despite the discomfort, he knew that the bracelet was necessary for their training exercises.
Arion was a bit nervous to fight the beast without his Mana and Aura, but he was ecstatic to at least earn some points along the way, and he was still able to use his Ki if he needed to.
With the bracelet securely in place, Arion followed Seraphina deeper into the forest, his senses alert for any sign of danger. He knew that they were entering territory inhabited by Tier 0 monsters by Arion was still cautious.
As they ventured further into the forest, Arion couldn't shake the feeling of excitement that coursed through him. Despite the dangers that lurked in the shadows, he felt alive and invigorated, ready to face whatever challenges lay ahead.
"Remember just because they are Tier 0, you shouldn't underestimate them," Seraphina reminded Arion. " They won't be as easy as last time without your Mana and Ki."
Arion nodded his head to his mother's words, his expression serious as he absorbed her warning. He knew that even the weakest magical beasts could pose a significant threat if he let his guard down. With his mana and ki restricted by the bracelet, he would need to rely on his physical abilities and combat skills to survive.
Arion snapped his head in a certain direction, his Ki sense had picked a humanoid figure heading towards him at an extremely fast pace. His heart rate quickened as he braced himself for the imminent confrontation, his instincts sharpening as he prepared to defend against the approaching threat.
Arion decided not to unsheath his shortsword, even though his parents had trained him to use pretty much all basic weapons. he still preferred to use his fist, unless the situation called for it.
The figure burst into view, revealing a monstrous creature with sharp claws and glowing eyes, its feral growl echoing through the forest. Arion's muscles tensed as he prepared to engage in combat, his mind racing with strategies to overcome the formidable opponent before him.
'This thing a lot bigger than a kobold'
"Arion be careful this thing is about to breakthrough to Tier 1," Seraphina warned him
The creature stood before Arion a few dozen feet away, Seraphina had left his side in order not to distract Arion or the creature he was gonna face.
The creature was a formidable sight to behold. Standing at over seven feet tall, it had a muscular, humanoid body covered in thick, fur-like hide that seemed to ripple with every movement. Its sharp claws gleamed in the dim light of the forest, ready to tear through anything in its path.
Its face was a grotesque combination of human and animal features, with a snarling muzzle filled with razor-sharp teeth and piercing, yellow eyes that glowed with an otherworldly intensity. Long, pointed ears twitched atop its head, attuned to the slightest sound of movement.
Despite its ferocious appearance, Arion remained undaunted, his eyes locked on the creature with unwavering focus.
The creature roared at the heavens and charged toward Arion at breakneck speed.
Arion stood his ground, his stance firm as he waited for the creature to come within striking distance. With lightning-fast reflexes, he sidestepped the creature's charge, narrowly avoiding its claws as they slashed through the air where he had been standing just moments before.
The entire body of the creature slammed into a tree. His Ki-infused fist made contact with the creature's left rib area.
The creature whimpered in pain as the force lifted its entire body weight and launched it toward the trees.
Arion was surprised by the power generated by his attacks, in just a week his physical abilities had transformed and his Ki had grown stronger in just a day.
The Creature roared with anger, the arrogant look in Arion's eyes had pissed it off.
The creature stood up from its position and charged toward Arion once again, Arion charged in as well infusing his legs with Ki
to enhance his speed and agility. As the creature closed in, Arion delivered a flurry of precise strikes, aiming for its vulnerable spots with calculated precision. Each blow landed with a resounding impact, driving the creature back with each strike.
Despite its size and strength, the creature struggled to keep up with Arion's lightning-fast movements. With each strike, Arion's confidence grew, growing too much.
The creature slashed at Arion, who was in a position unable to dodge, and took the slash right across his arm with a sharp, searing pain shooting through him as the creature's claws tore through his flesh. Arion gritted his teeth against the pain.
'Dammit, I grew to confident. This thing is still dangerous.' Arion thought wincing in pain
After being hit, Arion kicked the creature in his chest sending it back a few meters, and backing away to give him some time to assess the situation better.
' My mother was right I shouldn't underestimate this thing.' Arion realized. 'time to get serious.
Arion activated his Dash skill which didn't cause mana but stamina to keep activated, and charged at the beast again.
Arion's movement became a blur to the beast who lost track of the little human, who suddenly appeared by his side landing a powerful blow to its knee, causing it to bellow in pain as its leg buckled beneath the force of Arion's strike.
After being hit in its knee the creature had fallen on its back, and making the most out of his opportunity Arion landed a powerful blow to the creature's face.
The entire body of the creature was crushed onto the ground. Arion's fist was still resting on its head after descending, pinning its jaw to the ground
The creature grunted in pain as blood dripped down its face from the top of its head. It was feeling dizzy after the blow from Arion.
Arion continued to assault the poor creature's head into it was nothing but a pile of mush killing it.
Breathing heavily, Arion stood victorious over his fallen foe, his chest heaving with exertion as he surveyed the scene before him. Despite the toll the battle had taken on him, he felt a sense of pride and accomplishment swelling within him, knowing that he had emerged triumphant in the face of danger.
[Killed Tier 0 Beast +1 points]
And with that notification, Arion knew the beast had died, even though he suspected as much the damn thing's head was a pile of mush.
The creature lay sprawled on the forest floor, its massive form now eerily still and lifeless. Its once imposing figure was now reduced to a mangled heap, battered and broken from Arion's relentless assault.
The creature's thick, fur-covered hide was stained with blood, evidence of the brutal battle that had taken place. Its limbs lay twisted at unnatural angles, the bones shattered and broken from the force of Arion's strikes. Tufts of fur were matted with gore, and its once fearsome claws now hung limp and useless at its sides.
The creature's head bore the brunt of Arion's final onslaught, its skull crushed inwards by the force of his blows. Its eyes, once filled with malice and rage, now stared blankly ahead, devoid of life or vitality. A pool of blood seeped from the gaping wound in its skull, staining the forest floor crimson with its lifeblood.
As Arion stood over the creature's lifeless form, a sense of solemnity washed over him. Despite the danger it had posed, he couldn't help but feel a twinge of sympathy for the fallen beast. In death, it was no longer a fearsome predator, but simply a victim of the harsh and unforgiving world in which they lived.
Turning away from the creature's lifeless body, Arion took a moment to catch his breath and collect his thoughts.
Arion cautiously examined the wound on his arm, his brow furrowed in concern as he assessed the extent of the damage. The slash from the creature's claws had left a deep gash, the skin was torn and ragged from the force of the blow. Blood welled from the wound, trickling down his arm in a steady stream.
Grimacing slightly, Arion pressed his fingers against the edges of the wound, testing its depth and assessing the severity of the injury. A sharp pang of pain shot through him as he prodded the tender flesh, causing him to wince involuntarily.
'Where is my mother to heal my booboos' Arion thought looking around to spot his mother who was nowhere to be found.
Seraphina who was floating in the clouds, had the biggest smile on her face watching her son come out of the fight victorious.
'I guess the apple doesn't fall too far from the tree'
Lost in her thoughts, Seraphina absentmindedly placed a hand on her belly, feeling a flutter of movement from within. A soft smile tugged at her lips as she imagined the possibilities that lay in store for her child.
"I wonder," she mused aloud, her voice carrying on the breeze, "if these two will be just like me or their father." Her gaze drifted to the horizon, a sense of anticipation tingling in her veins as she pondered the future that awaited her family.
" Fuck I'm definitely getting a regeneration skill in the future after this," Arion said in annoyance, still picking at his wounds.
Determined to tend to his injuries, Arion made his way over to his bag, rummaging through its contents in search of a healing potion. His fingers fumbled with the various vials and pouches until finally, he located what he was looking for—a small vial filled with a shimmering blue liquid.
With practiced ease, Arion uncorked the vial and raised it to his lips, downing its contents in one swift motion. The cool, soothing liquid flowed down his throat, bringing with it a wave of relief as it began to work its healing magic on his wounds.
As the potion took effect, Arion could feel the pain in his arm gradually subsiding, replaced by a tingling sensation as his flesh began to knit itself back together. It was a strange yet comforting feeling, knowing that his injuries were being swiftly healed by the potion's potent magic.
Once the healing process was complete, Arion inspected his arm with a critical eye, noting with satisfaction that the wound had already begun to close.
A smile appeared on Arion's face as he sensed more creatures coming towards him.
' seems like the party isn't over'