Chereads / Ethyra / Chapter 8 - Runestone

Chapter 8 - Runestone

The Chosens they glanced at the miner, who was smiling widely. Some of the Chosens (Colin and Camille) have started eating already. "Alright," Edward cleared his throat, "so what brings you here at this hour..miner?" he guessed.


The 'miner' snorted, "Ha! Wait, you thought I was a miner?" They all nodded and murmured in agreement, "Well you are wearing protective gear and you have gems attached to your belt." He pointed at her waist which wore a sturdy and relatively large belt, with equip with a small hammer, a gleamglobe, and gems of various colors sparkling in the light.


"Pretty.." Camille gushed with her mouth full.


"That is correct, my friend!" She took out a ruby from her belts, "And this could be yours, if you accept my request." "Oh great another one.." Viviana groaned.


Edward stifled a nervous laugh, "I'm so sorry miss, but I'm afraid we're all kind of worn out for requests. Plus it's not like any of us wants—""I want it." Katheryn cut in, the others glanced at her, but she just shrugged, "What? I like pretty things." "Actually," Jax chimed in, "I would like to collect one myself." "Me too!" Camille grinned, "I like pretty things too~"Edward sighed as pitched the bridge of his nose, "Seriously.." The woman chuckled, "Oh but these aren't any old gems made to look pretty, these are actually enchanted, magic if you'd call it."


At that Viviana perked up, the woman continued, "You see I'm a Runescriber."


"Soo.." Colin crossed his arms, "you, like, scribe magic runes or something?"

"Yes, well, that's part of it." She started, "As a Runescriber, I craft and inscribe magical runes onto various objects, imbuing them with unique properties and enchantments.


Some Chosens's eyes lit up with intrigue. "So, you mean to say you can enchant these gems to do… what exactly?"


The Runescriber smiled, "Ah, why, the possibilities are endless!" she giggled, "With the right runes, these gems can grant you enhanced strength, protection from harm, or even the ability to manipulate elements."


Edward raised an eyebrow skeptically. "And what's the catch?" he interjected.



The Runescriber's smile widened, "Ah, yes, unfortunately, my work extends beyond mere inscription; I also require certain materials, such as runestones, to fuel the enchantments."


"Oh," Viviana understood, "and you want us to go get them for you?"


That question drew puzzled looks from the Chosens, prompting Katheryn to voice their collective question, "Why us? Why couldn't it be you or any other people like the guards or adventurers?"


The woman smiled wryly"Ah, well, you see, I am the only miner and Runescriber in these parts. The townspeople are too scared and wary to venture into the mines, let alone assist in gathering the necessary materials. But I thought, perhaps a group of capable individuals who have aided others before might not mind lending a helping hand once more?"


Before anyone could respond, Colin interjected, "The last time we helped someone, one of us got killed."


The room fell into a heavy silence, the weight of Colin's words hanging in the air. Sensing their hesitation, the Runescriber spoke up, "I understand your concerns, but rest assured, I can offer you protection. I've been through the mines all the time and it's relatively safe.""Relatively?"


"If," She said, "you continued on the right past."


They were about to refuse her but then she spoke all too quick, "Please, consider this, I'll give you the finest armory you can think of, enchantment and all. A built-in defense that could protect you from anything, even from a certain organization?" At that the room chilled, the memories of that night sent shuddered through the Chosens, "So you know—""They don't exactly make it private, my friends." She scanned their expression, stiffened postures, furrowed brows, nails digging into their skins, they were afraid, "So I suppose you may keep onto Lady Seraphina's protection, and pray to Aeloria, that no incidents happen."

But before anyone could respond, the Runescriber stood up, ready to leave.


Edward's chest tighten as she moved a step away, "Wait."


[ Obtain 100 Runestones ]

[ Reward: 20 Ethyriums and Armor for each person ]

[ Accept or Deny?]


"So let me get this straight.." Colin said as he geared up his hard hat and turned on its light, "We were just having breakfast, all fun and dandy and now we're here." He spread his arms wide, showcasing their surroundings: a vast underground entrance to a cave, where the earth opened up like a yawning chasm, its jagged mouth leading into the bowels of darkness. The air was cool and damp, carrying the scent of moss and earth, a stark contrast to the warm sunlight they had left behind. Stalactites hung from the ceiling like ancient stone icicles, and the ground was a mix of rough, uneven rock and scattered pebbles, "Searching for..what is it called again? A runestone? What even is that?"


"Ms Sylva said that it could be any old gems and crystal," Viviana answered, "but what makes it different is that it has some sort of symbol on it."


"Oh cool I also heard that there are going to be monsters there." Colin retorted.


Edward equipped his tool belt, "At least we're not doing this for free." He muttered, "Also she promised our safety, and makeshift armory per our requests."


As the trio exchanged words, the sound of footsteps approached, echoing through the vast cavern entrance. Sylva, the runescriber, came into view, carrying an assortment of armory pieces. She laid out the gear before them: simple leather and chainmail armor, functional yet far from the elaborate equipment they might have envisioned.


"What is this?" Colin asked, holding up a piece of the armor, "This isn't exactly the kind of protection we had in mind, no offense."


Sylva met their gazes, she laughed as if she was amused, "None taken, these are the armory that was found in the mines, they're not worth much but it will suffice for protection and you know, just in case."


"Excuse me," Lilith spoke up, "I thought they're would be no danger." "Yeah and when will we get the armor you promised?" Katheryn impatiently said.


"Once you have completed your quests and proven your worth, you will be granted the special armor you seek. Believe me, there will be little danger to no danger if you follow my lead, call it as precaution and protocol." She then gestured to the other side of the room which hung and displayed various types of weapons, "Choose.""Uh, what?" Lilith stammered, "A weapon..but how..I don't think.." "Again, protocol, you never what might happen, and who knows once we're done, you could keep the weapon too."


There was a long pause among the Chosens before someone yelled, "I called dibs on the pointy star handle!" Camille to the weaponry.


"That's a morningstar," Jax observed, "and shouldn't that be a little heavy?"


Camille lifts the weapon with hardly any trouble and then swings the end of the weapon in a circle causing the others to jump back, "You..hey! Stop swinging it around near us!" "Oops," She lowered the weapon, "sorry, but it's so fun and it really light too!"

"What?" The group raised an eyebrow, Colin walked to one greatsword, gripped the handle and then hoisted it up, "Woah!"The others' eyes widened and some exclaimed,

"Am I that strong?" Colin looked down at his thin noodle arms.


"Pff.." Ms Sylva stifled a laugh, "New Chosens are always so..oblivious." "Huh, what does that mean?" Colin questioned.

Sylva sighed, "Chosens are not only gifted with unique abilities they are also possessed enhanced strength, swiftness, agility you name it."

"Oh," Viviana then muttered, "I guess that's partially the reason you came for us."

"Man that's so cool!" Jamie turned to Edward, "Quick let me carry you like a sack of potato."

"Not a chance," He said quickly, "Alright let's see what we have here."

The group scattered to different sorts of weapons, some with mild interest, Camille and Colin seemed dead set on their first choice. Viviana glanced left and right to display the weapon, it really shouldn't have mattered if our protection was guaranteed. She held up a shield and observed how it felt in her grip, it was light despite being made up of irons and as she studied it, she noticed small gems intricately embedded into the design, shimmering softly in the dim light of the cave."So that's what you're picking Vee?" A familiar male voice asked, she grimaced as she heard it.

She glanced at Theodore before she nodded, "It suffices what I need it to do." She lowered her gaze and saw what he was holding, "And I guess that's what you're going to use?"He looked down at the dagger, "Just in case, you know creatures and whatnot."Viviana nodded again, her expression as hollow as an empty pit.


"So, do you wanna talk about where you went last night? When you didn't come back to the temple I think it almost made Lilith cry." "Haha.." She replied, "I can imagine."

He frowned, "No I'm serious, when you disappeared everyone thought the Umbric Circle got you.""Yeah well I'm here now, aren't I?" She retorted, "I don't need nor want of your fake concern."


"Fake?" He stepped forward, his figure almost shadowing her, "Exactly what part of showing worry for a person who may as well die in the night?""Really? And when I did go missing, did any of you start searching for me? Or did you write me off as dead immediately and go about your day?"


"We.." Theodore paused, "..we were going to search when it's not night."


Viviana scoffed, "Please, only Camille and Lilith were the only ones searching for me and I had suspected that only a few days would it for them to call in quit, and forget about me."


Theodore's lips parted as if he wanted to say something, but he found himself at a loss for words. His shoulders slumped slightly


Sylva's voice echoed through the cavern, breaking the tense silence that had settled between them.


"Alright, everyone," she called out, "It's time to begin our journey into the mines. Please gather your chosen weapons and armor, and follow me."


With a nod from Sylva, the group fell into formation behind her, their footsteps echoing against the cavern walls as they made their way deeper into the darkness. As they walked, Viviana couldn't shake the feeling of Theodore's gaze on her back, but she ignored it and continued.


As they ventured deeper into the cavern, the air grew cooler and the darkness more oppressive. Viviana's senses heightened as she scanned the surroundings,


After what felt like hours of walking through narrow passageways, they finally emerged into a cavern bathed in a soft, ethereal glow. Viviana's breath caught in her throat as she took in the sight before her. The cavern was filled with a multitude of crystals and gems, their surfaces shimmering and sparkling in the dim light.


The Chosens gawked and awed at the spectacle before them, their eyes wide with wonder. Katheryn was the first to speak up, "We should gather these crystals up! They're so beautiful, and who knows what kind of magic they hold."


But before anyone could act, Sylva held up a hand, "Wait," she said, "Those are not what we're here for. And also those shiny crystals aren't magical in the slightest, these are." She picked up a brownish rock with a strange symbol etched on it.


"That's just a rock," Katheryn remarked as she examined the stone.


Sylva shook her head, "Trust me Chosens I think I would know if one would be just a stone, but I mean what do I know, four years of mining and studying doesn't mean anything.""Sorry." Katheryn apologizes sheepishly.


"But still I think we got a jackpot." Colin said, "Even if we don't get the runestone we at least have gems to trade with."


Katheryn nodded in agreement as she carefully examined a cluster of shimmering crystals. "Colin's right. We could trade these for anything we want."


With renewed enthusiasm, the group set about collecting the gems, their hands deftly plucking the glittering treasures from the earth. Each gem seemed more beautiful than the last, and they couldn't help but feel a sense of exhilaration at their discovery.


However, as they gathered more and more gems, Edward noticed something unsettling. A small crack had formed in the rocky floor, widening ominously with each passing moment.


"Guys, we need to leave," Edward urged, "This place is not safe."


But Colin, Katheryn, Jax, and a few others brushed off his concerns, their eyes still fixed greedily on the gems.


"We're not leaving without these," Jax insisted, his voice firm.


Suddenly, the ground began to tremble violently beneath them, and Edward's heart sank as he watched the cracks in the floor widen into gaping chasms.


"We have to go now!" he shouted, grabbing hold of Colin's arm and pulling him away from the edge. "It's not worth risking our lives for a few gems!"


"But look at these gems!" Colin protested, struggling against Edward's grip. "With these, we don't have to work a day in our lives!"


"And you're okay with that?""Yes!"


Before Edward could respond, the ground gave way beneath them, and they were swallowed by darkness as they plummeted into the abyss below.




As Viviana slowly regained consciousness, her head throbbing with pain, she became aware of the darkness that surrounded her. Blinking groggily, she tried to orient herself, her senses still dulled from the fall.


"Ugh," she muttered, pushing herself up from the ground. Nearby, she could hear the sound of muffled sounds, the sound getting louder and louder until she could hear a full sentences.

"Goddamn it, this is just what I need right now, stupid Colin, does he have the brain of a goblin? And Katheryn too, that materialistic and simple-minded girl! Why did I even agree to this ridiculous request, why would anyone really? Is everyone so stupid enough to accept any requests from a dirty worker?" He tsked


Viviana fully awakened and looked up, her eyes widened in shock.


"Actually it's not just them, it's the most simple townspeople's fault, are they really so incompetent that they need a couple of strangers? I swear to—"


Theodore turned his head, his face pale as Viviana met eye to eye with him.

