Chapter 2 - Niako Style

I went a little too much at bedtime and ended up waking up the next day, but that's okay, a good rest is always important.

Searching a little, I found a wooden closet that had a uniform inside, this was the uniform of the Norva academy, which was white with gold lines and black shoes, although I am not yet an official student, I still have a chance to be one.

The academy sends the uniform anyway to show who the candidates are to the public, those who have this uniform receive various benefits such as free transportation, discounts and so on.

"Worthy of the best academy in the world."

I put on the uniform and it fit me perfectly, it looks like it was custom made. From what I know from the novel, this uniform has several add-ons, such as a self-repair process, a low-level protective barrier and temperature regulators.

Just as an example, if I could sell this uniform, I would make enough money to buy 4 mansions.

I took what little money I could find and left the apartment.

I was a bit lost since the novel didn't detail the cities and streets so much, so I had to use a map to find the train station I wanted,

While I was looking for the station many people were staring at me, I think because of the uniform I was wearing, but that's ok, I learned not to give importance to the people around me.

After about 1 hour of searching I was able to find the train I was looking for, when I got in the conductor didn't charge me anything which is very good because I don't have much money.

The people on the train also stared at me but I just ignored them and fell asleep on the seat, I have the special ability to sleep anywhere and anytime.

After only 1 hour we arrived at the destination, which is surprising because I needed to go to the south area of the city and from the map I had I knew I was in the north area, but I guess it's not that surprising for this world's form of transportation.


The trains do not move by rails, but fly on tracks adapted for that, and travel really fast but inside the train is not noticed by some kind of mana mechanism.

When I got off the train apart from the huge buildings, you could see a huge mountain that seemed to pierce the sky, that was my destination.



But first I must go eat something, yesterday that super soft bed seduced me with its comfort and I ended up sleeping all day.

I headed to a food stall and bought myself a kebab which cost me 50% of my income, but the owner was very kind and gave me a second kebab.

Thank you Mr. vendor, I will remember you forever'.

After the emotional farewell I walked straight to the mountain to find that sword technique.

It took me 2 hours to get to the place, it would have taken me less but some girls approached me to ask for a picture, that confused me a bit but I guess it's because of the uniform, it's from the best academy in the world after all.

Already at the base of the mountain I started to climb the steep path, I had to stop every 20 minutes because I was running out of air, after getting the sword art I should raise my stamina to at least D+.

I was climbing the mountain for about 5 hours, it's lucky I bought a water bottle that could carry 2 kilos of water but it weighs like a normal bottle.

It was starting to get dark but I was already close to my destination.

I arrived near a cliff that seemed to have no bottom, I looked at the black bottom for a moment and after some thought I jumped.

The air was hitting my face hard, preventing me from opening my eyes, my speed was increasing with every second and I couldn't breathe. But then I felt that I was starting to slow down and when I could see the floor about to hit me I stopped completely in mid-air.


My body stopped floating and I crashed to the ground, I rolled onto my back and recovered a little from the shock, even though I knew this was going to happen, it's one thing to know it and quite another to feel it.

"I will never throw myself off a cliff again."

After standing up with my legs still shaking, I looked at a cave in front of me and entered.

The cave had only one path and at the end of it I found a worn wooden box, when I opened it there was what looked like a worn book, when I touched it it began to glow and went straight into my head, after a headache that lasted a few seconds the contents of the book appeared clearly in my head.

This is a skill manual, it allows you to learn a skill or fighting style instantly, despite their appearance they are created purely from mana so it is very difficult to produce one.

This manual contained the Niako style, a fighting technique created to take advantage of its user's reflexes, speed and flexibility to attack in a frenzied manner from all directions.


The cave also started to glow blue and when I opened my eyes I was standing on top of the cliff again....

In the novel a secondary villain had this technique, but it wasn't very relevant because she was defeated quickly, the readers were curious about this strange fighting style she used, and the author explained that she learned it from a hidden manual and said how she found it.

The villain was escaping from having stolen some jewels and to escape her captors she jumped down the cliff praying that there was a river to break her fall, but she ended up finding the cave and the manual, then used it to commit other evil acts until the protagonist stopped her.

Now that the manual is gone, the mana field will already be gone and when he jumps out he will probably die....

" Not my problem."

The broad anyway was evil and died soon after at the hands of the protagonist, so I didn't change her fate much, just sped it up a bit.

"But now..."

I have to go down again.

It's already dark and it'll take me a long time to get to the base of the mountain and I can't sleep in a place like this.

"Hmm... ah! of course!"

After some thought I came up with something,

The Niako style I have now is based on being quick and agile like a cat, I have all the knowledge of the manual in my head so.

Getting into a running stance, I moved my mana as indicated by the steps in my head, little lightning bolts started coming out of my feet and then.


[Skill: Lightning steps]


I shot off at high speed leaving a trail of electricity, running and jumping into the trees to propel myself, I started to go ultra fast down the mountain.




I was now on the ground catching my breath, I was able to get down the mountain in just 1 hour but it drained my stamina and mana.


But as I was going down I realized that my senses were sharpened and I had like a sixth sense with which my body moved only to avoid hitting a tree.

"It was a good harvest."



Another thing I realized is that the Niako style consumes a lot of calories so I will have to eat more than a normal person to replenish myself.

"But I don't have any money..."

That's a big problem, I don't have any money, I looked all over the room but only found a few silver coins.


"I need money."