Chereads / Eternal Dove / Chapter 4 - Chapter 1: First Quest/Dormmate

Chapter 4 - Chapter 1: First Quest/Dormmate

The bag slung over my shoulder hits my back as I come to a sudden stop, I stare up at the building before me, an awkward expression on my face.

"So this is the girl's dormitory..." I look at the note with directions on it that I got from the Vice-Headmaster, who explained the basic rules and expectations to me, most of which I already knew. The novelty of Rhea Academy being basically a miniature city due to having so many learning facilities wore off as soon as I learned that I was going to be housing in the girl's dormitory.

Anxiety now fills me instead of excitement. This is going to make my life at least three times harder.

'The life of an unexpected and short notice transfer student...' I inwardly bemoan, though not actually complaining, considering how many strings Owen had to pull for me.

There were eight dormitories in total. Four for girls, and four for boys. Each building separated by years.

While that may seem like a lot, considering this is the only place people can go to learn magic in the entirety of Terra Kingdom, the amount of people adds up. Dropping my head, I walk with a brisk pace, hoping to get to my dorm room as fast as physically possible.

'828, 828,' I repeat and repeat in my head. As I get to the stairs, I start bolting up them like a hoard of zombies are on my heels. By the time I get to the eighth floor, and into the hallway, I'm out of breath. I put a hand on the wall as I greedily suck in air.

After a few minutes, and my heart having sufficiently slowed down, I start walking, mentally taking note of each number of door I pass.

'834, 833, 832,' Mentally counting down, I become full of relief as soon as I stand in front of my dorm room. Fiddling with the key in my pocket, I pull it out, and shove it into the lock.

As I push open the door, my eyebrows quirk in surprise. It's less of a dorm, and more apartment suite.

'It's big,' I think. 'Then again, with how much tax money that's probably being wasted on this, I'd be disappointed if it was anything less. I also guess it has to be fancy, considering it's basically nuturing this Kingdom's future.' But, despite it's size, the interior is relatively cozy in my opinion.

The wallpaper being a dark, somber blue, with a wavy pattern that's easy on the eyes. And the floor being made out of some dark wood. I walk into the living room, yes a dorm with a living room, that's also merged with a kitchen.

'Still pretty weird.' The living room is spacious, with a three person couch facing a television, and a coffee table before it on a square, fuzzy silver rug. What's most fancy of all, is the big window where walls should be, revealing the rest of the campus.

'I guess it'd be a shame to live on such a high floor and not have a nice view.' Though it does make me feel uncomfortable. I get to work on closing the royal blue curtains.

With the interior now only having the lights lighting it, I look over it again. And again. And then... again.

'It doesn't seem to be lived in, so this is all really just for me. I'm living alone again.' This entire dorm, despite being cozy, with just me in it, is empty. And that thought makes me feel unbelievably small.

When I found out I would be living in a dorm, I can't lie and say that I didn't have certain expectations. Most of all, that I'd be sharing it with someone. Maybe become friends with them, or something.

'Probably would've been the case in the boys' dorm too, but since I'm the girls', it's no wonder this is all just for me,' I think.

I let out a long sigh, as if trying to expel the tightness in my chest. It doesn't succeed. With a frown on my face, I go to a door and open it. It's a relatively normal bedroom. I throw my bag onto the bed, and rub my face.

"This will be my room from now on, I guess..." I tell myself, suddenly lacking enthusiasm. I go to wipe at the sweat on my forehead, only to stop.

'Let's find the bathroom.' I find another bedroom before discovering the bathroom. Entering it, I see all the amenities one would need. I sigh again, and face the mirror, my hands leaning against the ceramic sink as I stare at, well... me.

I suddenly feel lightheaded. Turning on the faucet, I cup water into my hands, feeling the cold liquid cooling my warm, sweaty hands. The rushing faucet, the wobbling water in my cupped hands.

I close my eyes and take in a deep breath. 'I need to get used to it. I can't get lightheaded every time I see this damned face,' I chastise myself.

After that, I splash water on my face, feeling my flushing face, still hot from running up the stairs, cool. I look at myself again. My pale white skin is practically glowing due to the water droplets on it.

Turning off the faucet, I sweep back my hair as I grab a hand towel, and start to pat my face dry. Again, I look on at the emotionless face in the mirror. I shake my head and hang up the towel, only to freeze.

The sound of steps.

"Uh..." My head swivels to the side as I tense in surprise. And shockingly enough, I'm familiar with the person in the doorway of the bathroom.

'Blithe? And, wow, she's... even more beautiful in person,' I dazedly think.

Long, straight black hair, smooth peachy skin. Her yellows eyes, and fierce, slit pupils are narrowed at me as she watches my every action. My eyes inevitably drift downwards, outlining the contours of her pointed chin. My eyes flow even lower down, drinking up her long neck, finally tracing what little of her collarbone is shown, before I finally snap myself out of it.

I instantly avert my gaze as soon as I realize what I'm doing, and my face scrunches up at the sudden onset of a headache. My eyes desperately want to drink up her figure in it's entirety, but I resist the urge because of how creepy and... sick it makes me feel.

"What are you doing in my dorm?" she tersely asks.

'That's a good question, I thought this was my dorm!' I really want to sarcastically say, but don't.

"This is your dorm?" I ask, somehow managing to stop myself from saying something dumb, rude, or a bit of both.

My words only make her eyes narrow further. "You know this is the girl's dormitory, right?"


"Yes," he nods. Then, he leans fully against the arm he was resting along the top of the sink, and elegantly lifts one leg, crossing it over the other, just below the knee.

Each and everyone of his movements are full of grace, radiating an air of surety and importance. The aura of nobility. Even a blind man could tell this young man is a true born and bred noble.

It's safe to say, I already dislike him. Not to mention the smirk that appears as if it's imprinted on his face. A typical stuck-up noble.

I have to prevent myself from scowling. "If you know that, why are still here?" I ask with a frigid tone.

"Because it's my dorm too," his face and tone become surprisingly serious as he answers my question. I blink as I take in his words. And as if just realizing he's leaning against the sink, he stands straight.

"This is your dorm?"

"Yeah. I'm actually a new student, there weren't any free rooms in the boys dorm, so, I was sent here. I really did not know I'd be sharing it with anybody, until you came back, that is," he fluently explains. I really hate how his, surprisingly soft, voice feels like velvet in my ears.

"Are you completely sure you weren't informed of this beforehand?" I frown as I try and think.

'Oh.' My face crumples as I realize that, yes, I did agree to something like this. I bring a hand up to my forehead, massaging it.

"Are you alright?" I dislike how he acts concerned.

"Yes, I'm fine," I say brusquely.

"Okay. Anyways, since we're going to be dorm mates for the foreseeable future, we may as well introduce ourselves," he tells me.

He lightly places a hand on his chest, and slightly bows his head, "I am Callum Llewellyn," he introduces.

"I'm Blithe, just Blithe."

"It is nice to meet you, Blithe," he says, and offers a hand out. I hesistantly shake it, and feel just how soft his hand is. No calluses to speak of.

Any good impression he was beginning to make, disappears. 'Just another noble coming here to make connections and play around.'


I stare up at the ceiling as I'm lying on my bed.

'I think that went well,' I tell myself, honestly happy with how smoothly that interaction went.

'Well, I do say that, but...'


Affection: -1

'Why did her affection go down?' Obtaining the Eternal Dove blessing, like in the games, allows me to see a person's affection for me. On a scale of -10 to 10, including 0, which is usually the starting affection.

'Though to think I'd be in the same dorm as a DLC character.' It's strange, I have to admit, meeting a person I already knew before, well, meeting them.

'Just another thing I'll need to get used to,' I think.

'Though, I have to wonder, does increasing someone's affection for me give rewards like in the game?' It can be anything from characteristics to talents.

'How does that even work in real life? Do I just need to... be friends with them or something? Agree? Do errands?' It's something I'll need to experiment with. One of the first things I'll need to test after I see if I can get quests.

'Not to mention, if I'm going to try to increase people's affection for me, what are some primary things needed in any relationship?' I ponder to myself.

'Trust, familiarity, respect, and... commonality?' If you have things in common with someone, it'll definitely be easier to become closer with them than it would be otherwise.

'I definitely have a few things in common with Blithe. We're both rather Introverted, and both love reading,' I shrug.

"I guess it's just something that'll need to happen naturally. We're dorm mates after all, by the end of the first semester, we'll either be wanting to tear each others throats out, or be the best friends," I humorously mutter to myself.


But, as I lie here on my new bed, I can't help feeling like I should be doing something. And I remember, and realize.

'What am I doing? Why am I just lying here?' I need to save the world. I don't have time to be resting, and thinking of calling it day, even after an exhausting week of constant traveling with little comfortable sleep.

'What right do I even have to rest?' I ask myself.

I need to plan. To think. To experiment.

I pull out my trusty journal and fountain pen from my bag as I sit at the desk in my room.

While I was trained in knowledge and Noble Etiquette from a young age, I have no idea how to train. It's something I have no experience with in either lives. So until I can get training from an actual professional, i.e the teachers at this Academy, I should just not. Maybe simple cardio, but other than that, I'll put that on hold.

Tomorrow I'll be deciding what subjects/courses I'll be taking. Since I'm in F-Class, and a first year, I'll only be able to take basic subjects. But that's good, what I need are the basics for now.

Both Sigrun and the protagonist should be in F-Class as well, so hopefully I'll be able to get closer to her. It'll probably be another... week and two months before she decides to advance, as she only just recently regressed as soon as this year started.

So for today and tomorrow, I should be focusing on two things. Learning how to obtain quests, if they even exist, and how to raise affection. It's probably not that complicated, but I just need to be sure.

If someone like me is going to save the world, I'll need to do it right.

And before I can even think of becoming friends with Noa, I'll need to enter S-Class before the end of the 1st Semester.

"Phew." I let out a breath as I massage my left hand. In the four weeks I was at Owen's mansion, I learned that switching which hand I write with interchangeably reduces cramps the next day.

Stretching like a cat, I slouch, before standing up. 'Going out into town might be a good idea to learn about quests.'


As I walk the cobblestone streets of Rhea, I look around. Countless people pass me by as I search for anyone who might need my assistance. It's only been ten minutes, but I'm already feeling deeply self conscious. It's not like the sizeable amount of people is lessening my anxiety.

'Searching for quests in real life is way more...' How can I describe it?

I guess the best way I can describe it is that I feel like Saitama in that one One Punch Man episode, searching for any hero work. Except, I know what I'm doing looks weird...

A bit bored of the repetitive scenery, I walk into a restaurant. It's nothing to fancy, but right as I am about walk into it, I see a flyer out the corner of my eye.


Week days.

'... Maybe I should try it?' I wonder. 'I may not be the best cook, but as long as I apply myself, I can't be too bad.' Having convinced myself, I walk into the restaurant.

It's doesn't seem like anything special, a bit rustic, but not the worst. Though thinking about it, I'm probably full of biases, considering I am both a Noble and a modern man.

It's like a coffee shop in size, but a bit more dilapidated, and less cozy. The seatings don't seem particularly comfortable either.

'I guess this explains the lack of traffic,' I tell myself. 'Though I have to wonder, since when have I been a restaurant critic?' I slightly smile as I walk to the counter.

The middle-aged man leaning against it straightens as he notices my approach. "Hello, what can I do for you?" he asks with a bright smile.

'He's either really bored, or just really happy to see a customer.'

"I saw the flyer outside, and I was just wondering if you're still hiring?" His smile widens, and his eyes gleam.

"Why, yes we are."

"What positions are you looking for? Or that are open?"

"Waiting, cleaning, cooking..." As he's going on and on, I stop paying attention.

First Job: Restaurant Worker

Requirements: Complete Two full shifts at Matthew's Fine Dining!

Reward: Best Talent in Related Profession

Do you Accept? (Notice: If you refuse, a quest like this pertaining to First Jobs won't appear again. )

My first thought is, 'This is fine dining?' And my second is, 'I should've picked anything other than this fucking restaurant!'

I want to tear out my hair. I could've gotten the best talent in... lots of things. But I went to a goddamn restaurant. 'Just my luck.'


As I hear his voice, I put a stop to my thoughts, and my mind refocuses on the current situation. I see Matthew looking at me expectantly.

'How can I get the most out of this?' I ask myself. I find the answer in an instant.

"I'll take all of them." His face freezes.


"The positions, I'll fill them all!" I answer. "But, I do have some conditions. I won't work anywhere from 6 A.M. to 4 P.M. And at most, I'll only work eight hours a day, is that okay?" I ask him, smiling as sweetly as possible. Though I can tell my smile has little effect, considering how shaky and unnatural it probably looks. It definitely feels super forced.

The quest says, a talent in the related profession, yes? Well, if I do all the professions possible, this gives me a wider variety of skills I can possibly get. And I can even see benefits to some.

'Like, if I get the best cleaning talent, wouldn't it help me disinfect wounds? And if I get cooking, that'd help me make people like me!' I'm definitely not trying to convince myself that this is a complete and utter loss. Certainly not!

"What a hardworking young man I've found! Of course you can!" Matthew beams at me. "In fact, you can even start today!"

'At least it isn't hard to get the job.'


'Hey, it doesn't look too bad,' I tell myself as I look at the two brown pan-seared steaks. Before pan-searing it I buttered the pan, put spices on the steak, and some leafy things I forget the name of in the pan along with them.

"You're a natural!" Matthew tells me.

"Thanks," is all I can say. Now that I'm actually doing it, I don't know why I never tried cooking as Callum Welliver.

"Now, go!" he urges me. At his words, I quickly put the two steaks on a plate, grab a knife and fork wrapped in napkins, and walk in a brisk pace to the customer seated at a table.

The man just nods, the gruff grunt that escapes his lips his only words. I awkwardly walk away, and look to Matthew.

"You did good."


By the time I get back to the dorm, I'm fifteen Copper Wings richer. Of course, it doesn't really hold a candle to the hundreds of Golden Wings I possess, but more money is more money in my opinion.

And not to mention, the work was pretty easy too. Obviously that's due to how little traffic the restaurant got, but that's besides the point. I mean, I can't honestly see it getting that much busier.

I go to sleep, feeling... okay at how I spent the day.


As I open the door to my dorm, having just gotten back from selecting my subjects and obtaining a schedule, I grab a book from a shelf in the living room.

'Forbidden Justice? Seems interesting,' I think as I read the title.

"Hey." I nearly flinch as I hear Blithe's monotone voice. 'Damn. I forgot she was here.'


"Those are mine." My eyes widen, and I hurriedly put the book back.

"Oh, I'm really sorry, I didn't mean to touch your things," I apologize. Her narrow eyes relax.

"It's fine, as long as you know now. But if you want to read, go get your own, I'm not lending."

"Understood." I mean, you can't really set a boundary any clearer than that. Walking away from the bookcase, I try to remember if I've seen any bookstores. But my mind comes up blank. My eyes glance at Blithe, before glancing away.

'Should I ask her if she knows any good bookstores?' The only other ways I have to waste time is by training, watching stuff, or working, and I don't know how to train yet, and neither is it time to go to Matthew's.

'I should just ask.'

"So, Blithe, do you know any good bookstores?" Her eyes flicker to the side to look at me.

"I do. There's one near city center, called Dakota's Novel Ideas," she answers, and her eyes flicker back to her book.

"Thank you."

With a pouch full of coins, I head out again. I get weird looks from the girls walking the halls, but I do my best to ignore them. Another thing I'll just have to get used to.

'It feels like that's the only thing I'm doing nowadays, getting used to everything.' I don't quite know how to feel about that.


The instant I walk into the store, I smell it. The smell of books, an actual smile nearly graces my face. 'This place is cozy,' I think.

It took a little while to find it, but that's just because it was hidden in a little corner. Not that the store's little, it's moderate, just big enough for someone like me. As I walk around, I notice some people perusing the shelves, and so, I start to do the same.

'Vermillion sounds interesting.' I pick it up and read the blurb on the back.

'Romance? Sure, may as well. Hopefully it's good, romance is one of my favorite genres,' I muse.

And before I know it, I have a stack of a dozen books cradled in my arms. "How much will this be?" I ask the person at the counter, Dakota, I presume.

"Three silver and sixty copper." Scrounging around my coin pouch, I give the exact amount to her.

"Thanks," I tell her. She nods.

Thankfully I had brought my bag. Carefully setting each one of the books in it, I go on my way.


As I lie down on my bed, I pick up "Vermillion," and begin reading.

To say I love reading, would be an understatement of the century. In my first life, as Callum Welliver, I was utterly obsessed with it alongside the Eternal Dove series. Because it allowed me to escape my sad reality, be entertained, and sometimes more than that, feel.

And when I felt while reading a good book, there is nothing more magical than that. Music would play in my head as I envisioned an epic battle, or heartfelt moment, music that was familiar, but at the same time, like nothing I've ever heard before, or ever will hear.

The voices of the characters in my mind. Each one unique, perfectly fitting them, yet all stemming from just my thoughts. Imagination is special, magical.

When I read, it's as if I'm really experiencing another world. That the characters are my friends, I've even had crushes on fictional characters, who were no more than words on a page, as pathetic as that sounds.

In simple words, there is no one more imaginative than me. No one more invested in the fictitious, and the magical.

The fantasy of creativity.

Because it's saved me time and again.

As an alarm goes off on my... phone, let's just call it phone, I have to physically tear myself way from the book in my hands. It's time to go to work and get that talent.


I walk into my bedroom and stretch.

'That has to count as two full shifts, right?' And as if responding to my thoughts, the screen shows up.

First Job: Restaurant Worker, has been completed!

You have obtained, [Cooking - Best!]

My face freezes, and I suddenly want to spew a flurry of curses. Though, as it's unbefitting of my status, I don't. Instead, I bottle it in, a perfectly (not) healthy thing to do.

As I'm internally raging, another quest screen appears, distracting me from my tumultuous emotions.

First Job: Restaurant Helper

Requirements: Complete full shifts every day for a month!

Rewards: A Talent in Related Profession

Failure: Missing a single shift.

Do you Accept?

I think, I mean, really think. 'Is putting in a month's time worth it?' I ask myself.

'Well... it can't hurt to try, there don't seem to be any failure penalties,' I decide to accept.

Shaking my head, I hop onto my bed, and pull out my phone. I search the MagNet, this world's version of the internet.

Magic really makes things like connecting over long distances trivial. 'If only there were more Mages, this world would have been at least two times more advanced than Earth. Instead of in this weird... nebulous state,' I muse to myself.

Most place outside of cities like Rhea are harshly underdeveloped. Trains, and cars don't exist due to lack of mage, and stuff like long distance communication and the MagNet are only available to the top 1%, I.E. nobles like me.

After having such thoughts, I start reading some forum posts for a little while, before turning off the lights in my bedroom and going to sleep.

'Tomorrow will be my first day of the Academy.' This realization both terrifies and excites me.

While I've never really had a deep love towards school, in either lives, learning calculus and which fork I should use to eat cake, or how to hold a teacup, is completely different from learning magic, and how to use Ki.

I want to do well. I need to do well. 'But, looking at my line up of talents...'

I forsee a dark future of running countless errands to obtain even the lowest of combat talents. These thoughts do not help my anxiety.

I spend the night toss and turning in my bed.

Chapter 1: First Quest/Dormmate