Chereads / Beg me Demoness / Chapter 25 - Sinners

Chapter 25 - Sinners

As we closed in towards the city, suddenly the space in front of us trembled and rippled like waves. In the next second, the angel holding me passed through the trembling space like some kind of portal, and we appeared in a place that seemed like a giant hall.

It was supported by large pillars of crystallized, strange golden stones with strange symbols carved into them.

I noticed other angels engaged in their own tasks, walking around the hall. However, as soon as I entered, they all stopped what they were doing and looked straight towards my direction.

Facing their gazes, I felt a bit uncomfortable.

The angel holding me placed me on the ground before she also landed beside me. Other angels, who had Gilda and Filora in their hands, also appeared through the space we had emerged from behind us.

"Ugh, why are they looking at me like that?" I asked the angel closer to me.

"It's because other than the angels, only prisoners of sin would come to this place. But you're a human, and humans typically do not commit sins to the extent of being judged by the Angel of Justice. So, it's obvious they're looking at you that way, thinking, 'What has this human done to be judged by the Angel of Justice?'" the female angel explained as she walked past me, signaling for me to follow her.

"But I didn't do anything," I complained as I followed her behind.

We walked through the giant hall, passing by all those angels who had their own business in their minds.

"So, is this your workplace?" I asked the female angel, looking around.

"Yes, this is the place where we lock away sinners like them," she said, looking at Filora and Gilda in the hands of the other angels.

After that, as she guided me, we eventually arrived at a certain area in the hall.

I saw that in the center of this hall, there was a giant dark hole emitting a dark and ominous aura into the surrounding air.


I heard the sound of chains, and looking back, I saw Filora's eyes filled with fear as she looked at the ominous hole. She struggled to move back, but the angel beside her forced her to move forward.

After seeing Filora's fearful expression, I looked towards Gilda curiously to see her expression, but due to her messed up face, I couldn't discern any emotions.

I kept walking closer to the hole as the female angel guided me towards it.

Standing in front of it, she looked towards Filora and Gilda in the hands of the other angels.

"Descendants of fallen angels Filora and Gilda, for the crime of causing havoc against the pure angelic beings by joining hands with the forces of the underworld, the force of justice has decided that you will be locked in the Abyssal Chasm for the rest of your life," the angel announced.

"Foe of justice my ass! You're only doing what you think is justice! What about what we believed in, huh?" Filora suddenly began to scream as she heard what the angel being said. But none of the other angels listened to what she said, and ignoring her, they dragged her and Gilda closer to the giant hole and pushed them into it.

"Ahhhhh!" I heard the scream of Filora as she disappeared into the darkness of the cave. Gazing into this dark hole, I felt an ominous fear in my heart.

"These angels, they're not so pure at all,"

After Filora and Gilda disappeared into the dark hole, the angel who had brought me here looked towards me.

"Now, let's go. I'll bring you back to your own world," she said with a pleasant smile on her face.

But as we were walking out of the hall, another angel suddenly appeared through the space right in front of the angel who had guided me.

"Oh, Philsa, right on time. Do you mind giving me a hand?" the angel who appeared asked from the angel in front of me, whose name seems to be Philsa.

"Sorry, Keya, but I'm in the middle of another task," Philsa refused.

"Please, Philsa. If not you, I don't know who else to ask for help. It's just these things that need to be delivered to the virtual castle," but facing Philsa's refusal, Keya begged her for help once again. As she was doing so, another portal appeared behind her, revealing a strange place full of large boxes.

"What are these things?" Philsa asked, looking at the boxes.

"They are some forbidden artifacts we found while roaming on human worlds. We need to send these things to the virtual angels to check if they are still usable or effective," Keya explained.

"But it's already been a long time since I received the order to bring these things to them, but I didn't bring even one of them. So please help me. If I don't manage to do this, they're going to end up blaming me for it."

Facing Keya's constant pleading, Philsa's face changed slightly. She looked back towards me.

"Can you wait a bit longer to get home? She's my closest friend. I can't really leave her like this," she asked me.

"Of course, I won't mind. In fact, I'd like to help however I can with your task," I agreed, offering them my assistance.

But at that moment, Keya, who didn't seem to notice me before, looked towards me.

"Ah, who's this creep?" she exclaimed.

"Keya, don't talk to innocent people like that. He's a human victim who endured the torture of those fallen descendants," Philsa suddenly exclaimed as she heard what Keya said to me.

"Oh, is he? But why is he naked?" Keya said as she observed my body, which made me embarrassed.

"We found him that way. Here, let me fix it if you're so bothered by it," Philsa said. Suddenly, she snapped her fingers, and a soft and comfortable garment appeared around my body.

With the feeling and the texture they gave to my hand and body, I could say these clothes were definitely well-crafted ones. I didn't know how she was doing this, to create something out of thin air. I could only hope to achieve a power like this someday.

"Feel better now?" Philsa asked her friend.

The clothes Philsa created for akiel were similar to the ones worn by the male angel before, emitting a white radiance from them.

He also had a thin transparent scarf around his neck, which felt a bit unusual for him because he typically didn't wear any.

After giving clothes to Akiel, Keya first stepped through the portal, and after her, Philsa and Akiel entered.

"Can you take this one? I'll take this, and the human can take that one," Keya said as she picked up one of the boxes.

As she instructed, Philsa picked up one of the boxes, and I also picked up one of the larger boxes.

These boxes were made out of wood and felt a bit heavy. But as I picked them up, a question came to my mind.

"I was wondering, since all of you angels are powerful, why do you need others to help you carry these things?" I asked. Having seen their strength and power with my own eyes, it would be laughable to say that they couldn't bring these things by themselves.

"It's because these are suspected to be forbidden objects. If we use any of our power or any other power on slumbering forbidden objects, we might unknowingly cause them to activate. Another reason is we cannot let forbidden objects stay close to each other too much. There's a chance that they'll resonate with each other and bind, creating a much more powerful one," Keya replied to me as she walked away, holding the box in her hand.

She answered to me so easily, maybe these guys don't have any suspicions about me.

Following her, Philsa and I brought the boxes we lifted.

As we walked out from the place, we followed a path created by tree vines and flowers. The path had a sweet fragrance, and I didn't feel much discomfort walking upon the roots.

The tree root path directly led us to another large tree path, where I saw angels hanging around with each other.

The tree root path stretched above the space full of clouds, and in the distance, I saw a giant golden castle at the end of the path.

"Let's go, that's our destination," Philsa said, urging me on as I observed the beautiful scenery. Hurriedly, I took a step forward and walked towards the path leading to the golden castle.

While walking, I noticed that most of these angels were rather busy and paid no attention to others around them. Even though some gazed at me with surprised eyes, I noticed that their interest in me quickly waned.

This place didn't look like the heaven I read about; it was more like a place where angels gathered to work.

After a long time of walking towards the golden castle, we eventually got closer to it.

In front of it, I saw there was a large door made out of pure gold standing, and as we got closer, the door slowly opened.

Walking inside the castle, what I saw was the pure crystal-made interior, and right in front of me was a giant staircase that led to two sides of the upper floor.

"Whoa! This is beautiful," words of admiration came to my mind without me even knowing it.

"Come this way," Keya walked toward the staircase leading to the upper floor.

Following her, I ascended the stairs and arrived on the upper floor. It was a long corridor which had a few large doors with extremely strange-looking symbols carved on them.

"What are these?" as we walked past them in the corridor, I asked Philsa.

"This is the place that judges how much of a karmic deed one being has done and whether they are suitable for heaven," said Philsa, walking past one of the doors which had a symbol of a strange creature's skull carved into it.

"One day, your fate will also be decided by the angel in that room," Keya said aloud from the front.

"Huh?" Hearing her, I looked at the door once again. What came to my mind at the moment was to hurry and barge into that room, looking for my karma in it.

"Don't think about acting reckless in heaven, human. It won't end well," but at that moment, without even looking back at me, Philsa muttered, almost as if she guessed what was on my mind.

Scary, can they really read my thoughts? Some doubt appeared in my mind.

At that moment, Keya, who walked in the front, suddenly stopped in front of one of the doors, opened it, and entered. Following her, as I entered, I saw that the room I entered was not actually a room. Instead, it was a door to another interior of a giant castle, which was crowded by angels and some exotic-looking creatures.

"Kwaaa, - grahaa!"

The screams of these creatures filled the whole part of the castle.

"Oh, wrong door," dragging me and Philsa back, Keya hurriedly stepped out from the place and closed the door.

"You should have knocked before going in," said Philsa, looking at Keya.

"Whatever. I just want to end this quickly," saying so, she began to walk again in the corridor.

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