Previously, at Total Drama Camp, The Supreme Seekers and Fearsome Dragons allied against The Killer Cats. When it came time to put their alliance in motion, the campers danced to the music we set up and then had to slap each other off their opponent's platform. Ultimately, The Killer Cats were sent to the bonfire for the first time, and Peter was sent home. Emma believes her alliance with The Fearsome Dragons is paying off, but how long will it last? And will The Killer Cats ever be sent to the bonfire again? You can find out about it right now on Total Drama Camp.
When the campers woke up, The Fearsome Dragons woke up from their comfy beds in the luxury cabin, The Supreme Seekers woke up from their bunk beds, and The Killer Cats got out of the treehouse. The Killer Cats and Supreme Seekers went to the washrooms to shower and then to the mess hall for breakfast, while The Fearsome Dragons had their showers and breakfast in the luxury cabin. After breakfast, the campers waited for Chris to announce their next challenge. Chris took the campers to a mountain and said, "Welcome campers to your next challenge. Each team must climb this mountain and infiltrate the castle at the top. Once you get inside, you are to bring the item in these pictures I'm giving you from the castle back down the mountain intact. Succeed, and you win. Fail, and you lose." Chris then gave each team a picture of the item they'd have to get to win. The Fearsome Dragons got a wand, The Supreme Seekers got an amulet, and The Killer Cats got a tiara. Chris then showed the campers a map of the mountain. Chris said, "Since The Fearsome Dragons came in 1st last time, they get the easiest path up and a map to guide them. Since The Supreme Seekers came in 2nd, they must climb on a rope. And since The Killer Cats came in last, they'll have to think of their way up and not use the other teams' ways up. Good luck."
The Fearsome Dragons followed their map up a path up the mountain, The Supreme Seekers climbed up their rope individually, and The Killer Cats climbed the hill by hand. Once The Fearsome Dragons reached the top, they followed their map across a bridge to the castle. Then they walked in and searched for the wand in Chris's picture. Once they got inside, Nicholas closed the drawbridge so the other teams couldn't enter the castle. Once Rosey reached the top of the mountain, she looked down and saw her team still climbing and Fiona about to fall. Rosey then helped Carter up, and they helped Tristan and Frida up. Rosey helped Dana up, Tristan helped Frida up, and Frida helped Ivan up. Once The Killer Cats reached the top, they saw the bridge leading to the castle and crossed it. The Supreme Seekers finally reached the top and saw The Killer Cats ahead of them, so they hurried across the bridge, but The Killer Cats made it to the castle first. Once The Killer Cats and Supreme Seekers made it to the castle, they wondered how they would get in since Nicholas closed the drawbridge. Frida then did a confessional and said, "Great. The other team closed the drawbridge. Now, how are we going to get in?" Helga then did a confessional and said, "With no drawbridge, we'll have to think of another way in."
Meanwhile, The Fearsome Dragons searched the castle for the wand to bring back to Chris. Olivia then found it in a locked display case. Olivia said, "Hey, guys, look. There it is." Arnold said, "How are we going to get it out?" Bonnie grabbed the display case and broke it. Bonnie then did a confessional and said, "I love breaking things." After her confession, Bonnie grabbed the wand, and they ran for the drawbridge to bring it back to Chris but couldn't get out since Nicholas had closed it. Bonnie then did another confessional, saying, "Thanks to Nicholas, the other teams can't get in, but we can't get out. If we lose, I'm voting him off." After Bonnie's confession, the Killer Cats took a ladder they found and used it to climb up the castle wall to the window. Once they got there, they jumped in through the castle window and started to look around. After The Killer Cats got in, The Supreme Seekers took the rope they climbed up on, threw it to the top of the castle, and lassoed the tower. Then, they used the rope to climb the tower and entered the castle through a different window.
Once the other two teams got inside the castle, they started searching for their items from the castle to bring back to Chris. The Fearsome Dragons then thought about it, and Nicholas thought if he closed the drawbridge, he could open it again. Nicholas lowered the drawbridge, and The Fearsome Dragons ran out of the castle. Nicholas then did a confessional and said, "We're out of the castle. Now we need to get the wand back to Chris intact." After Nicholas' confession, the Killer Cats found the tiara they were searching for on the throne in the throne room. Frida said, "This is going to be easy."
Frida walked up to the tiara and grabbed it. Once she did, the doors and windows in the room were sealed shut, and they were trapped in the throne room. Carter said, "Nice work, Frida." Frida said, "At least we got the tiara." Carter said, "Yes, but how are we going to get out of here with it to win if we're trapped?" Frida said, "I know, try the bookcase." Frida kept throwing books off the bookcase." Ivan said, "What do you mean?" Frida said, "One of these must open a secret way out." Fiona said, "Not all castles have that." Frida said, "You got a better plan?" The Killer Cats kept throwing books off the shelves until Dana grabbed one that was stuck. Dana said, "That's weird. This book's stuck." Dana pulled the book, and it made the wall open. The Killer Cats looked out the wall and saw it led outside. Carter said, "Great job, Dana." The Killer Cats ran out of the castle and returned to the bridge to go back down the mountain.
Meanwhile, The Supreme Seekers searched the castle for the amulet, and they found it around the neck of a statue. Arnold took the amulet off the neck of the statue and put it around his neck. After they got the amulet, The Supreme Seekers hurried outside by crossing the drawbridge and raced The Killer Cats to the bridge. Once both teams made it across the bridge, they looked down the mountain and saw The Fearsome Dragons give the scepter they found to Chris. Bonnie said, "Success." Chris grabbed the wand and said, "Impressive. And you win." The Supreme Seekers slid down on their rope and presented their amulet to Chris. Chris said, "Congratulations. You come in 2nd." When The Killer Cats finally got down the mountain, they showed Chris they had the tiara but saw the other two teams beat them. Rosey said, "Oh no, we lost again."
Chris said, "True. But you won't send anyone home because this is a reward challenge. And The Fearsome Dragons get the reward of all three items." Bonnie held the wand, Olivia put the amulet on, and Nicole wore the tiara. Chris then took the wand from Bonnie and threw it to Helga on The Supreme Seekers. Bonnie said, "Hey, I thought you said we won." Chris said, "You did. But only the winners get the prizes. Helga and Bonnie. Pack your bags and swap your teams. Chris held Emma's shoulder and said, "And someone's alliance might need to be broken. So, Emma and Fiona. Pack your things and swap your teams." Emma then did a confessional, "With me on the team I wanted to lose, my alliance with The Fearsome Dragons is done." Helga then did a confessional and said, "Now that I'm a Fearsome Dragon and have the scepter they got, I wonder what it's for." Fiona then did a confessional and said, "Luckily, I got switched with Emma and didn't have to sleep in that treehouse again. But with me being on the team with the least players, the boys better be good, or I'm sure Bonnie will agree, they get to go home instead of us." After their confessionals, Chris said, "Will The Fearsome Dragons figure out what their prizes are for?" Find out next time on Total Drama Camp."
The End