Chereads / We all are animals anyway / Chapter 61 - Happy Birthday Princess

Chapter 61 - Happy Birthday Princess

As Link closes the door to the throne room, he sighs and turns to the Princess.

"That was overwhelming, I was not aware you had it in you… the fortitude to engage with them like that." Link said grinning.

Zelda answered with a smile of her own "I KNOW, I was not aware either… It just happened; I was angry and also afraid for my mom. Who the fuck gets told what to do to help themselves and still refuses to do it?"

He sighs as they begin walking "A lot of people actually"

Zelda opens her eyes wide looking at Link "Really?" rolls her eyes "Must be stressing knowing that you have to kind of force them to remain alive"

Link chuckles at that.

Indeed, my suicidal Princess.

Link suddenly points with his left index towards the east tower's stairs. "You should go to your room and check on the corsets, maybe even wear one for dinner tonight. I will give this to Nana…" he tells her shaking the reusable bag with the clay pot.

"Divide and conquer, sure." Zelda says as she starts walking to her room, right before the stairs she yells "I am keeping your clothes for next time, you don't mind, right?"

Link quickly shakes his head to give the impression that it's no trouble for him at all, then reassumes his walk towards Ivanna's kitchen. Even if the Princess had insisted on returning the clothes, he was not going to wear them again… he would most likely throw them away or burn them just for fun.



The Princess approaches her bedroom, but notices there is no package for her by the door. She breaths in deeply thinking that there must be an explanation, so she just enters her room. Once inside, she notices Chacha sitting at her desk, the maid's focus absorbed in a calligraphy exercise provided by a book. Zelda immediately recognized the book as the one she had given her before leaving.

I was not expecting to find her in my room, but it's nice to know that Chacha has been doing the homework I left for her… I have never had someone take me so seriously, I adore her.

The maid finally realizes that she is not alone anymore and lifts her head to look at the door. After seeing the Princess standing there, she jumps from the chair and proceeds to perform a deep curtsey

"Welcome back my Princess" Chacha says grinning.

Zelda chuckles and extends her arms for a hug, Chacha rushes to comply laughing. Then immediately separates herself from the hug and points at a corner in the room.

"You got that yesterday; it's kind of heavy for being such a small package" the maid said.

Zelda walks to the corner and picks up the package smiling "Is a clothing article, I want to try it on actually… tell me a color"

"I don't know… blue?" Chacha blurts out.

"Baby blue or navy-blue?" Zelda genuinely asks.

Chacha stares back at Princess in shock "NAVY BLUE OF COURSE, why do you have a baby blue dress? Throw that away, you may look cute on it, but it doesn't really match your age and regal status anymore"

"HA HA HA, I may throw ALL the baby colors from my closet… since in a week I will no longer be a considered a girl" Zelda proudly informs the maid.

Chacha gasps in shock "SHOOT, I… still have the 100 rupees Link gave me, is there anything around that prize that I could buy you as a present?" Chacha asks concerned.

Zelda turns to look at the maid clearly surprised "Link gave you 100 rupees? Why?"

"For a job I did for him… or that's what he made me believe. He rewarded me for my work with a free day and rupees for me to spend however I liked, but I bet it was all part of his plan to get me out of the castle the day of the Gerudo attack… I am sure of that now."

Oh, that was a smart move to get her out of here, and all without revealing anything and causing panic. So meticulous of him, but in all honesty, who goes out of his way like just to save a maid? DOES HE CARES FOR CHACHA?... Such a stupid question, of course he cares, he asked my parents for her specifically and managed to stop me from completely taking her away from him.

Am I getting envious of Chacha? ZELDA, get a grip. You had rationalized this already, it's not love, so don't act possessive… and if it were love, YOU STILL DON'T ACT POSESIVE OF HIM, I read that men hate women who act like this.

Besides, Chacha is my friend. It's not her fault that I can't handle my hormones, so I am not going to take it on her.

Zelda shakes her head and smiles "Navy blue it is, would you wait for me to come out? I want your opinion on how my new garment looks… and by the way, don't buy me anything. Continue practicing so you can write me a letter, that will be my present" Zelda smiles reassuringly.

Chacha flushes and lowers her eyes "Really? I… will work on my calligraphy to able to write a birthday letter for my Princess" Chacha says and she sits back on the desk to continue practicing, she was doing exercises of drawing along the dotted lines.

Zelda enters her closet and closes the door to change inside, draws her navy-blue dress and chooses to use the white corset with it. She struggles to find the combining lace, but once she did, she starts adjusting it to her body shape. Before going out of the closet she stares at herself in the mirror.

HOLY MOTHER OF… I look GOOD. This thing is great. If I were to gain weight, or my breast decides to suddenly bloom, this garment will still fit since I can adjust it to my body. And with the proper laces, I can combine it with any of my dresses. Martin is a genius.

The Princess walks out of the closet, Chacha opens her mouth wide and quickly stands pushing the chair back with the motion.

"Holy… why?" Chacha asks as she approaches the Princess "This should be worn under the dress, no? but the embroidery makes it clear that this is meant to be worn on top of it" Chacha says squinting her eyes puzzled.

"Yes, that is the idea… does it look so bad?" Zelda asks.

Chacha shakes her head "No, not at all but… you look kind of sexy, was that also the idea?" Chacha asks.

Zelda laughs at that "Kind of… the idea is to draw attention to me, and to make a statement to the nobles that they should not mess with me"

"Well, you do give off an edgy vibe now that I look at you closely" she starts giggling "You are going to low key threaten them, and also give them a hard on, if you know what I mean" the maid says lifting her eyebrows with a smile.

Zelda starts choking on her own saliva at that comment, Chacha decides the opportunity is too good to pass on, so she continues poking the Princess.

"That is a common kink you know… sex with a dominant female. Dominatrix is the word to describe her I believe"

Zelda's face turns completely red, but not in anger… in distress, she is completely helpless against the teasing of her own maid "STOP, I beg of you, in fact… leave my room. I need to bath and get ready for dinner"

"As you wish my Princess" Chacha leaving the room laughing evilly.

I wonder if Link could have THAT kink… ["Does treating me like a human translates into becoming meek? I swore to help and protect the Princess, and let me tell you… my Princess is anything but meek"] He may, but… ["Seems like I am a lot of things. Who or what else do I have to be for you to follow my lead?"] He also may not. My best bet is to just consider it a success if I manage to get a reaction from him when he sees me. 



Link enters his room and closes the door; he then presses his forehead on it as he gleefully smiles.


"By the grace of Din, Nayru and Farore… you didn't" Ivanna says staring at the cooking pot.

"Please woman, don't tell me what I can and cannot do" Link states with a fake air of superiority.

"This thing is HUGE" Nana says as she inspects the clay pot with merriment.

Link smiles diabolically "Thought so too but brought it because maybe you could still use it… I will take it back if the size is a hassle"

Nana then hugs the clay pot and starts hissing at him "IF YOU EVEN DARE TO TOUCH IT, I WILL BITE YOUR HANDS OFF"


Ivanna was obviously pleased with the clay pot. I asked her to inform me which dishes has the Queen been avoiding, she told me ALL OF THEM, but that she specially hates beef innards, the sight of them makes her want to vomit. So, I asked her to cook some innards for dinner today. She roared in laughter.

Link entered his closet to search for a suit to wear, he picked the charcoal grey. Once dressed, he exited his room in a hurry, since he had taken too long talking with José once he left Ivanna.


Link approaching the stables, they seemed to be empty, but he was told José would be there. Once inside he spots Pepe trying to feed a foal while he hummed.

"Is he alright?" Link asks pointing at the weak baby horse.

Pepe turns his head and stands smiling; Link approaches him and gives him a quick hug.

"No… he is sick, but if he survives tonight, he may still have a chance"

"Why are you the only one seeing to this?" Link asks.

"Cus I am the only one who cares"


Well… at least José adapted well to his new job, no further mischief from him. His peers are still wary of him but he prefers it that way. I need to convince Pepe to seek an audience with my King. Daphnes should be informed that the other stable hands are not taking proper care of the foals, possibly causing their premature death, leading to unnecessary money waste since the animals need to be replaced. 

Link was thinking about that when Zelda comes out of her room rushing to the stairs. As the Princess was about to use the stairs, she notices Raziel staring, arming herself with courage she tops and walks towards him. Once the Princess reaches him, she extends her hand reaching for him. Link kept staring at her a few more seconds, then notices her hand and immediately offers his arm. Zelda starts smiling in accomplishment, she takes his arm and begins walking down the stairs with Ziel.

In the middle of their descend Zelda decides to ask "Do you think the Queen will slap me again once she sees me?"

"I don't know, we will cross that bridge once we get there"

"We?" The princess asks him with surprise.

Link turns his head to stare at her directly "You don't need my assistance then?"

"Raziel Link Nohansen, I am Princess Zelda Harkinian, a simple royal, not the lamp genie. Of course I need all the help I can get, and YOURS is… invaluable" she states and pulls out her tongue playfully.

Link roars in laughter, Zelda giggles at herself and grabs harder on his arm for stability.

I know she is just arguing for the sake of arguing, but… it relaxes me that she retains the notion that a royal is not an all-powerful being, and even jokes about it.

Link stops his laughter right before the dining room, he breaths in deeply closing his eyes.

Zelda stares at him with concern "What is wrong Ziel"

"Nothing… just clearing my mind to be able to counter any negative comments directed at you. How old are you?" Link asks.

The Princess looks down at the floor for a second "12" Link makes a scowl but she quickly adds "but I will be 13 next week" she says with merriment.

Fuck, I felt my soul leaving my body when she said 12, and then brutally town back at me when she said ¨13 next week¨… The age argument is the strongest one the majesties can contest me with.

"That is great" Link says smiling as he pushes open the door. But Zelda still felt nervous, so she decided to follow Zid's advice… she needed to fight, and not only that, she had to win said fight. That is how the Princess decided to poke Link a little.

"What are you going to get me for my birth day?" Zelda asks as the door to the dining room opens wide, freezing Link in the spot, but he soon recovers grunting at the question.

"I already give you a cellphone, consider that your birthday gift" he says frowning.

"If only… you and I both know you wouldn't just give me a cellphone because I wanted one, you got it for me because it was convenient, it offered a way for you to keep track of me at all times" the Princess turns her back on Link and scoffs a little "Even Chacha is getting me something, but my brother is not?... Not every day a girl turns into a woman you know." Zelda says trying really hard to hide the smile that kept creeping up to her lips and eyes.

I didn't buy the cellphone to keep you under vigilance, I bought it to bribe you into staying alive. Must admit that it didn't took long for me to begin using it to keep you under surveillance.

I am surprised you noticed and are now using it against me… you even threw Chacha in to gilt trip me. Hehehe, my Princess came prepared to take a stand against me… I guess you DO deserve a birthday gift.

The Queen was about to stop the discussion, since she feared it would escalate. But the King raised a hand to stop her and smiling pointed at his hear. Daphnes wanted to listen to them arguing, his personal way of getting to know them.

Link grunts at her, and proceeds to take out a chair for her to sit on. "Fair, what do you want then?"

Zelda sits down clapping a little "You know those devices you put on your ears to listen to whatever you have going on in your cellphone?"

Link opens his eyes wide as he walks towards his seat "Air pods… those are very expensive"

Zelda shakes her head "Oh no, I don't want those, I tried putting a hazelnut on my ear once to simulate what it would be like, and…"

Link was about to take a seat in front of the Princess, but stops and leans over the table looking directly at Zelda "HOLD it there, you did what?" Link sighs "that was… what if you couldn't pull it out?"

Zelda whistles rolling her eyes "Stupid, I know, but YOU where there. I was sure if one got stuck you will find a way to pull it out" Zelda answers confidently.

Ziel stares at her and sighs "Don't ever do that again" he says with a pinch of concern.

Zelda smiles and nods "Of course I won't, one scare is enough"

Link shakes his head and falls back on his seat; Zelda just beams at him sweetly.

"As I was saying, I rather you get me headphones. You know, the type that reassembles a diadem. I believe those are cheaper… I just want to use them to listen to music… and they look kind of cool"

"Definitely cheaper, I will buy them for you next time. But you will only use them in the quantum world and in the privacy of your room, is that clear? … Happy Birthday Princess"

The Princess stands from her seat smiling, walks around the dining table to hug Link.

This… was unnecessary.

*You could twist her nec-*


The King smiles and was about to call for their dinner to be brought, but this time the Queen stops him.

"Zelda… come closer and let me see what you are wearing"

Zelda approaches her mother and stands proud in front of her, she then twirls around herself to properly show the corset. The Queen´s gaze stays fixated on the Princess, mouth agape. But she quickly regains composure.

"You look like a courtesan" says the Queen furrowing her eyes. Zelda's gaze lowers in shame and frustration. Link inhales irate and was about to contest the Queen but Derrick spoke first.

"NO, SHE DOES NOT… she is not even showing any flesh, but I do find her alluring." the Queen was about to say something but the King slams the table, he then looks straight at the Princess "You are not allowed to use that garment until you are officially a lady, is that clear?"

Wow, my King supports us? GREAT, we have the biggest chip in our side, we basically just won the battle. That is a relief because Zelda does looks good wearing that garment.

Zelda's eyes start to water, she runs to the King and hugs him giving him a kiss on the cheek.

I believe she finally understand WHO is her real father… I am happy for my King. THIS is all he ever wanted, to dine happily with a loving family.

Claire clears her throat "What your father just said, and remember to ALWAYS wear it on top of a dress, or clothing that does not exhibit much flesh, no further discussion about it…" the Queen stares at the table with dread before saying "I was not informed we are eating innards, since it's our first meal together in a while, could we shift to something more appetizing?"

"NOOOO" answered the King, Link and Zelda in unison.