Chereads / Starfire: The Shadow of Titan / Chapter 2 - The U.S.C.S HORIZON

Chapter 2 - The U.S.C.S HORIZON

"In the final climactic battle, Captain Reyes and her crew fought valiantly, using their skills, courage, and the power of the dimensions to protect all of existence. They made heart-wrenching choices, sacrificing their own desires for the greater good. Through sheer determination and unwavering resolve, they succeeded in preventing the cataclysmic event from occurring, averting the end of the universe. As the dust settled, Captain Reyes and her crew were hailed as heroes once again. They were celebrated for their selflessness, bravery, and wisdom in the face of insurmountable odds. But Captain Reyes knew that their journey was far from over." Dr. Wild Z. Cherry says as the video explaining the origins of Captain Reyes and the reason why space fleets now patrolled every known galaxy and dimension.

"Any questions? Yes Linus?"

 "Sooo, basically we all got Starblood because some Captain back in 2628 stumbled upon an interdimensional civil war of sorts, and stuck her nose into something she had no business messing with, and pulled us into this never-ending war on darkness?" He asked and the entire class groaned in annoyance. It was always something like this with him.

Linus Horizon. He had fiery red hair that he always kept spiked up, fair facial features, ember orange eyes he had inherited from his Howian mother. He had two vampire-like fangs also acquired from her. He was the only son of Theodore and Amelia Horizon, two of some of the most well-known Soldiers and Scientists in the United Nations, and the two of whom the current ship they were on the U.S.C.S HORIZON was named. He also had two stepsisters, both from his father's side of course. One was aged 19 and the other the same age as him, 17. However, unlike him, they were perfect students. Not like actually perfect. They were perfect as in they showed up to class on time, answered questions when called upon, stayed within the dress code, the things you expect from a student.

 "That's quite the rude way of putting it, but yes. One could see it that way." Dr. Cherry says rubbing the bridge of her nose in annoyance. She didn't hate that he was a slightly problemed child, hell she was one back in the day herself. It was the fact that he just didn't care about the cause and what they were doing. At least she devoted herself to the war effort. The HORIZON was set to be one of the front runners for the upcoming campaign against the darkness, so they were doing their best to produce high-quality soldiers.


Everyone looked back as he pushed his chair back and stood up. "I'm returning to my room. When we have our next test or actually learn something... I'll return to class." Dr. Cherry only shakes her head exasperatedly. If he wasn't her number one student, she'd have more to say on the matter. He always had perfect scores on every test and assignment so it wasn't like he didn't take it somewhat seriously. So, she decided to let it go. Plus, he would be in tomorrow she thinks with a smile. At least if they had anything to say about it that is.

 "Who's he think he is? Just cause his parents are famous he thinks he can do as he pleases?"

 "Drop it please Creed. He has perfect grades and as long as he maintains them, I don't care." Dr. Cherry says silencing one of her students. Creed Freedmore. He was a mixed breed as well. His sapphire blue hair hung down just slightly above his shoulders and his cerulean eyes showed an obvious hatred for his classmate.

After her short remark, everyone resumed paying attention to her class and resumed taking notes as usual.

"You're quite the rude one ya know that? Mum and Dad would be oh so ashamed."

His eyes quickly look over at the blonde-haired girl next to him. She was just barely shorter than him by a couple of inches, and her brown eyes always gave a playful innocent type of look.

"And? I don't live for them Adrianna; I live for me and what I want. They made me attend this school, so I'll attend, but in my way." He tells his sister who clicks her tongue.

"You know lots of people would kill for this type of thing, right?"

"And they can kill each other all they want. I'm not some pawn for the United Colonies to use."

"Huuh, well whatever, I'll just have to have Titania talk some sense into you. We have three years of school left. I can't have you making me look bad."

"Whatever, ain't like she'll change anything." He responds turning left down the hallway as they go their separate ways.


As he creates a baseball sized fireball in his hand and tosses back and forth between his left and right hand, he glances over at his family picture on his desk and lets out a long sigh. Contrary to popular belief, he didn't have any real problem with his family. In fact, they actually all got along splendidly. He was only attending because he promised his mother he would attend just because he needed to learn how to properly control his Starblood within the new society, but on the condition that he would live however he pleased, and her counter condition was that as long as he was top of the class neither her nor his father would step in and tell him how to live his life. Therefore, whenever he wasn't training his body, he was training his mind.

Tap, tap

 He raised an eyebrow at the faint sound of tapping, and just when he dismissed it, another two came. He tosses his fireball over his shoulder as he walks over to the door, it dissipates before even getting halfway to the ground. "Oh, Titania. I thought it was you." He says, looking slightly up at his older sister. She had a slight gleam of sweat all over her body. He gave her a quick look over. She was wearing orange tights, and an orange just barely short enough to be called a crop top, a training top. "She must have just finished her own training regime." He thought to himself. Unlike him, his sisters didn't have Starblood from birth since they were born to a human mother and father. However, it wasn't like humans couldn't get it. While it was extremely excruciating, you could have it implanted into you. Like Titania did.

 "I heard you were being a menace in class again." She says timidly.

"Something like that, yeah." He replies honestly. "Come in sis. Your hygiene products are in their normal spot, and I washed all your clothes so you should have some stuff to wear."

 "Thanks." She says with a smile as she strolls in like usual… correction, almost like usual. As she popped into the shower, he began rummaging through the fridge. Based on the amount of sweat, he figured she was doing Starblood manipulation training, so he decided they would have a natural sugar-filled dinner. He sliced up some mangoes, grapes, cherries, watermelon, and apples. He then took some bananas and strawberries and threw them in the blender followed by ice, and milk. Normally you could get by, by just eating candy or other sugar-filled things, but he found that (and this was just his own personal theory) sugary fruits were at least twenty times more effective and healthier than just consuming high-sugar products for a quick refill. Besides, that way was just a temporary fix. Artificial sugars only give you a quick instantaneous boost in Starblood regeneration, kinda like how the caffeine in energy drinks only gives you a temporary boost in warding off drowsiness. Just as he finished setting down their food, he heard the obviously disappointed whine of his sister.

"Just fruit again? This is like the second day in a row."

 "You were practicing using your power, right? I told you to switch between body and mind. The mind grows significantly faster than the body. Even if you have a high tolerance, if your body can't keep up, you'll die." He tells her and she just nervously chuckles and looks away. "You hurt yourself huh?"

 "Something like that, yeah." She answers taking a seat. "Massage it out please?" She asks almost beggingly as he sits by her, and she places her leg on his. "Ah, overload. Seems like her body couldn't keep up after all." He thinks to himself looking at her swollen legs. Her veins occasionally flickered a scarlet reddish orange. He knew she was limping.

"This is going to hurt." He warns her as her eyes begin to water.

 "Just get on with it." She squeaked and as soon as he began twisting and redirecting her energy back up her body, she began crying out; begging him to stop and she was just kidding, she would walk it off. Which she totally could, but he needed her to learn a lesson. After about 30 minutes he finally finished both her legs and he wiped the sweat from his forehead. Starblood redirection was always painful for both the healer and the patient. It required the most absolute focus, or you could end up making the injury worse. "Thanks." She murmurs retracting her hurting legs.

"Course. I did you make you this way after all." He replies bitterly. "Help yourself to whatever you like. I'm heading to bed."

"Don't say that!" She exclaims but it falls on deaf ears as he walks away. "I chose to do so… to catch up to you." She whispers her hand that once was reached out slowly lowering.