" You guys brought enough for an army. "
I patted little Amie's head and pushed a bag of popcorn into her hands.
" Have you meet my girlfriend? "
"" Hahahaha.. ""
Miles didn't understand yet why we were laughing, I had a feeling Ranni's eating habits will be a source of great joy in the future.
" .. I heard my title. What's the fun? "
We both shut it when the girl in question came out our room.
" No fun babe, Miles were telling jokes. Here brought you some snacks. " I waved a xtra large bag of chips to distract her.
She showed a little smile and came closer.
" Your brother arrived and the Stein sisters joined us as well. " she took the bag and give a little kiss. " Space is going to be tight. "
" Hmm .. sound good. " I gave her a perverted smile.
" Ugh.. come on already. " Amie pushed herself though us.
" The movie is part 1 of 3 .. let's go. "
I shared a look with Miles who went after her.