Chapter 92 - Merger

[Author Note]

Disc: HrPrTeam

Since JJK isn't finished, the merger here will differ from the actual story because I'm not Gege. At this point, you can decide to think of it as AU or not due to Naohiro's interference.

From here on, the JJK verse will be completely different from the future of the manga since it has yet to be released.

This will probably age poorly, but I don't care.


Tokyo No. 1 Colony

Naohiro instantly spoke up. "Everyone, get close to me. [Simple Domain]."

A blue circle appeared, covering Maki, Choso, Hakari, and the unconscious Higuruma as Naohiro shifted his stance.

Falling Blossom Emotion is inefficient as a domain counter, maybe even more so than Hollow Wicker Basket, depending on the type of domain. Instead of creating a full domain, a simple domain will suffice to best fit the situation.

It also has the benefit of allowing multiple people inside of the domain.

Aside from Naohiro and Gojo, everyone present has no way to counter a domain.

Maki had no cursed energy.

There are one of two things that could happen to her.

Either she is immune to the sure-hit due to the properties of a heavenly restriction, or she cannot guard against the sure-hit.

If the domain targets everything within, the sure hit can affect her.

Hakari was useless if he couldn't form a domain.

Choso doesn't have any counter, and Higuruma's domain isn't strong enough to clash with the current barrier.

Instead of forming his own simple domain, Gojo smiled.

He crossed his fingers while still having his blindfold off. "Let's see how refined this thing is. [Domain Expansion: Unlimited Void]"


A black barrier forms.

Gojo caught everyone within the domain, but Naohiro protected them.

The domain holds firm until...


It appears to melt from the top down.

Gojo raised an eyebrow. "Huh? Not gonna lie, it's kinda cool."

His domain didn't lose in a clash or get destroyed from the outside.

It was slowly dismantled.

Only one person in the world could dismantle a domain as strong as Gojo's.




If she's the only one who could perform such a feat, it means that it is Tengen's domain expansion.

Naohiro widened his eyes. "Wasn't her technique immortality? Then how does her sure hit work?"

Everyone looked at Naohiro while he had his realization moment.

He spoke. "Barriers."

While Tengen's technique is Immortality, her domain essentially extends her reach to everything trapped within and allows her to use barriers as a medium for her sure hit.

Naohiro spoke up. "The old lady's sure hit allows her to use her barrier manipulation on everything within. Since your domain didn't expand further than hers, she was able to dismantle it from the outside. Meaning..."

Gojo smirked. "Anyone and anything caught in her domain is in the palm of her hand."

Choso stared at nothing. "Which explains how Yuji was teleported."

Maki crossed her arms. "How is the simple domain still intact, then?"


Naohiro smirked. "I adapted."

Gojo casually walked into the simple domain as if his domain wasn't dismantled in front of him.

Hakari sat down. "So what? Are we just going to sit here until something happens?"

Naohiro shook his head. "Knowing Kenjaku, he's going to make his appearance."

Naohiro P.O.V.

This isn't how I wanted things to turn out, but you can't stop what's already started.

Although I'm fine within her domain, I can't say the same for everyone else.

If I drop the simple domain, everyone can be affected by the sure hit.

Using a domain expansion isn't cost-effective, even if I have already adapted to her domain since it would be a waste of cursed energy.

I can't fight while others are sitting in the hands of one of the strongest barrier users.

Too long didn't read, we're in deep shit.


Everyone narrowed their eyes as a white-haired, five-foot-tall girl appeared out of thin air.

However, it wasn't Tengen.


There were stitches.


Everyone noticed that she was carrying Yuji by the back of his shirt.

'Tengen' had a wide smile. "Like what I've done with the place!?"

I smiled back. "2/10."

She huffed a laugh. "It turns out that when you use techniques to their fullest potential, they can be much stronger than ever thought before."

I can't help but think back to Sukuna and Yorozu.

However, Megumi is different now.

I'll have to deal with this before everything truly changes.

It's the final showdown.

I smirked as I thought back to what Megumi's counterpart had accomplished.

Opening a hole in a domain expansion.

Kenjaku cannot beat Gojo in a domain clash but can only dismantle it from the outside, so he should be able to open a hole in the barrier using his own domain before Kenjaku can dismantle it.

I whispered to Gojo. "*Whisper* Take the others and open a hole in the domain. You should be able to teleport to get them out."

Instead of making a usual smart-ass remark, he nodded and grabbed Hakari and Maki.

In normal circumstances, he would have to choose between fighting Kenjaku or saving his students, but now that I'm here, he can choose the latter.

Unfortunately, he can only save two people at a time, but he doesn't care much for Choso, and Higuruma is some random Culling Games player as far as he is concerned.

Kenjaku continued. "Thank you, Naohiro."

I yelled. "NOW!"

Undoing the simple domain, Gojo moves to clap his hands to teleport.




However, the domain barrier shattered.

Ignoring all thoughts, I jump at Kenjaku.




I instantly appear before him and run my right hand through his head as I grab his throat with my left.

SHIT, he moved his brain to avoid my strike!

He keeps his smile as blood runs down his face. "Should've gone for the boy. [Merge]."


I crush his brain with my hand.

Tengen's body gets sucked into Yuji's as I move my hand out of the head.

Moving my hand out, I shove it toward the 'boy'. "Sorry, Yuji."






I look down to see an arm through my chest.

My eyes widened. "My soul."


Yuji pulls his arm out of my chest.


I instantly send my fist toward his face as my chest heals with reverse cursed technique.


He gets sent flying into a building.

Something was taken from me, but more importantly...

How did he injure me? What the fuck was that?

When I hit him, it felt like that time when I was figuring out how Tengen's barriers worked.

Like he was constantly shifting his body's properties.

My eyes widen.

He can bypass my adaptations using Tengen's barrier manipulation properties.

And this presence...


Gojo teleports a few feet from me. "So, kill 'em yet?"

I sighed. "Nope, we still have a final boss."

Gojo's eyes narrowed.

It looks like he noticed it, too.

After thinking for a bit, I realized that he was able to get a small piece of my soul before his hand left my chest.

I healed it back quickly, but that wasn't the issue.

The issue is what he ended up taking.

I spoke. "You've got to be shitting me."




A voice spoke. "[Domain Expansion: Malevolent Shrine]."