3rd pov
After Rimuru laid down the rules and made the goblin and wolf a duo. She saw that they didn't know how to build a house. So she went and asked Rigurd if he knew someone who could do it.
Rimuru: "Hey Rigurd, do you know anyone who can build a house?"
Rigurd: "Sorry Rimuru -sama but we don't know how, but we heard from some adventures in this forest, they said that there are famous dwarves in Dwargon who can help you with this ."
Rimuru: "Okay, I'll go with my mother to find this dwarf to help build a house."
Rigurd: "Yes Rimuru -sama. We will continue our work."
Rimuru: "Now let's go find mom and talk about this." After a few walks, she saw Riza in the hut that the Goblin had built for her family and Rimuru.
Rimuru: "Mom, I'm going to Dwargon to find some workers, do you want to come with me?"
Riza: "hm okay, let's think of this as a date between mother and daughter."
Rimuru: "yeah, let go mom" she held Riza's hand and walked out.
As Rimuru and Riza ventured towards Dwargon, they traversed through the lush forest, enjoying the tranquil ambiance. Along the way, they shared stories, laughter, and cherished moments, strengthening their bond as mother and daughter.
Rimuru pov
Rimuru then teleport them to the main entrance of the kingdom. All the people look at them man look at Rimuru and Riza with lust which make Rimuru annoy. ' all these man look at mom with lust ! Maybe I should let some chaos beasts kill them ?'
I come to the guard and they stunned by me and mom.
Rimuru:" Excuse me, can we pass. ?"
Guard:" Eh, oh yes you two can pass."
After I enter all eyes turn to us again. Sigh, I look at mom and see her eyes not look at them at all but a pure purple colour in wonder I ask.
Rimuru:" mom why don't you feel annoyed by all that look ?"
Riza: "well my dear that is human instinct at all. I don't pay attention to those looks because they are not interesting enough for me."
Suddenly two men blocked their way. Riza stopped talking to Rimuru and turned towards those two people.
Riza: "What do you two need? Why are you blocking our way?"
??: "I think you're so beautiful, so I wanted to ask you something. Is that right?"
??:" Yes, we were planning on inviting you two to dinner."
Rimuru: "We don't need to ask you two to get out of the way." Rimuru walked towards the other side with Riza but the other guy grabbed her shoulder. This makes Rimuru angry. She wanted these two guys to die, but Riza pushed that guy's hand away.
Riza: "I told you two clearly at first but you didn't listen so I will give you a gift."
??:" hahaha what are you planning to give us other than your body for us to play with hahaha."
Riza: "HAHAHAHA you guys are so funny. I already have a wife so there's no need to deal with me and dirty people like you two. Anyway, what I give you two is death." As soon as she finished speaking, the two of them were pierced by black spikes from many sides. This scene caused chaos, forcing the guards to run back.
After explain to the guard we continue our date. We see some dwarf panicked and in hurry so we ask them, they explained the attack in the cave so Rimuru decided to help them she gives them healing potion. After that they thanks her and she ask them about a famous blacksmith and they said that is Kaijin.
3rd pov
From afar there someone spying them. She is a spy of the king, when Riza and Rimuru enter this kingdom the King had note them so he send her to spy them. When the accident at the main entrance happened she was terrified and immediately responded to the king.
Miss spy:" my king there and accident at the main entrance, two death. They was killed by the woman with black and purple hair. I don't sense any magic in her but she just kill with a single word."
King:" Continue to spy them, do not let they see you and report to me if anything happened."
Miss spy:" yes my king." After she said she feels cold behind her. She slowly turn around and to her worst nightmare the woman with black and purple hair stand behind her.
Riza:" well well what do we have hear oh a spy. Oh don't worry little one I not gonna hurt you I just need to speak something to your king which is a good thing. Oh my bad, my name is Riza Rosemary."
The spy widen her eyes and bowed. She hear that name when the VOW speak and she knows who Riza is.
Miss spy:" you are the second Creator!!! My apologies God. I sorry for spying on you. Please forgive this kingdom."
Riza:" Ara Ara don't be like that I not gonna destroy this kingdom. My daughter decided to build her own country so I tag along with her to have fun. You just do your job so that ok. Talk to your king I will meet him later. Bye"
With that a great catastrophe has passed. The spy move fast to her king and tell this to him while Riza just walk with Rimuru to find an inn.
Rimuru pov
Me and mom finally find an inn that with luxury and good food. We will see Kaijin tomorrow. Now I wonder about my ability so I ask Raphael sensei.
Rimuru:" Raphael sensei can you explain for me my 7 sin skill."
Raphael: ( yes master 7 sin is the actual 7 Primordial sin that from the Bible. When master was born those 7 sin has chosen master as there presence but master mother use her power and make it loyal to master.)
A light bulb appear in her mind what if combined Chaos and 7 Primordial sin. She ordered Raphael to this.
Rimuru:" Raphael use my Chaos energy and 7 Primordial sin to create US."
Raphael:( yes starts the merge process. Use Chaos energy and 7 Primordial Sin. The first failed test starts repeating the process. The result failed. Failed x 1000000 time restart x 100000.)
The process happened millions of times but it still did not decide to give up, it wanted its owner to be satisfied.
Raphael:(recommended giving away death manipulation and Nightmare manipulation. Along with a large amount of chaos. Ting! Evolution successful.Master gain:
- Ultimate Skill The End.
* Ending life.
* Corruption.
* Time Domination.
* Steal soul.
* Chaos Breeder creator
* Consume Reality
* Chaotic desire )
Rimuru feel pain that she never has it like her own soul be torn apart and reshape. It end when Raphael succeeded created that US.
Rimuru:" ha...ha...ha...thank you Raphael sensei. This US is perfect."
Raphael:" my pleasure master."
Rimuru:" i gonna sleep now or mom will angry." After that she go to the bedroom and sleep with Riza. What she didn't know that Riza has already given her that US when they enter this inn she let Rimuru do the rest.
Riza pov
The next day me and Rimuru walk to Kaijin work place. As i enter the shop and see her working hard. I saw many weapons and greet him.
Riza:" hello Kaijin." But he didn't respond ' he work hard ha.'
Riza:" ehum. Kaijin!"
Kaijin:" oh ! Miss what can I do for you."
Riza:" Riza Rosemary and my daughter Rimuru. I would like an offer for you."
He raised an eyebrow and I explained to him the country Rimuru make. He tell me and order to make 20 magic sword from minister Vest, so I make 20 magic sword it makes him shock, Rimuru then take a shiny stones she eat in Veldora cave and give to him make him fainted. His 3 brother arrived and thanked me for the potion.
Rimuru pov
They take me and mom to the elf bar thanks for the magic sword and stone. We greeted by elf. In the bar I was hugged by the elf like a doll. ' Luminous gonna kill me' Then an elf come with a ball she said she can see destiny one, it makes me curious.
Rimuru:" so I heard that you can see my destined one."
Elf 1:" yes! I can" she take a ball of cristal and look at it. So I took a look and saw a black hair girl with a mark on her right eye and a girl with gray hair which I know."
Elf 2:" I see you have two beautiful girls."
At the same time a man walk in 'he must be Vesta' he looks arrogant and speak with Kaijin about the sword. Then he looks at me and mom with lust ' disgusting pig, I will erase him.'
Vesta:" you two are beautiful, I want to become my wife."
Rimuru:" sorry but I refuse and my mother already has a wife. So let go Kaijin to my village."
Vesta:" hold it, you will not going anywhere. I will make you my wife." Before his hand can touch me, I flicked my finger and he fly back to the wall.
Rimuru:" I just wanted to find some workers but you annoy me. I will let you go and don't stand in my eyes got that !!"
Vesta stand up and run out. I looked at Kaijin and his brothers.
Rimuru:" my offer still on."
Kaijin:"me and my brothers want to go with you miss."
After that the police of Dwargon come to arrest us but I don't want to so me and mom go to the king place.