While absorb the turn null and stardust Veldanava begin to know knowledge about the universe he overcome barriers and move towards omnipotence and omniscience then he created two more True Dragon which were his sister the Ice dragon Velzado and Scorch Dragon Velgrynd. Then he used turn null to created Two Great Spirits of Light and Dark. The Light Spirit created 7 Primordial angle while the Dark Spirits created 7 Primordial demon. Veldanava give 7 Primordial name to there colour: Primordial Red Rouge, Primordial White Blanc, Primordial Black Noir, Primordial Green Vert, Primordial Yellow Jaune, Primordial Purple Violet Primordial Blue Bleu.
And the 7 Primordial Angle: Feldway, Cornu, Obera, Zalario, Dino, Garasha, Pico. He also created each element Spirits like space, time, wind, fire, water, earth.
To facilitate the upbringing of this race of immortal men, Veldanava first created a founding being that he named Twilight Valentine to serve as the template and ancestor to them.
The Twilight also created vampier and high human. The High Humans possessed mortal but lengthy life spans and an innate capacity for knowledge and magic... but their massive egos and self-destructive tendencies made them failures.
To solve this, Twilight used their powerful intellect and created two species based on its own body. The High Humans and the vampires. The High Humans possessed mortal but lengthy life spans and an innate capacity for knowledge and magic... but their massive egos and self-destructive tendencies made them failures. The Vampires had the immortality that Veldanava sought, but their reliance on blood and intolerance to sunlight made them unsuited for populating the earth. Twilight returned to the drawing board and eventually created humans and their many sub-species—later known as Demi-Humans—which, while not being immortal like Veldanava wished, were enough to satisfy his desires and made him overjoyed.
Jahil was created by the divine ancestor Twilight Valentine eons ago to fulfill Veldanava's wish of a world populated with sentient life. The first of these experiments was Jahil, the "ancestor" of the entire human race. However, Jahil's behaviour was erratic and unsuited for Veldanava's desires, resulting in him and his fellow High Humans being deemed failures and Twilight moving on to create more races.
Once the various races had spread across the earth and various nations had begun to form, Jahil and his scientifically advanced nation of High Humans set out to conquer the world and become its sole ruler. This eventually resulted in Jahil summoning the Red Primordial.
Jahil arrogantly believed that so long as was within the material world that he could be controlled by the magic that was forced upon him during summoning. But to this the Red Primordial begin incarnate Vert and Bleu, ordering them to slaughter Jahil and all the residents of his Super-Sorcery Empire while avoiding the use of mass destruction magic to increase their suffering. To this Red Primordial become the first Demon lord he then name himself Guy and name two order Primordial that he summoned Rain and Misery. (You can find more in the wiki)
After being killed by his own stupidity, Jahil's spirit came to wander the earth for eons before eventually finding a host in the king of the elven kingdom. After Jahil made the king's body his own he proceeded to use the once peaceful kingdom as both a launchpad for the rebirth of the Super-Magic Empire and a testing grounds for his magical experiments.
Jahil's experiments culminated in him murdering Kagali and bringing her back to life as a Deathman. He had placed a curse upon her that would leave her appearance rotting, twisted, and ugly. When Kagali spoke back to her perceived father, begging him to return to his "peaceful and loving ways" Jahil lashed out in anger and used the power of his curse to force Kagali to become a man, changing her name to Kazalim and calling her his son. This is when he coss the line. While he doing his experiments his "son" pray to God.
Kagali:" Please God if you hear me please save me from this hell, my father is no more but a monster. Please save me God." She pray for her live free from this and she can kill that monster on her own. But to her hope God don't reply to her, she feels on despair.
Jahil:" it time for more experiments come out now Kagali."
But her pray came to a being that will cause chaos to this world. When Riza teaching Rimuru control her power she suddenly hear Kagali prayer. She begin to see who is the prayer when she saw Kagali past her body stop, her breathing stop she watch all of Kagali hell past her wrath raised with tremendous speed Anna and Raiko note this then look at each other then take Rimuru and Anny to there house. Outside Riza dimension Veldanava note this feel his body heavy some world begin to crack make he has to place a barrier on them.
*Waring gore sence*
She appears Infront of Kagali and Jahil then held Jahil to the air and begin to torture he. She make he feel billion time in one second then rip both his arm and leg then crushed it, she take his leg bones and smashed his head again again she do that ten more time. Then she place decomposition, burning, plague spell then she began tearing off pieces of his skin and forcing him to eat it, she tortured his soul with chaos so that he could no longer be resurrected.
Jahil scream was heard all the country Kagali hide when Riza come, she doesn't know what happened but she feels satisfied when Jahil be tortured like that. All these year she live in hell now she free.
Riza came down then looked at Kagali she saw the girl has gone though many experiments. She dash to Kagali make her sleep then use time manipulation to change her body back to when she was a beautiful princess Riza then remove the cursed place on her.
When Kagali wake up she saw she in Riza lap Kagali look around she saw Jahil death body her eyes water. Riza gently caressed her cheek clean those tear.
Riza:" you save now child your nightmare has end. I sorry for all the things you have gone though."
Kagali:" thank you for saving me, thank you for kill that monster. He used to be a good father but now all I see him is a monster."
Riza:" it not your fault or his because he is not your father, your father soul has died when his soul takeover your father body."
Kagali:" my father had died before this. Why why this happened to me."
Riza:" it alright let those though go away and move forward. You are not the experiment of he anymore you are now Kagali the formal Princess of the Elven kingdom and a new Queen of it."
Kagali:" I don't want to see this place anymore it just bring pain and nightmare to me. I will leave this place to some one else. I will travel the world to forget this past. "
Riza:" you are a good child you are always welcome to my home ok, if there any problem just say my name ok."
Kagali:" what is your name I forgot to ask my saviour. "
Riza:" my name is Riza child, be strong and move forward don't look at this past anymore. "
Kagali:" um" then she closes her eyes and sleep Riza then take her to a place where she builds a house for Kagali. Riza then leave her and when to Veldanava place it time she teach he how to be a God