Name: Riza Rosemary, Thyramorgax ( Outer God name)
Age: 200 billions years old (18)
Species : Outer kin, Elderich God.( Update)
Tier: High 1A
Tile: Chaos, True Dragon God of The End, Nightmare, Outer God of Apocalypse, The Chaotic Abyss.
Look: She has pale skin and long, dark hair with purple highlights. She has a slim, curvaceous figure and is posing directly facing the viewer with a confident expression. Her eyes are slightly narrowed, and she has what appears can make both male and female lust for her, which adds to her confident demeanor. And two large draconic horns. ( Update)
Chaos manipulation
Reality manipulation
Death manipulation
Fate manipulation
Time manipulation
Beyond dimensional Existence (type 2)
Power Nullification
Conceptual Manipulation
Reactive Evolution
Anti narrative.
Resident to mind manipulation, reality manipulation, time manipulation, conceptual manipulation.
Character: always loving life, cheerful and sociable, always wanting to bring good things to those she loves, passionate about fighting, bloodthirsty when she feels like battle.
Like: be a top, her girlfriends, cute thing, her parents(past) new parents( adopt )
Dislike: some young master like, arrogant people, and abusive.
Father (past), name: Tran Hai Phong (47)
Mother (past), name: Nguyen Thi Ngoc (36)
Brother (past), name Tran Tri Cuong (14)
Father ( new), name Yog-Sothoth ( Outer god)
Mother ( new), name Shub-Niggurath (Outer god).
Human from
Outer from
Horror from
Human Outer from
Olethros True Spear of Destruction.
4 set of dagger
Chaos sword.