The blood red portal open and Riza step out, she look aroud and see all is the sea and some ship with skull flag. She know she come to the right place now she in One Piece she begin to travel by flying at high speed. Then she begin to see land with some Japan style house she land down and begin to walk aroud and begin to learn about this place she wears a black and light purple dress with patterns two yellow star earrings with black clogs. Her bule hair with some purple hair( She begin to grow up, she just born in this life and be an Outer God they live in where time and space completely frozen, so ye when she come to Narutover she just a new born and I gonna let her have a harem(yuri) when she 18 in this life.) and red eyes make her look like a noble.
People aroud all look at her. Men look at her with lust and want to have a pieces of her, woman look at her with jealous because of her beauty and some married woman mad about there husban because they all turn there head at her. Riza doesn't care about them she look at those food all the time, she want to try them all, just think about that make her salivate. Suddenly she felt like she bumped into someone. She looked down and saw a little girl wearing ragged clothes, her face showing fear because she thought she was dirtying a noble's clothes.
Little girl: "I'm sorry, I didn't mean to, I was just too hungry so I bumped into you, I'm sorry."
The people around began to panic, some hoped the girl would be okay, others didn't care much.
Riza looked at that girl and just gently rubbed her head, bent down, brushed away the dust on that girl's body, then took out food from her bag and gave it to her (created from nothing).
Riza:" don't be afraid, my dress isn't dirty or damaged at all, there's not a single dirty part in it, so please accept this food and get better ok." She smile at the little girl and keep going, the little girl looks at all the food that she was given and cry she thought she can bring her food to her friend and they don't have to dig garbage to find food again. So she ran at Riza to beg her for help.
Little girl:" sister wait! Can you help me my friend they haven't eaten anything in weeks please I beg you!" her eyes begin to water she can have hope again.
Riza just stood there and looked back at the girl she smiled. She doesn't want to see children beg for food anymore in her past life she see many children beg for food and have to dig garbage to find something to eat she feels hopeless when she can't do anything to help them but in this life is different she will help those who seak help, will help children can grow up healthy. So she turn back and walk to the girl.
Riza:" you don't have to beg me I will do with all my power to reduce famine and disease. Now take me to your friends I will give them food and drink some medicine too."
The girl cry and huge Riza for the first time in that girl life she can see hope again, she can eat food again. Then she guide Riza to the place that she and her friends live it a an abandoned temple it maybe old but they can have a place to sleep. Riza look at the children in this play all in 5 or 6 years old there 5 of them all has skin body and lack water and nutrients. She feel sad about this so she use her reality manipulation to make their body healthy again and took care of some disease. In there eyes the miracle happen their body change back to when the body has enough nutrients, all diseases disappear. They all look at Riza and ran to hug her, they all cry finally they don't feel hurt anymore. Riza then use her power to create a big house for all the children, some book for them to learn.
Then Riza created some android that like 17 and 18 in Dragon ball super these two will have there emotional like in the Dragon ball super and absolute loyal to Riza.
Riza:" You two will take care of these children and more if some children don't have parents or be left on the streets guide them to this place and teach them how to read and write, how to fram and make food, how to cook food. Ingredients are always available in the kitchen and will never run out. Also this place will be an orphanage for homeless children. It will name Hope."
All the children have star in there eyes and slime happily then Riza play police and robbers with them. When she was playing with the children she hear someone's praying:" please help my brother, please!!!".
Riza:" ok um I have a very important job to do so I gonna go then I will be right back ok, be good and listen to 17 and 18 ok. You two take care of them will ya."
Then vanish and reappear in the sky above all of them. The battlefield become silent they all look at the girl that appeared out of nowhere. Riza look down and know where she hear that pray it.
Before Riza hear that pray and come here.
In Marineford when Luffy and Ace run then Akainu taunt Ace me he fight him but Ace devil fruit can't win again Akainu lava fruit. Ace was then knocked out by Akainu. He turned towards Luffy, wanting to finish him off but Ace stood in front of Luffy to protect him and was stabbed by a lava punch. Luffy watching Ace fall without being able to do anything.
Luffy:" someone please help me, save my brother. Please!!!!!!"
???:" boy were you the one who prayed" her voice like a arrow that piece though the silence around this place. Luffy looks at her and don't say anything. Riza then touch Luffy head.
Luffy:" Please!! Save him Please!!"
Riza just nodded and sit down and touch Ace body a white light radiated from her hand and the bloody hold start closing then she use soul manipulation and grap Ace soul bring it back to the body. Ace then slowly wake up Luffy immediately hug Ace.
Luffy:" Wahhhh Ace!!!! THANK YOU, THANK YOU!!!!"
Riza:" nah it just a little not a big deal, beside this war need to stop." Riza then lifr his chin and look at him " well your brother saved now so i complete my job and now for my payment. Well I what can you give me child"
Luffy can't say anything he doesn't have money or gold he don't even know what to pay her.
Riza:" well no answer. When you deal with the devil you must pay something for them right. How about your soul it tasty or become my slave hum I will treat you well. Now what will you do."
When Grap see his grandson say those pray he hope that it happen and then dream come true his grandson Ace alive again he very happy about that he have to thanks that girl but despair come when he hear those payments he wants to stop her and keep both Luffy and Ace away from her but his body can't move.
Grap:" don't do it Luffy!!"
Boa Hancock she madly in love with Luffy when she saw Ace death she feels sad for her lover( one side) but just like Grap hope came and despair destroy it. When she saw that girl lifted Luffy chin she wanted to go and fight her but she just stand there and look at the sence (ntr new type )
Boa Hancock:" stay away from him you nich!!!"
Luffy finally got the answer for the payment that he will give Riza.
Luffy:" I... I will... give my soul for you as the payment. For saving my brother life"
She flashed a smile that made others feel chills looking at her. He hehe hahahahahaha " good good, very good that what I like" Riza said
She grabbed his head and look at his eye.
Riza:" well done, well done your answer was correct give this boy an A+" she then let go off his head and give him head pat. " You will to sacrifice your self for you brother that is the correct answer so my payment is get stronger, be a big boi and date the girl that love you protect everyone that meant to you ok."
Grap and Boa Hancock there face looks very stupid. They want to save him and then turn out like this.
Riza:" what don't look at me like that I not like some devil that make a deal then try to kill you. I do what I want and I even make a wish sale too."