Be it the tricksters, butchers or heretics, all were small groups without a firm hold anywhere, naught but wanderers, no different from roaming bandits with no place to call home, the illusionist had it easier than the other two on account of not believing in any violent or for having beliefs that horrified the strongest groups, but still, the stigma of the time when they had participated in an attempt at a coup to seize power still remained, and most of the believers had instead defected, or become street rats, petty thieves and nothing more.
The butchers however, servants of the youngest Undeviginti, could simply not fit in with the rest, advocating for the slaughter of all that moved, in quite a literally manner, as just like their patron sun would obliterate anything that dared moved too quickly whilst under its light, they targeted all that could move, so unlike some jokes that ran through the four other faiths, standing still would not save you from them.