"Let's begin with the chieftain" inside of a large tent situated within the undead oasis, about a two dozens desert orcs and single man, who looked very much like a human, had been tightly bound and were under the watch of multiple warriors of the dead, including Ir'Houwl herself, who just casually took a seat in a corner.
She pointed to the orcish leader, who had been granted the right to get his eroded flesh back for the purpose of the interrogation, making the ivory-tusked fool appear even grimmer that he already was, he tried to struggled against the restraints, but that amount to nothing, and only got him a chipped blade pressed against his throat.
"Now, now… The patient is just a little bit stressed" the bird-headed undead raised his hands and stepped up to the chieftain, pulling out scalpel out of his sleeves like some sort of magician.