"Quideos Audit" the instant the 's' sound was pronounced, Loimos swung his extending sword at the prophet, all the while continuing to speak in the same tone as though nothing was happening, a long gash was left on the wall behind the white-haired man, who managed to dodge the strike, even as the blade bent around and tried striking from the back.
Then, part of the sword exploded forth into a cone of shrapnel, revealing a most vile, gooey substance stored within, but the seer managed to evade it all.
"Don't bother, Loimos… You are weakened whilst my own abilities have never been greater, I can predict all of your attacks" he said with a straight face, but the undead could feel a certain sense of trepidation.
So he just swung again, manifesting a soul beast right above the prophet this time, which came crashing down with just ferocity and momentum that went right through the ground and formed a pit by condensing everything below it together.