Chapter 66 - Chp-65 Undercurrents.

"I can't stand this anymore!! Our religion which had been long established millennia ago has been overshadowed by that blasphemous Dragon God. Why has Lady Luminous not done anything!!?" Saare grunted out, annoyed that the Holy Kingdom has not taken any action against a Literal Monster Empire and is now more focused on a Newbie Demon Lord in a jungle.

"Calm down Saare, Lady Luminous works in ways that we can never hope to imagine. Believe in her." Bacchus, the mediator of the Ten Saints spoke.

"I do, but I am not sure if the people does anymore. Almost half the believers outside the kingdom has been converted while almost half inside are considering whether to switch sides. If this goes on then only we will be left as the true believers of the TRUE DVINE! " Saare's frustration didn't end as he screamed the last sentence.

"That's enough Saare." Hinata calmly spoke as she sat at the top of the table.


This effectively silenced Saare but his folded hands still showed how dissatisfied he was with the whole ordeal.

"It can't be helped, the Goddess rarely shows herself if not never, while the Dragon Overlord is frequently seen, and he's a True Dragon for Luminous' sake. True Dragons are equivalent to Gods in human's eyes and strength is what dictates in this world. No wonder they will decide to worship him." Glenda spoke unscrupulously.

"Glenda, you shouldn't speak such heinous words in the Room. You could be executed for it." Bacchus reprimanded Glenda.

"What? You can't deny that I am right can you? " Glenda argued .


"See. All of you know this is true. Admit it, that Bael has our maneuveres us. We are stuck now. We can't freely declare his empire a heretic nation and wage war, that might loose what remaining devotees we will have." Glenda spoke.

The religion of The Dragon acknowledged Luminism as a Religion that did exist before it. But it added a clause that made everything change. It said that Luminous, was a former Dragon Goddess that had Forsaken it's Dragon Divinity and chose to sacrifice her life for the Humans, saving them from monsters.

It stated that Luminous as a former Dragon Goddess was a Part of the Grear Dragon pantheon of whose ruler was, The Dragon Overlord Bael. Now this was completely made up fact that the saints and truly knowledgeable people knew, but for ordinary people, they considered it to be the truth.

And if the Holy Kingdom now attacked the Empire, it will go against the Codex, the People will begin to really doubt the Kingdom.

And what was Luminous going to do about it? Well she cared not for what was happening, what she really wanted by establishing this religion was for her and her subordinates to have a constant and easy supply of human blood to stay alive that was now unnecessary, due to Bael providing them with a medicine.

This medicine removed the unrelenting urge to drink blood and made it so that one can stay without ingesting blood for decades.

Luminous was really thankful Bael, not only he helped seal that lizard up, but he also saved her people from the curse of being forced to drink blood continuously to stay alive.

The concept of two religions will soon vanish, leaving only one standing, the Great Dragonic Religion Draconism.

"Let's leave this to the Seven Luminaries. We are the Ten Saints, our work is to combat monsters and protect the true believers of Luminism. Now, what was the message from Tempest?" Hinata continued.

"Yes. As we known the orb contained a message, after investigation It went like this..." Lotus stood up as she explained the situation.

After her report, the room fell silent for a moment as they digested the information they had obtained. The slime, had challenged Hinata for a duel. It declared that if Hinata refused to accept it, then he will act against the Holy Kingdom.

"What are we waiting for!? That lowly slime clearly wants to die!! Why not crush it and set an example! It will also solve the political issues we have. " Garde pridefully spoke.

His confidence could be seen from a mile away of how he was sure he would crush the enemy.

".....All of you will stand by. Only I will go." Hinata declared.

"What! But captain, it's clearly a trap. You know that monsters doesn't care for morals and ethics!" Litus frantically spoke.

"I know what I am doing and you will acknowledge that. If anything does happen to me then Saare will get to fullfill his dream." Hinata spoke as she left the room.

"Huh.." Saare couldn't help but look at the retreating figure of Hinata, his thoughts unclear for anyone to know what he was thinking about.


"It has been a long time since we have all gathered here in this Throne Room." Bael spoke as he looked at all his Guardians gathered in the throne room. His guardians, now titled Ministers of different departments were often busy with tasks that would take years to finish, especially the Project M, which stood for Multiverse.

"We, Guardians are always available for whenever you may call." The echo spread in the room as the Guardians stayed knelt on the floor.

"Rise, my faithful servants. You have completed every tasks that I give you and I know that you will continue to do so. Rhombus. Report." Bael spoke.

"Yes Lord Bael. The Project is coming along nicely. I believe you are already aware of the Star Ore limitations that Medusa probably mentioned in her written reports." Rhombus spoke.

"Well, I have recently discovered a moon, in sector Zeta091. It is registered as Z-StarA, or just Stara. It a moon double the size of The Cardinal Planet, and it houses enough Star Ore to finalize over half the construction of the Main Ship's Hull. If we encounter another such Large Deposit then we can complete the Project in approximately 2 years." Rhombus said Proudly.

Sectors were divisions stretching more than ten Galaxies apart, made to simply the process of databasing the records and logistics of the vast space.

Hearing Rhombus' reports, Bael smiled. Bael felt like luck was on his side, with the current pace, the project was estimated to be completed in a few decades, but now that he had struck Gold, it was not far when he will get to travel the multiverse.

"Excellent Job Rhombus. Tell me, what do you wish for in exchange for your achievement. Anything you wish, I shall fulfill it to the greatest of my capacity." Bael proposed, a loyal subordinate was the best anyone could ask for, but keeping your subordinate happy was also important.

"I wish for nothing to serve you eternally my lord." Rhombus spoke.

"Rhombus, you have brought great joy to me with you endeavour. This wish of yours is already granted. Ask for something else."

"Then...I hope you would grant me the power to create any schematic I know of instantly." Rhombus asked.

"..Granted. You are now able to create any non-living product, but it will require the right amount of compensation." Bael said as he granted Rhombus the watered down version of the Creation ability he had with Gabriel.

"Thank you my Lord." Rhombus bowed in gratitude as he retreated to join his fellow guardians.

"Medusa, I want you to speed up the development of the Empire. Begin providing the Army with the rune-armour and weapons. Isabella, begin releasing more technological equipments. Yama and Roku, Strengthen the defences of the Empire, Gaia and Adriana, begin connecting up the ley lines of the Empire." Bael gave a set of instructions to each of the Guardians.

"As for Elizabeth, Shah'el ru, Adrigal and Darkseid, You will stay in Deudenia and fortify the Castle as well as the Continent, assist the rest if they need it. Rhombus, continue the project. "

"Your wish is our command!" The Guardians chanted as Bael went away. His orders set forth a chain of events that meant only one thing, war was in sight. When? No one knew but what they knew for sure was that they only needed to do what Their Lord Had asked if them and all will fit according to His Great Plan.


The Guardians worked immediately and it was not even a few days that passed that the changes were being felt by the world.

New technologies were rapidly being introduced, the army getting more stronger with their new armour and weapons.

The few spies that the foreign nations painstakingly managed to embedd in low end hierarchy were quickly getting killed. It was a known fact that Orion was in the process of gradually becoming more and more advanced than the Military Empire of Nasca Namrium Ulmeria. Much less now that news had it that the rate of advancement has increased two fold.

And this began to worry the older generation beings, Majins, warriors and special humans who has lived for centuries and more, they knew what such advancements would mean for the world. A great purge, those feathered beings will descend once again to cull the population, the technology will be lost again.

They knew it was inevitable since it seems to happen every 500 years but the recent Tenma War happened 350 years ago and it was 150 years too early. What was the Dragon Overlord thinking? No one knew, but what they did know was that River of Blood Will be following soon.


A/n Time has come, a new war will be waged where the fate of the world will depend on its victors. Who are the players of this war?

Idk, I haven't made the chapter yet.

Jk, well the plot will be deviating a lot now, the end of still not near...I hope. We shall see how I come up with this story's ending.