Chapter 33 - Chp-33 It's Over.


Currently, it was the next day. The group were again gathered inside the Guildmaster's tent to finalize the plans.

Today marks the end of their long quest.

For everyone participating, this might have been their most adventurous but dangerous quest they might have taken.

From fighting the most infamous bandits of the kingdom to witnessing the powers of truly powerful adventurers, and now they are about to fight the Dire-Tigers.

These Monsters were the apex predators of this Forest. Although it has no name, it was the largest forest in Gemmera and it's surrounding kingdoms. It was simply named as The Wild Forest.

For it contained innumerable monsters that help the capability to tear apart normal humans on a daily basis.

And all these 'dangerous' monsters were ruled by the Dire Tigers. Based on their names, they can be called a distant relative of the Dire Wolves residing in the Great Jura Forest, although their species aren't same.

This pack of Fantasy Tigers were headed by it's leader who was reported to be an A+ ranked or a High Hazard class. It held the capability to decimate the Kingdom's finest of knight orders if they weren't careful enough.

Singularly, the tiger might have been easy to deal with, considering the amount of Adventurers gathered inside the tent, but the tricky part is, the Pack is named as such because the Tigers hunt in groups, in packs.

These particular group had a few more A ranked DireTigers which is far more stronger than normal A ranked Adventurers.

"Is everyone ready?"

Asked Robin, as he looked at every adventurer team's leaders. His voice was mixed with a sense of seriousness and strictness as if he didn't desire any mishaps in this critical junction.

"Yes all of us are ready."

A range of aggreements and affirmation was voiced by the leaders. Their eyes reflecting their determination and strong will. But if one looked close enough, there was a hint of nervousness and fear.

They knew that where they will step in, might most possibly be their graves. But the allure of the rewards and recognition made them determined enough to face this situation.

"Good, then let's begin."

With the final declaration by Robin, everyone exited the tent and regrouped with their respective groups, already on the ready to move out.

The first ones to move out was the Kibou Team and Golden Tear. Followed by the rest of the A ranked teams dividing and going on either side of the two teams.

While the remaining Adventurers divided themselves and followed the three different directions the A ranked went towards.

The plan was simple. Kibou and Golden Tear will be the Vanguard, engaging in combat with the most powerful Diretigers while the two branching groups will act as a cage, encircling the place and making sure no Dire Tigers escape and killing off the strays.

It was unanimously agreed that the Teams, Golden Tear and Kibou would be the one to fight the Pack Leader along with his Beta, Gamma, Lamda, Epsilon, Theta, Omega, Sigma, Pi, Phi, Kii, Tau and all the Greek mumbo jumbo that Biologist love to use to describe the rankings of Predatorial Packs.

"So Armin san, what do you think would be the Pack Leader's strength be? Will it be stronger than the Bandits Leader?"

Asked Tsuzu as they kept moving at a relatively fast pace towards the den.

"I don't really know Tsuzu san, we will find out once we reach their den.", Replied Armin while side glancing at Tsuzu. His small but noticable smirk was unnoticed as he wasa little further than the rest and they were looking ahead while in anticipation of how this hunt will go.

'Who will Hunt Who....It will truly be decided now. The Bandits were just a trailer.'

[My Lord, You have started your inner-monologuing again.]

'Guve me a break for once Gabriel, I just wanted to entertain my self you know?'



This's as if I always have an Alexa who is a million times more better at the same time a mix of a grumpy Girlfriend who also happens to be my assistant but seemingly have all the knowledge of the World. And by of the world I mean from three different Worlds.

To be honest I feel like I am just enjoying myself this few days. And I think I should make this day my last untill I do this sometime again.

I still have plans ahead, world domination to do, And all the Administration fun that follows.

I could just dump the paper work to my capable guardians, and they will gladly do it.

But I think having some experience will help in the future.

Let's go by the saying of 'If you want to be the best, you should be best in all.'

[Who said that?]


[.... Understood....Recorded in Database..Under Folder: Lamest Lines.. Section: Dumb and Stupid...]


This Skill....I think I have finally figured it out.

It wants to make me go bald or convert my hair white.

The amount of times it roasted me is not looking like the CV I got about it.

[I didn't present any CV..]

'Lets just go with it ok?'

[As your Delusional Mind Wishes]

'Please be nice...'

[Not Non-Affirmative.]

'Was that a Yes or a No!? You are not clear enough!!'


'Hey!! Answer me! Don't just Ignore me!'


As our MC deals with a Grumpy and Tsundere AI slash Skill, We turn towards Deudenia and see how the Guardians are fulfilling their Great One's instructions.

In a large room held by four equally large pillars of obsidian-polished-blackstone laided with gold linnings where two long sofas and a long table in between both made of precious materials were placed.

We see an Office-esk desk with a chair behind it. Behind this office furniture, there were two sets of selves used to store books and a select few scrolls.

On that particular chair, we see a beautiful young maiden. Her face devoid of any emotions but still holding a certain charm that would entice any male or even women into loving her. Her long emerald dress and emerald green eyes accentuated her beauty.

This maiden was rapidly writing on papers placed on the desk without stopping in between. Soon a stack of papers piled up on her left side.

When she was satisfied with her work, she stopped writing and flashed a small smile while looking at the pile.

At that exact moment, a knock was heard soon accompanied by a maid present at the doorstep to announce any visitors, entering the office.

"Lady Medusa, Lord Rhombus is here to meet you." The maid bowed and quickly relayed who was waiting outside without any hesitation in her voice.

"Let him in." Just as the voice fell, the maid gave a short bow of acknowledgement and opened the door letting in the masked Doppelganger.

He was holding a Black File with gold trims on his left as he strode inside the office, casually stopping before the desk and placing the file on it.

"I see you have finished huh?", asked the masked Doppelganger.

"Just now. I still have to review it. I can't show a sloppy paper work to Lord Bael right?", While taking another empty file from the side and systematically putting the pile of papers in it, Medusa answered.

"Indeed, but I think Lord Bael will be proud of our work. Although I think he will already have known about it and was just waiting for us to come up with it ourselves."

Holding his chin with his right hands while resting the elbow on his left, Rhombus pondered our loud.

"Couldn't agree with you more. The idea of Dominating the world through capitalism is indeed an indigenous one. I have never thought of such a path towards world domination." Said Medusa in amazement.

"I think I once read one of the books in the Great Library, I believe it was titled 'Money Matters' by one of the Supreme Ones CreepySausage101. I used to always hear my creator Lord VindicatorXOX talk how he always Preaching how money ruled the world and how everyone is under its control."

"Truly, The Supreme Ones are really brilliant to come up with such Philosophical and Strategic Ideas." Medusa said with a voice full of worship towards the Supreme Beings.

"And the one to rule them all, My beloved, Lord Bael." A melodious voice was heard from the back as Rhombus turned to let Medusa see who it was.

"Ah. Isabella, I see you are too free to chant about Lord Bael being your 'Beloved' huh?"

Medusa smiled at Isabelle with her eyes closed but Rhombus couldn't help but sweat drop at the huge amount of chilling killing intent directed at Isabella.

Acting Oblivious to the glare directed at her, Isabella answered, "Indeed, actually I finished my reasearch a while ago, just need to complete the report. Just wanted to see how you were doing."

"I am doing just fine actually. If you don't mind, them please return and promptly finish the report so I can call Lord Bael to review it." Medusa's smile was twitching at the outright ignoring of Isabella towards her glare, but she still replied back.

"Ladies, I think we are getting a bit sidetracked here. Let us discuss how our plans are coming along." In an attempt to direct the course towards the right angle, Rhombus quickly spoke.

"Right..*ahem*...the plan is basically that Isabella will research on how to utilise the magicule ores growing in this continent to make utilities and equipments that will be profitable for us, while Rhombus will look into the integration of Yggdrassil materials with this world's resources. And I am tasked to look into the administrative plannings of the future kingdom."

Medusa quickly summarised their upcoming agenda of the future. What Bael wanted to do was to conquer the kingdom through Money as a passive. While he planned to go to war and directly usurp the kingdoms' throne, he knew that doing so will mostly have a negative impression upon himself and his rule.

Making the masses against him and instigate a civil war would be much easier for any Outsider. It was not that he was weak to stop this but it will be messy and a tedious thing for even him to do, so he chose the safest way.

Through capitalism, he will first completely take over the market then introduce indigenous products that will make the lives of the common people easier thus garnering appreciation and support form them.

He didn't care about the feelings of the nobles as he knew that almost all will be a greedy, money-sucking maggoted leech who will care about themselves.

"I have finished coming with the process to reduce the quality of the ores in a profitable method. It will reduce the High quality of Magicule ores into its lower counterparts in equivalent quantity and the reverse. This will make it so we can freely distribute the finished products." Isabella continued after Medusa.

"And I have finalized the research of using the monster skin as materials to make Low tier Magic Scrolls as well as some high tiered monsters can be used to produce High Quality Scrolls capable of holding upto 8th tier magic. I am currently on the process of saturating the monsters in high concentration of Magicules to observe the reactions and this far , it is going in the positive direction." Rhombus followed.

"Excellent! All the preliminary tests are finished then. Let's move to the next step." Clapping her hands once Medusa said.

Nodding their heads the trio of masterminds smiled as they saw the future of their Master's plans coming to fruition.


"Hmhmhmhmm~ Hmhmhmmhmm~"

While humming to herself a childlike figure was currently drowing certain symbols on a piece of paper while laying down on her belly, her legs kicking periodically in the air.

If any mage to look into what this girl was drawing, they might Puke Blood in a Chinese xianxia style because the symbols the girl was drawing was Runes. High Tiered Runes to be exact.

It was simply not the type of runes she was scribbling but the amount in it. It reached atleast 30 runes in a single formation, making it very unstable and dangerous but the little girl was casually adding more on top of it, disregarding the complete violation of rules of Runes.

" oh....!!!"


Suddenly a brilliant purple light flashed from the paper as soon, a thundering boom was heard, Blasting the door of the room.


A loud roar was heard from the hallway as a huge cloud of dust kicked up in the room.



Back at the centre of the Wild Forest, a crisis unfolded for the "Hunters".

"This was not in the intelligence report -!!!!"


"SHIT!! How are they this strong!!?"

"They seemed to have somehow evolved!!"

"But that's impossible!!"

Screams of disbelief echoed in the middle of the forest as the adventurers fought the Dire-Tigers.

Contrary to what they had believed, the Dire tigers were stronger than what they estimated. This led to a disruption in their 'perfect' plan to subjugated them.

While they were struggling to keep up with the High combat force of the tigers, the Vanguards were currently fighting the packs Lead Dire-Tigers.

"Why the hell is this Tiger attacking me only!?"

Riku shouted as he dogded and simultaneously attack at the Dire-Tiger Leader who seemed to have fixed Riku as it's target.

"It seems it likes you very much. Why don't you go and pet it!?"

A frustrated jab was thrown at Riku by Haku who was also busy dealing with two Powerful dire tigers at once.

"Their hides are stronger than normal high grade armours and their teeth and claws sharper than Swords and their strength could be equivalent to two fully grown elephants."

Analysed Tsuzu who was a distance away protecting Misu and herself from another diretiger who was trying to get inside the barrier, while Misu was constantly buffing The Boys.

"Then have you figured out their weak points yet!!?"

Screamed Riku who was slowly getting overwhelmed by the leader.

"Just a moment...."

Tsuzu tried hard to think of a solution.

While Kibou Group was embroiled in the most intense fight of their life, Golden Tear was currently having a great time watching them using .

Before engaging in combat, both used illusion to make it so that a large part of the Dire-Tigers had retreated and both decided to pursue them while the remaining 4 Dire-tigers fought Kibou.

In reality, the so called 'retreated' Dire Tigers were infact teleported by Armin inside Isabelle's laboratory.

"That's it!! How could I ignore such a clique weak point!! Riku!! Haku!! Attack their Eyes and mouth!! Try to do as much harm as you can!"

Tsuzu exclaimed while she at the same time started preparing another magic circle.


Riku charged his sword with excess Magicules which he just recently learnt to use and was currently unable to control the amount.


While also charging his feet with mana he zoomed towards the Leader aiming his sword's tip at its eye.

The Leader as if perfectly knowing what Riku was doing moved it's head sideways and punched at Riku who already reached it with its paws sending him across the field.

'If it was any generic monster, then that strategy might have worked. Unfortunately for them, this Leader is smarter than a normal human.'

Thought Armin, amused at the shocked expressions of the group.

"So that didn't work..."

Muttered Tsuzu while a little downed at her 'genius' strategy not working.

"It seems that we need to use brute force them."

Said Haku while Using his Skill to the Maximum and beyond.

Fifty Swords of various ranges of shapes, sizes started to form behind him. Each containing powerful enchantments of approximately low special ranked.

*Swish* *swish*

With a flick of his hands, the Swords swiftly approached the two surprised Dire Tigers.

Soon, the swords reached their target like homing missiles and exploded on impact.

The unprepared Dire-Tigers soon perished in the explosion.

When the Dire Tigers died, Haku again used his attack, now half the number of swords swept towards the fourth Diretigers killing it.

"My Turn. " Said Riku while charging his Sword with Magicules and also using his Skill.

"Let's attack on my count." Tsuzu, now freed of the burden of using a barrier while simultaneously attacking, started charging her magic spell.

Haku also started to use his move once more. But now, drops of sweat could be seen on his face while his forehead had a small line of frown on it, signifying that he will soon reach his limits.

A glow of light appeared on the bodies of the trio which soon disappeared.

"Thanks Misu."

Said Haku grateful of the buffs Misu had casted upon them while Misu reciprocated his thanks with a nod.

"Then.. everyone, Attack!!" Tsuzu exclaimed.

"Haaaa!" The first one to go was Riku who now disregarded attack any weak points and choose to just attack the largest area the leader had, it's body.

The eyes of the tiger widened while it was unable to properly dodge the attack and got hit, making it skid a few feets away.

The attack did little damage to it, only leaving a slightly large scar on it. While it was still stunned, a big ball of fire soon approached it.


The supercharged nuclear magic sent by Tsuzu soon completely covered the tiger making a firey tornado reaching for the clouds, dying the sky red.

*Swish* *swish*

Multiple swords soon entered the tornado, explosions resounding with each impact of the sword.

The tornado went on for three while minutes while everyone waited with baited breathes for the result of their efforts.

And it was definitely fruitful. The Diretiger leader was now a searing mess of exposed and burned skin missed with blood oozing out of the orifices.

It was now weakened but still held on, as if mocking the efforts of the group.

"It seems we were late to the party."

Armin said as he walked towards the group form behind.

"Armin-san.." the slight voice break in Riku's call showed how much exhausted the group was and also that they were relieved to see him.

"You are exactly on time Armin san."

Said Misu.



With a quick slice, Armin decapitated the tiger finally killing it.
