Chapter 17 - Chp-17 Educating a Prince

*Timeskip to the day of Bael's Visit*

After the fight, me and Guy had some talks in his castle about My Goals in this world.

To be honest, in the beginning my only goal was to have fun, and as a Chunni what fun it would be if I didn't conquer the world?

But that part i didn't mention to him, I just told him about my wish to have fun.

Which he was greatly intrigued in, you won't just casually find a super strong being who just wants to have fun. Although 'fun' can be interpreted in many ways.

The plain fun, fun of killing, fun of seeing the despair of others, fun of... Damn...there is a lot of negative 'funs' huh.

Anyways, while I was talking to him, I also heard that currently Veldora Died a few years ago. A product of His elder sister's 'loving educations'. But as a True Dragon, he will just revive after a few years.

Thinking of this, true dragons are somewhat similar to Tailed Beast huh? I wonder what 'they' might be doing?, should check on them.

I also asked him about the Outsider part.

He told me that as a Friend of Veldanava, he knew the concept of Reincarnation and Transmigration long before it was even discovered.

He also said that He and Veldanava was aware of More Multiverse that existed and he said that Veldanava speculated that there was an Entity that created the multiverse, living in an Omniverse. Maybe this Omniverse is one

Of the many others. A massive inceptions of Universe Inside Multiverse inside Omniverse inside...where do you even go form here?

Regardless, this part was not significant for us now. From there he told me that an outsider is an Entity who came from another Multiverse to this World.

There was a difference between me and Rimuru. While his and Tensura's universe was in one Multiverse. Mine, the OverLord world was a completely different Multiverse.

When I asked if he met any who mentioned about a world called Yggdrassil, he denied it.

Meaning noone from that world has ever crossed here.

This also brought out a doubt, what about The Summoned?

He said that the world they originate from is also in the Multiverse Of Tensura so VOTW can have the authority to connect to that world.

Although Veldanava created the whole Multiverse. The VOTW only has authority in the Cardinal Universe. In other worlds it has minimal influence.

Thus, With me in total, I am the most powerful outsider he has witnessed. And I sure hope to keep as that in the future. Don't want someone to mess with your plans after all.

After that we exchanged some simple talks for some time and then I left. Reaching Deudenia, I called for a meeting with my Guardians.

"Guardians, Today is the day I will be Visiting the human Kingdom of Gemmera.

Adrigal, Gaia, Rhombus and Aria will be coming with me on this journey. For the rest of you, make sure that Deudenia is safe and secured until my return. Medusa, if any circumstances, No matter How INSIGNIFICANT, you must inform me via Message. Is that understood?" I ordered.

" Yes Lord Bael." Bowing her head Medusa replied.

" Also, Adriana Don't cause any trouble until I return okay? I heard these days there were some 'small incidents' on the 2nd floors. ", I said as I had heard of a certain boom coming from there.

"Rest assured Lord Bael, I will be obedient!!", said a flustered Adriana as her act was caught.

"Good." Satisfied with her response I spoke.

With that out of the way, we took off riding the elder Dragons i summoned, It was actually funny that I as a Dragon myself was riding another dragon. But to be honest, it was for the best.

My Dragon Form was large enough to cover a quarter of the Continent and the dragon I am riding on isn't even onetenth my size yet he's Big enough to topple kingdoms single-handedly with his body.

I naturally don't want the people to become crazy that a Giant Dragon has decided to attack them. But this small fleet of dragons doesn't help in that too huh, for them even this is too much. The power systems are definitely skewed. The really strong are vastly strong and the 'strong' are just ants.

We crossed the Ocean in just a few hours, during this i sensed quite a lot of monsters deep in the waters, to my shock some were even at 90 levels. As expected of an Anime Fantasy Ocean. They always have the Most Dangerous and Powerful Monsters hiding deep inside it.

I think that dragon also reported this, I should look into this in the future.

When we reached Gemmera, it was already Sundown and I sensed that it has an average of 700k population. Reaching the Capital which had 250k itself, I could see the King with his Retinue along with Carlos.

As we landed and reached them, I saw that a step behind the King was someone I assumed to be the Princess and Prince of the kingdom.

The Princess could be said to be the most beautiful person I might have met in my old life, but while staying in Deudenia, such beauty has become mundane for me. She looks to be around 17 Years old and exuded an aura of Nobility, Maturity and Kindness.

Wait why do I feel like I have seen it somewhere....oh....I hope she doesn't turn out like Renner. Wait, me saying this didn't raise a flag right?

Beside her is the Prince, he too is a Good-looking guy who could winover the hearts of girls in my old life with just a smile. But his appearance was spoilt by the aura of Arrogance and Pride he seems to exude.

If he stressed himself more, then i believe he might just get a Unique Skill related to Pride.

*Sigh* The Clique -ness of this is almost scary. A king suffering from the stress of his kingdom crumbling, a princess who is kind and beautiful, and a Prince who looks like he might get killed cause of his arrogance.

Setting this thoughts aside, we were greeted by the King who's name was George the Vth.

George began with a greeting, "We meet at last, Lord Bael."

"The feeling is mutual, King George the Vth.", I replied as I inspected the King infront of him. He was quite aged and looked to be in his late 50s, he had an aura of kingliness I guess.

" Indeed Lord Bael, let me introduce you to my children, this is Princess Rubia, my 1st Born." He said

With a bow she greeted me.

" Welcome to Gemmera , Lord Bael.

I hope you liked our kingdom in your journey."

" Just from the scenery alone, I thoroughly enjoyed the view while coming here."

" I am Glad to hear that." With a smile she responded.

" And here is my 2nd Son, Prince Robert. Go, greet Lord Bael.", George continued.

Being urged by his father, he reluctantly approached Bael and Scoffing said.

" *Humph* Hope you return to where you came form, Monster." Robert said as he didn't even look at me.

While saying this he felt a deep chill down his spine and looking at the source he saw the four people behind Bael giving him Murderous Glares, as if they might just rip him limb to limb and given their strength they could have if not for Bael holding his hand upwards stopping them.

" Robert!! This is not the way you greet our Kingdom's Guest, especially our helper in our trying times!", A distressed George admonished.

"It's Alright George the Fifth.", Bael said calmly.

"Umm just George is fine Lord Bael, i profusely apologize for my son's conduct. I should have known he would act like this, given his childhood.", George apologized.

"Hm? Can I ask what happened to him?"

"Actually, when he was a child, we got attacked while we were in the forest by a Monster, it killed my Wife and His Mother. To protect us, My Older Son had to sacrifice himself to the monster. Since then he had hatred for anything that was a Monster."

"A childish thing for him to hold prejudice against the whole Race for something one of them did." Bael spoke.

Robert after gaining a hold of himself heard Bael and retorted.

" Huh!? What did you say?"

"Listen Boy, let's say instead of the monster it was a group of humans. Would you hold prejudice against humanity?", looking at Robert, Bael questioned.

"Obviously no!! I would take revenge on those who were part of it!", instantly Robert replied as if it was obvious.

" Then what if the humans were people from your kingdom, your close ones had orchestrated it? What would you do? Kill them as well? What if you found out they were manipulated by someone else?

What if on the path of Revenge, you destroyed you Kingdom. Will you accept such a consequence?", Bael Continued.


" It doesn't matter who killed who, you should not hate a whole Race they belong to just for the actions of one. Even for monsters, although for them most are like that, there are some unique ones who would want peace over anything else. Take for example The elves and the dryads."

Robert could not help but think about it.

Silence was hung in the air, everyone was looking at Bael in a Gaze of Awe and Admiration of his deep wisdom and Philosophical View.

'Bulshit!! I just spouted out a bunch of nonsense. Ofcourse monsters are a danger to humans and it's obviously alright to hate them. As for Humans killing humans, as if they would start hating the whole Race, at most the kingdom, group or the place the killer associated from is subject to hatred and each has a degree of Revenge. Most Wars and fights come from this reason alone.'

'Its just because of my High Charisma and Intelligence Stats that my words were so convincing '

" You have enlightened us Lord Bael, truly your wisdom is the greatest." George said.

" It just comes with the long life of my existence ."

Robert having calmed down and looking like understanding everything bowed deeply to me.

"I thank you Lord Bael for giving me some of your wisdom. I am sorry for my earlier Ignorance and The way I acted was unbecoming of a Prince." Now a less angsty Robert said.

" It's alright if you learnt something from it."

" Now, Lord Bael let's get inside the castle, I have arranged a feast for you tonight. " George welcomed the entourage inside.

"Thankyou for that King George."

As I entered the Castle, I looked at Rhombus, understanding my glance nodded discreetly and immediately after some shadows flashed past us in all directions unnoticed by everyone.

'Now, for the second phase of the plan'

3rd Pov

Walking inside, The camera pans to Bael as he approaches the camera with a glean in his eyes followed by the scene closing.


Alright!! This chapter has not that much in the grand scheme of things. This is just the prelude to what's gonna happen.

Just some introductions and greetings.

See ya in the Next one.

[Next Chapter: Feast and Trouble]