Dora sat beside Klaus' bed, her eyes anticipating each move he made. She kept praying he would wake up soon, her eyes didn't blink as she wanted to see her son wake up first.
She kept humming, and rocking her chair back and forth, anticipating his recovery. The whole afternoon had been a nightmare as his body shook with chills, and fever.
"Hmm," she heard him mutter.
She whipped her head up to look at him, her heart racing. She saw his fingers move, and she rushed to his side expecting him to wake up any moment.
His eyes flickered, "Mother?" His strained voice called out.
Tears sprang to her eyes, "He is awake," she whispered.
He tried opening his eyes, but the blinding light made him shut his eyes. Dora had the room illuminated expecting him to wake up at night.
"Hmm," he managed to open his eyes again, slowly turning his head to the side.
"Mother?" He croaked finally opening his eyes.