Archi went over to where Nyx had sat down watching the whole scene quietly.
"Well, you did a nice one mother, he is already beginning to get confused," he patted her shoulder.
Nyx looked away, she had listened to thier conversations.
"Archi my dear, as much as I hate to admit this, I think I am falling off track, please do not let me," she stretched out her hand to take his.
He took her hand, and helped her stand up, "That is fine mother, that is why is we are in this together, do not worry about all this, I have everything under control."
"I heard what he said Archi," she chipped in, her eyes almost retreating into their sockets, while she pursed her lips.
He looked away, balling his left fist, "Forget all those, we are not here for that," he mumbled.
Nyx felt a unknown feeling gnaw at her heart, "Please just let me leave this place, I do not know how much more I can keep up with all of this."