The moon reflected its light on a beautiful lady in a red decorative flower gown standing on the palace balcony. A sad expression occupied her smile. She turned her face and stared out the window as the lovely party went on. Sons and daughters, nobles on their best Sundays, were dancing to soft music.
They dined and drank, celebrating the party. However, the one she was searching for was not at the party, and this made Princess Elena feel lonely and worried at the same time. Her eyes darted every look and cranny of the party for a glimpse of Hero; however, he was nowhere to be found.
"I hope he is alright! I wish to see him before she comes," she remembered when she saw Hero dragged away on a wagon by Jefferson's men. She tried to chase after him, but the guards stopped her. For some reason, the guards were on full alert at the highest level of security.
It was as if they had anticipated an attack from an enemy. The only way to help Hero was to send her bonded animal, the tortoise, to track Hero to know his whereabouts and the tortoise has yet to return.
Through her magic circle with the tortoise, she could tell the situation of things. Elena turned and walked into the hall where the party was at its climax. Suddenly, a scream was heard at the far end of the palace door.
The sons and daughters of nobles made way for someone dressed in a hooded cloak to walk towards the princess.
"So you have come," Elena said, narrowing her eyes.
"Guards," the voice of a king roared. King Edmond the Unready dressed in lavish royal attire, walked out along with guards behind him.
The palace's red doors swung open, and guards and soldiers armored to the teeth in silver blue armor stomped into the palace. The palace galleria parades with an array of archers knocking arrows on their bows aimed at the individual. Immediately, the student mages of the mage academy draw swords and magic wands aimed at this individual.
"Princess Elena, we need to escort you." Guards and student mages pose for the attack in front of the princess.
"No! I am going to fight by myself." Elena grabbed a sword, engulfed it in flames, and aimed the sword at the assailant.
" Hahahaha! Wow, I am honored by this much attention you have given me, Your Majesty King Edmond the Unready." A tall, lanky humanoid is being shredded in a cloudy, hooded cloak of darkness. She lifted her skeletal bony fingers and hand hidden inside the cloak of darkness, and she continued.
"Is this how you repay my kindness when the previous king named the Hero of the Peasant as successor to the throne? You cried and begged me to help you claim the throne. I am the Lady of the Lost. I give you something and get something in return. Now I have come." She pointed her bony finger at Elena. The lady of the lost narrowed her eyes, and a pair of green flame eyes hidden inside the hooded cloak of darkness glowed back at them.
"I have come for her, Princess Elena. The price of the throne is Princess Elena's life. You won't be able to give birth, nor would you have any descendants to claim the throne from you, King Edmond."
"Does that make sense, I am King Edmond, and I need an heir to the throne. You are trying to destroy everything, but I have summoned the best guards and mages to stop you. Give up and go back from where you came from demon," he commanded
"Hahahaha hahahaha!" Her laughter echoes like a thousand witches across the hall.
"You think these weaklings can stop? You have defiled our agreement. For this, the price will be heavy. I will make everyone hunt and hate the princess for what you have done."
"What are you doing? Kill her," King Edmond commanded.
The guards let loose arrows into the air, aimed at the hooded lady in the middle of the hall. The mages and the knight stretch their hands, and mana begins to swirl like wind and comes from different classes of magic. Fire, winds, ice, and different types of elements blast from their hands at the same time into the air.
The lady of the lost slams her palm on the ground, and suddenly a cloud of darkness and smoke evaporates into the air, creating a magic barrier that prevents the mage's magic from piercing through. The arrows that flew towards her suddenly paused midair. It turns three sixty and straight and shoots into the air at the guards who shot the arrows. King Edmond watches the archers fall from the galleries to their deaths.
"Guards cut that monster down." The king's guard enveloped their swords in magic, and they rushed forward and leaped into the air.
Swords are above their heads, and they bring them down vertically at the lady of the lost; however, she ascended several meters into the air. She stretched her two skeletal hands, and heavy gravity pressure slammed their bodies to the marble floor. The pressure was so great that their skulls and bodies began to crack against the ground.
Mages and guests found them falling and lying on the Mable floor from the pressure. The palace marble floor revealed heavy, distant cracks and tears as it crumbled and broke.
Princess Elena pushes herself against the magic gravity pressure and stands to her feet. She enveloped her sword in flames and dashed at ultra-sonic speed, swinging her sword into the air at the lady of the lost floating in the air However, she stretched her hand, and Elena discovered her body stomping by the same amount of powerful pressure and force on the marble floor.
She spat out pounds of blood into the air. The lady of the lost descended on the princess and said,
"You think you could defeat me? Let me prove how powerless you are before me." The Lady of the Lost slammed her hand on Elena's back, and a rounded purple Magic circle appeared and expanded.
"Even if I couldn't defeat you, the one who will defeat you is on his way, and his name is Hero Reynolds the blood mage," Elena said her last words before she fainted.
"Please don't hurt my daughter." King Edmond fell on his knees and begged.
"hahaha, How the mighty have fallen. How arrogant of you to think you could defeat me! Now watch how your daughter destroys your kingdom. When I came to your daughter as a baby, I hid in her the orb of the last dragon, Ragnarok, just in case you would behave this way. I told you if you disobey me. I will destroy you. Now face the repercussions of your sins." Suddenly, the purple magic circle on Elena's back expanded across the hall, slipping through the palace walls outside the castle.
People from afar could see the entire palace castle walls surrounded by giant magic purple circles with mana encircling the entire castle.
Elena's body began to transform; her hand was manufactured into claws, and regal scales appeared across her back rapidly. A leg transforms into a monstrous creature, and it develops into a colossal regal red dragon with its body expanding continually.
The medieval citizens were watching the castle, questioning what was going on, when suddenly, the palace walls began to shake and crumble. Distant tears and heavy cracks divided its walls.
A colossal red flaming dragon, in the light of its fire, roared from the crumbling castle, vibrating screams across the air. It stood several meters higher than the tall buildings, and its body was massive, making the houses and buildings like small boxes before its massive height.
It roared
Its throat is gathering flames, and from the lava pot of its mouth, a volcanic heated ray blast burns across the City Capital.
The dragon's body was around three hundred meters long and like a huge fighter jet. It was red, with a pair of seven sharp red eyes looking upon the human cities, hiding a silver of killing intent. It stretches its bat-like wings to the south and west. The Dragon lifts its body into the air, ascending to the cold, thunderous sky. It aimed its head and began to descend. As it flew from the dark, thunderous clouds, the bustling nightlife of Lukedonia was in its view.
The black dragon which was already super-fast suddenly increased its speed exponentially, reaching an appealing speed. At the same time, an extremely high-pitched sound with red flame erupted from its mouth.
The terrifying shockwave, visible to the unaided eye, began to rapidly descend as an ear-piercing howl erupted. Its thunderous sound was great and deafening, as many people covered their ears.
Huge pieces of glass from high-rise towers and buildings on the neighboring street let out a sound; lots of glass cracks open, and lots of glass falls from the high sky. Some smashed against pedestrians or hit people smashing against street lights as the dragon flames descended on the people.
"Your majesty, your majesty" surviving guards help the king to its feet. The king looked at the palace in total ruin as the stars in the sky were made visible before his eyes. He walked to the edge of the destroyed palace. He fell to his knees as his eyes watched the capital of Lukedonia Center City burn in flames by a flying red dragon.
'I can't let my child die. If this is the price to keep you alive, then so be it' The king narrowed his eyes and rose to his feet. He stretched forth his right hand and commanded.
"Hear my royal command citizens of Lukedonia. All Adventurers of all guilds across Lukedonia and five kingdoms—mages, soldiers, priests, and Saint Knights—answer to the king's beacon call. Whoever defeats the lady of the lost and brings Princess Elena flame mana core shall marry her as his wife and become crown prince to the throne. When I die, he will rule with Elena. Now sound the alarm, a beacon call to all Adventurers to assemble before dawn.".
The war bell rang across the Lukedonia capital, and instantly everyone in Lukedonia knew what it was.
On the north side of Lukedonia, the Duke of Northridge, the director of Mage Academy, and a few others stood before an army of seven thousand strong and gave their orders.
"For so long, the house and earls of Northridge under the great legend Eragon who defeated the mighty four headed dragon that attack lukedonia, ordained by great king Oregon himself commanded that Eragon and his descendants shall rule as the king's right which began from the days of prince Aragon's son. If Aragon or any of his descendant fail to produce an heir to the throne, Eragon next in line shall be king over the kingdom of sweed however, everything changed when king Milo, Oregon's brother promised to divide sweed into five with four overlords to help him overthrone Young prince Aragon after King Oregon's death and a bounty for his life was placed on his head to be killed. The lords of Mercia and the king took power and ruled the internal court of Lukedonia, and the one great nation of Sweed splintered by five greedy kings has become weak.
Today we shall begin to change such history. The king edmond the unready has given his beacon call to save the princess; however, this is our golden opportunity in disguise for the throne. If Princess Elena should die, my son," he stretching his hand and Jefferson walked out to the light, standing in front of an army.
"He shall be the crown king after we take back Lukedonia kingdom, we shall wage war on four kingdoms and return it to its once-known glory. The powerful nation of Sweed Midgar, and when we have built sweed military, we shall overthrow all nations that made sweed lose his greatness.
Now I need the elite warriors to journey with Jefferson to kill the princess while I journey to fight king Edmound. If the ledger is with the princess, then the princess has to die, so that the house would not know the plan, Robert thought in his heart. At the same time,
The Duke of Westminster summons the finest warrior dressed in shining Gold armor. They march in large numbers and bow their heads before her, and she turns to her son and says,
"It is time to be the hero, Prince Charles the charming. It was time to reign as king and elevate the House of Westminster to power, I do not bow to the schemes of Queen Mother and the House of Mercia. Set yourself on a journey to save the princess and be king. make me proud"
Amidst the twilight of a once-thriving medieval city, the humanoid tortoise- Wise stood on his two feet frozen, his rounded innocent green eyes wide with a mix of terror and tears as he stared at the flames licked at the cobblestone streets, painting the night with their fiery fury. The air was thick with the acrid stench of burning timber and despair.
The tortoise stared at the rampage flaming dragon and plumbed his hand into a fist.
"As your spirit-bonded animal, I am bound to you, and if you die, I will die as well Princess Elena, I am coming to save you.''
Wise the tortoise slams his palms together, and his eyes glow, illuminating bright green flames as the green philosopher stone inside his body transfers endless magic mana through his veins. Jolts of green lightning energy cackled out of his body and instantly his body began to transform into a colossal tortoise made of green tree wood in shape of a giant Godzilla. In a matter of minutes, a towering tree-like tortoise with its entire body made of oak wood stood in front of a colossal dragon standing with its two feet like humans.
Different dukes, warriors, and citizens of Lukedonia began to prepare themselves for the journey to come. Some were for revenge to kill a dragon that destroyed their homes and families. Others were for glory and the name of conquest, fame, and wealth. However for Hero at his house, Historia and Hero had one final talk with their Lucian and Sabrina. Suddenly Behind them, the lady of lost appeared in the room and said to Lucian and Sabrina.
"It is time to pay back the price of the deal. Your souls" Lucian and Sabrina held hands together. Hero and Historia watched as a whirlwind vortex opened up and Sabrina and Lucian in tears were pulled away by the lady of the lost into the vortex as they screamed at the top of their voices.
"Save us, Hero. Find the book of Oregon at Oregon Dungeon. Find the morning star. It is only an Oregon blood mage that can wield the morning star to defeat the darkness that looms around. This is the only way you will understand why crown prince Adam Reynolds, the hero of Pleasant Your Father was killed by King Edmond the unready. You are the next king Hero Reynolds" The lady of the lost vanished with Sabrina and Lucian and Hero's eyes widened in shock at the revelation.
At the same time Eliot, Betty, and the kids watched from a towered cave the kingdom of Lukedonia burned like hell and a dragon roared across the sky. Betty Hart's necklace strap around her hand transformed into a giant staff and she said
"I must stop the flames." She said, "As the source of thy ice power, I order thee. Decipher the laws of nature and let ice and water quench the wrath of flames. Ice dragon'' mana flew into her veins and the air shifted and suddenly a colossal ice water dragon appeared behind her back. Suddenly, a colossal wood tortoise appeared in the distance opposite the flame dragon.
Hero and Historia walked out of their house on top of a hill only to see a kingdom on fire. A flaming dragon and a wooden tortoise were about to battle, He recognized the ice dragon of Betty flying in the sky.
"What the hell has happened?" the duo asks each other.
One hour before the dragon attack. Hero ran towards his parents.