Chereads / LANA ( the mafia leader's maid) / Chapter 13 - Personal maid, black book.

Chapter 13 - Personal maid, black book.

Andrew watched Hilda sob while holding a photo of Lana. Three days have gone by, and she has not seen or touched her.

"I am sure she is okay wherever she is. I am sure Gavin would have come after us for stealing his money if he had caught her." He said that, giving her a gentle pat.

"Andy, Lana is not a source of income, and she has gone missing. There is no trace of her, and the police are still looking for her. I am scared because that girl is more than just my daughter; she is my best friend." She cried as she held the photo to her chest.

"Hey honey, like I said, I am sure she is fine wherever she is. She has been a strong girl since birth, and she will always be a strong girl." He gave her a reassuring kiss on her cheeks.

She took a photo and kissed it. "I wish she had listened to us, Andy; I wish we had not let her go out." She sobbed gently.

Abruptly, Andrew's phone rang, and it was Officer Maxwell from the police.

"Hello, Officer Maxwell." With composure, he said.

"Hello, Mr. Reynolds. According to our research team, we discovered a package of Miss Lana's Monterio lying on the floor. Behind Marc's groceries. It appears she was kidnapped." With that, Andrew got up and turned to face his wife.

"We will continue our search for her. But have you ever received a phone call from someone you suspect is the kidnapper?" 

"No, Officer Maxwell, not even a phone call. I will be coming to the station to look at the package. Thanks for the call, Officer." He ended the call.

"What were they saying, honey?" Hilda was asked who wiped her tears away.

"The police discovered Lana's package and suspected she was kidnapped. But the thing is, we have not received any phone calls from them." He pondered.

"Do not worry, Hilda; we are not giving up on Lana." And I am absolutely certain that no one will hurt her." He said, embracing her.


"I am so sorry, master; I did not know." Glancing down at the floor, she begged. His perfume lingered on her entire body. He walked by her without uttering a word, striking her in the side until she fell to the ground.

"Aww!" Upon noticing the small cut on her left knee, she winced. She ignored her bleeding and got to her feet before turning to go.

"Never come in unless I say so." He responded icily, and she shrugged in response.

"But you said I should come in." She responded, then quickly covered her mouth as she realized she was not supposed to speak back.

"What did you just say?" 

"I am sorry; I did not say anything." With her lips pressed to her leg, she pleaded, trying to hide the slight pain.

"Never leave until I have finished eating." She fell silent as he muttered something. She was not going to stay there until he had finished his meal.

Sitting on his luxurious couch, she observed him. He backed away from her, giving her a clearer look at him.

She was struck by his strong physique. The black long sleeve top tightened around him, and she could see the muscle building back. His jet black hair cascaded down his broad shoulders, and he had a magnificent sitting position. She was drooling uncontrollably. She had never seen a man as gorgeous as he was.

"Should I keep reminding you to look away from me until I remove your eyes?" Her body shook at the sound of his deep, smooth voice.

"How did he?" she whispered, still seeing that he was still backing her. She stood there for 30 minutes, realizing he was a slow eater or might not be eating.

Her legs ached, and she was still bleeding, albeit not heavily. She was perplexed as to what she had done to deserve such punishment. 

After he finished, he put on his suit and black sleeve top and grabbed his suitcase. One of his guards entered, bowing to him. Axel handed him the bag and walked out of his room, his guard following behind him. 

"Gosh, he's mean." She said, picking up his dishes and observing that he consumed everything while keeping them on the tray. She went to the kitchen after leaving his room and gave it to Gwen.

"My legs hurt so much." She groaned as she rubbed her feet. 

"What happened?" Observing her sullen expression, Gwen asked.

"Can you believe this? He made me stand for 30 minutes to wait until he finished eating. He's so mean!" She declared, and the maids around her laughed.

"What's so funny?" She inquired as they came to a halt about their gossiping.

"He made you stand for 30 minutes, and now you are yelling? I do not think he assigned you to clean all of the rooms in a specific hallway." A maid with blonde hair joined in, making them laugh again.

"Just like what he did to Kate when she wanted to clean his room. So sad for her." Another person joined in, and they laughed again, most likely pissing Lana off.

"I mean, someone needs to teach that bitch a lesson." She's been laughing it off our faces since master chooses her as his personal maid." They laughed again after a brown-skinned girl spoke up.

"Kenzie, language!" Jane walked in, inspecting all they were doing.

"Oh Lana, she will finally put you in her black book." The Kenzie girl's words piqued her interest.

"What do you mean by that? I didn't do anything to her." She fired back. 

"You're right Lana, as long as you are the root cause of her punishment, she will be angry at you rather than herself or the master. As I previously stated, she is a bitch. She whispered the word 'bitch.

"Oh no!" Gwen exclaimed. 

"Well, she can not press me down; I am stronger than that. The maids laughed instead of understanding Lana's sly smile as she said that.

She recalled that her cousin Claudia had tormented her for years, but that did not break her; rather, her family's death did.

"That girl is the reason two maids like us were killed. She accused one of them of attempting to poison the boss, and the boss did not investigate; he simply acted because he enjoys murdering people." In order to avoid being heard by those outside, Kenzie whispered.

"What?" Lana gasped. She felt her throat dry. She wondered why someone would do something so devious.

"She framed a girl by falsely accusing her of stealing the boss's expensive watch. And she practically knows how to do it, giving the impression that she framed her victim despite the lack of evidence. Kenzie continued, scaring Lana and Gwen.

"And you know the worst part? Kate is Miss Fiona's favorite in this mansion. So she is always getting away with something. And that is why we try to avoid her and do nothing with her."

Lana remembered what Claudia had done to her in the past. Yes, she was a snitch; she usually framed her for things she did not do. But, Kate, framing people to cause their deaths? She was heartless.

"What did they do to her that she would frame them like that?" Lana was relieved that Kenzie was sharing this information with her and found the courage to ask.

"Kate was probably envious of them. They were so beautiful, just like you, and it made her jealous and insecure. It happened when both girls were asked to clean the master's room, and Kate was not pleased. Kate planned to clear them out of the way because she was afraid they would attract the boss, whom she had a crush on." Lana froze in fear as she said this.

"Just because they were pretty? That's stupid. They didn't create themselves that way. So who's been cleaning the master's room?" Lana inquired, noting that the kitchen was quiet because the other ladies were paying attention to what they were saying.

"Well, Jane did for a while, but we were randomly assigned to clean his room. However, Kate usually does the cleaning as part of her role as his personal maid." 

Lana appreciated Kenzie for telling her this. She left the kitchen and saw Kate coming with a frown on her face. She was all sweaty, and she shot Lana a glare.

"you!" She growled angrily, and Lana began to wonder where she went wrong.

"Me? What did I do? Besides, you asked me to leave, and I did." Lana's words clearly aggravated Kate.

"What made him ask you to clean his room, huh? Aside from that, you are new. You came two days ago." 

"I did nothing; I simply followed instructions. And if you believe I am the reason for your punishment, I apologize, but it was not my fault." She claimed that, regardless of whether Kate was insane or not, she was leaving her sight.


"I know who you are, Axel Morales; I know your dirty secret. You are actually the devil in disguise, even though the outside world believes you to be an angel and a wonderful person. You are trafficking in girls and distributing illegal drugs, and I cannot wait to fucking tell the world who you are."