Chereads / LANA ( the mafia leader's maid) / Chapter 1 - Why! Uncle?

LANA ( the mafia leader's maid)

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Chapter 1 - Why! Uncle?

Five-year-old Lana loved playing hide-and-seek in their home with her older brother, who was three years older than her.

She continued laughing and screaming as her brother chased her around the house. This was indeed her favorite game.

"Lana, I'm going to get you." Her brother Ron said mischievously as he walked around, and Lana was in her room's closet, which wasn't fully locked.

"Lana, you can't hide from me forever." He shouted as he was looking for her. She let her have a little laugh in her closet. Her parents were in the living room, watching TV, and of course, they were a happy family, filled with love, peace, and joy.

Then suddenly, something unexpected happens. Two black Jeeps stopped at the front of their house with guns. They all looked big and scary, and Ron, who was the first to see them, ran inside.

"Mom, Dad, there are big men out there. They look scary." Ron panicked, and his mother immediately stood up and looked through the window. She immediately locked the wooden entrance door, holding Ron so tight.

"Where is Lana?" She asked with fear, looking at her husband, who was also in a panic.

"I don't know Mom; we were playing hide and seek, and I haven't seen her yet." He said that, and her mother gasped in fear.

"Oh my gosh, my poor baby. Where is she?" She spoke silently, and then they heard a big bang on the door.

"Open the door, you bitches." One of the men yelled, trying to force the door open. They were all scared, and their father knew why.

"No, no fucking way!"

"Open the damn door, or we break them." Another one yelled as they continued to hit the door.

"Mom, dad, who are they?" Ron asked in fear, and his mother squatted to his height and held him lightly.

"Mommy doesn't know that, baby; go upstairs to your room and don't come out." She said it softly, and Ron nodded quickly and ran upstairs.

"Darling, what is going on?"

"I don't know."

Suddenly the door broke open, and five men with guns ran inside. A man with a big cigarette in his mouth entered wearing a big shade. He sure is behind this.

"Who are you people? And what do you want?" Lana's father asked, holding his wife.

"Look who is finally here. Well, well, nice to meet you, brother." The man said that, and Mr. Monterio looked at him as he finally recognized his voice.

"Who are you?" He asked, holding his wife closer to himself as she shook in fear.

He removed his glasses, and they both looked at him with a shocking expression.

"Gavin? W...why?" Mr. Monterio stuttered as he saw his younger brother. Gavin and he were good friends, even though they were stepbrothers.

They had been so close since they were children. They do most things together, and whenever he is in distress, he always tells Gavin. His father, before he died, gave most of his properties to Mr. Monterio, who was his heir. Gavin was there too, cheering for him, but why the sudden change?

"Yes, you're both right," Gavin said, puffing out smoke at them. He walked around, viewing their living room, and he walked back at them with a smile on their faces.

"Go up there and get the fucking children." He spoke to three of his men, and they bowed their heads towards the staircase.

"Gavin whatever this is, leave my children out of this. What's going on, Gavin?" Mr. Monterio asked. His eyes were pleading for mercy. He tried to recall when he had offended Gavin.

Ron, who was scared, went to his sister's room to protect her. He took his mother's phone and called the police.

"Hello, how may I help you?"

"My name is Ron. Please, there are some men with weapons in my house. Please come and help us." He rushed as he cried in fear.

"Okay, kid, tell me your location." The voice said, and Ron dropped the phone as he saw two of the men.

Lana, who had been waiting in the closet, came out laughing.

"Got you. Big brother, I'm so good at this game." She said it proudly and noticed Ron crying. And then she noticed two men in her room.

"Who are you, people?" She asked, holding her teddy bear. The two men held both of them, and they screamed, trying to fight them with their little strength.

"Leave us alone; let us be," Ron screamed, kicking the man, but it seems it did not affect him. They were taken downstairs to the living room.

"Uncle Gavin!" Lana screamed and ran towards Gavin, trying to hug him. He was one of her favorites. She smiled and held his waist.

"Uncle, these bad men are trying to hurt us. Thank God you, Daddy, and Mommy are here." She said it innocently, clueless. She looked at her parents and noticed her mom crying.

"Mommy, why are you crying? Uncle Gavin has come to help us." She said that, and that made her father smile. He was sad but tried to cover it with a smile.

"Aww! So innocent." He mocked her and pulled her away from him. He glared at her and squatted to her height.

"Uncle Gavin isn't your savior. So shut your fucking mouth." He said that, and Lana suddenly smiled and tapped his cheek.

"My mom and dad said it was bad language." She chuckled and tried to hug him again, and this time he pushed her to the floor, causing her to scream in pain.

"Gavin, don't do that; she's just a child!" Her mom cried and held Ron closer to herself. She signaled to Lana to come hug her.

"Gavin, what have we done to you? Why are you here with these armed men?"

"Okay, I just want to tell you that you've been a nice man to the old me. This is the new me; all those fucking properties dad gave you were supposed to be me. He gave you all the property. I begged him to share yours, but he refused. He didn't give me a single property. I have tried to get on that old man's good side, but it seems you're always snitching. So to get what is mine, I suggest I'll take y'all out of the way." He said this and gave out a loud, evil laugh, making the children cry more.

"Gavin! This is so not mature. Just for some damn properties? Gavin, I thought we were buddies."

"Yes, we were Aaron! But the deal has to be done." He chuckled, and before Mr. Monterio could say a word, he shot his wife.

"Mommy!" The two children screamed as they saw blood gushing out of her head. Her lifeless body fell to the floor. Mr. Monterio remained speechless. He watched his wife's dead body on the floor.

"Gavin you! You should have killed me instead. Why her? You will regret this. I promise you." He said. His mouth shivered, and tears fell from his eyes.

Gavin nodded at one of his men and smiled.

"See you then, in hell!" he laughed and a gunshot was heard