Chereads / The tyrant king of the Han dynasty / Chapter 30 - SHADOW OF DOUBT

Chapter 30 - SHADOW OF DOUBT

POV: Zhang Jue

Location: A city JI provence

Time: Two months later

Standing under the evening sun, you watch attentively as as a group of your men train. None of them had any fighting weapons or experience so they wield their farm tool on shaky hands and wave them as though intend to plant rice and not kill a man.

"Is this what you wish me to fight the imperial army with ? A group of farmers who have never killed anyone in their life before?"

You ask Zang Bo who was standing beside you.

"They may not have killed before but they have seen death." Zhang Bo answered

"Each and every one of them have lost someone to the excesses of the imperial court."

" So you promised them vengeance?" You ask

" Yes." He answers

" And I mean to deliver it"

" Well let us hope they do not all die while seeking this vengeance." You say as you turn away.

You and Zhang Bo enters into the inner room where Zhang Liang and four others sits around a very large map. As soon as they saw you, they stood up from the low table they were sitting and bowed

"Glory to the heaven general." They sing

"Yes yes" You say dismissively

"Just tell me what I wish to know."

"So far we have managed to spread word and gather followers of the way of peace from the you, quin and yang provinces."

Ma Yuanyi reports

" How many have journeyed here?" You ask

" About eighteen thousand general." Zhang Liang replies

" We have kept the movement at a trickle to avoid alerting lord chi

"So that means we have about a hundred thousand with us?"

" One hundred thousand two hundred men general." Tang Zhou says proudly

" I have convinced the white wave bandits to join us."

" Now that you mentioned it, are we certain that we want bandits joining our ranks?" Ma Yuanyi questions

" Their actions could reflect poorly on us."

" Are you saying we should turn away fighting men? Men with the experience and weapons we so desperately need?"

" Have you asked yourself what drives these sort of men?" Ma Yuanyi counters

" It is certainly not justice that I can assure you."

" Even so there is no denying the fact that these men have unique skills that that could prove useful to us." Tang Zhou shoots back, his temper raising

" Besides should they not be allowed to steal from the corrupt government that stole from them?"

" And what if they decide to steal and loot from the ordinary people?" Ma Yuanyi adds

" Will you be able to stop them?"

" Enough!!!" Zhang Boa cries

" This is not a decision either of you can make. So be silent and let the heaven general speak."

They both immediately I shut up and turn towards you with a look in their eyes that seems to plead with you to agree with either of them.

You take a deep breath and say

"I appreciate your concern Ma Yuanyi but given the situation I must agree with Tang Zhou. These men have skills and weapons that will be useful to us...."

" Thank you great heaven..."

" However I will not have to whole of my army condemned by the common people because of the actions of a few. If they are to have a place amongst us, you Tang Zhou must make it clear to them that they must obey my words at all times. Make it clear to them anything other than that and I will not hesitate to execute them and you as well. Is that clear?

"Yes heaven general." Tang Zhou says as he bows down his head and you see a small smile on Ma Yuanyi's face.

"Is there news of our forces elsewhere?" You ask

"Yes heaven general." Zhang Liang replies

" The followers in King and Yang provinces are not enough to start the rebellion on their own. I suggest that we move them from their and gather them in Ye province where we have a substantial following."

" You would have our followers abandon the royal capital where they can strike a fatal blow?" Zhang Boa cries out

" The royal capital will be heavily guarded." He counters

" If any of our brothers remain in there they will most likely be executed."

" So you suggest moving them all to Ye province?" Yup ask and Zhang Liang nods

" Who will go to relay the message?"

" Let me go great general." Tang Zhou cries

" I have friends in the capital and I will move quickly."

" And risk being detect d by the guards?" Ma Yuanyi questions

" Let me go great heaven general. I may be slower but I have powerful friends and I travel to Luoyang every year so the guards will have nothing to fear from me."

" We have great need for speed great general." Tang Zhou adds

" But the need for discretion triumphs all else." You declare

" Ma Yuanyi will go in my place."

" As it pleases you great heaven general."

Both men says with a bow

" Ma Yuanyi before you leave come and see me. I have something I will need you to carry to the capital for me"

You say with finality

"As it pleases the general"

They both echo as they took their leave

As soon as all had left (, you turn to a corner of the room and called out.

"How much of the conversation did you hear?"

"Every single thing." A young feminine voice replies.

Soon after a young girl of tender years emerges from her hiding place and stares at you with lovely oval eyes.

"Have you not been told to stay away from my sacred meetings?" You ask

"Forgive me my father" she says with a bow

" But I had a vision upon my bed that brought great trouble to me."

"Speak." You command

" High upon the northern walls of the great city of Luoyang, a dragon stood facing the east. It lifted its nose towards the sun and sniffed as though in search for a particular scent. When it smelled it, it shook his head in satisfaction and began to follow it. I sniffed the scent myself father and it was your scent."

" Dose this mean the emperor is aware of our plans?" You ask with a bit of alarm

She shakes her head.

" I have seen the emperor father. He is a great red dragon that is chained to the ground and being fed upon by many fox's. The one in my dream was was green as the leaves and had claws like a cat. Its wings were not fully grown yet it's mouth was full of teeth and its eyes had a fire in them that made my blood freeze."

" Hmm. Could it be a powerful enuch who wished to help us?" You ask after some consideration.

" All I know is that at the end of that dream, it handed Ma Yuanyi the corpse of a snake to eat. The corpse was rotten and filled with worms yet Ma Yuanyi received and ate it with a joy befitting a heavenly treasure."

You think for a long while then you quickly opened a scroll, picked up a brush and began writing. When you were done you say to your daughter

"Take this to Ma Yuanyi with great haste and tell it to give it to the first the first man in Luoyang who hands him a corpse. Your vision may be worrisome but they are never wrong and if my interpretation is true then the heavens has either given us a great blessing or a most terrible curse."

She kow-tows to you, collects your message and leaves in great haste leaving you with your thoughts.

Which is it oh heaven?

You ask as you began to burn incense at the foot of you family alter

Will this dragon be an aid or an enemy to me?

Give me a sign.

The next morning you got your answer.