First of all I would like to thank everyone that voted. The results are X- 16 votes O- 24 votes. Enjoy the chapter.
POV: He Jin- General of the han dynasty army
LOCATION: The imperial palace Louyang
TIME: The evening after the hunt- Midnight
Immediately after returning from that debacle of a hunt, you order your maids to prepare for you water to freshen up. After freshening up, you put on your most regal attire, mount yourself on a fresh horse and ride to the imperial palace.
Inside the palace you were quickly admitted due to your familiarity with the guards and you soon find yourself standing before the two palace ladies who were in charge of guarding the empress's chambers.
"Tell the empress that her brother wishes to see her." You command
One of the palace maids walks into your sister's chambers and returns a few moments later. She nods to the the other one and together they bow to you as you pass.
Inside the chambers, the empress was busy sewing an embroidery, looking calm and cunning as always.
"I take it the hunt did not go well." She asks calmly
"Liu Bian told you?" You query
She shakes her head
"He has not shown himself to me all afternoon and that is why I know that the hunt did not go well. If it did, he would have told me first." She then resumes her embroidery
"What exactly went wrong during the hunt brother? My spies were not that clear"
"What went wrong is that not only did Liu Xie tame the tiger but he managed to impress the emperor so much that he allowed him keep it." You reply
You then proceed to tell her every single thing that happened during the hunt.
"So that is what made you run here like a horse in heat?" She asks with scorn
"A little boy's threat?"
"If it was just the threat dear sister, I would not have bothered coming here." You coldly respond
"That bastard prince is slowly winning the emperor's favor at the expenses of your own son dear sister. Will just sit down and fold your hands?"
"Was the boy suppose to survive this hunting trip dear brother?" She counters flawlessly
"What happened to your perfect plan to get rid of him?"
"It seems the emperor must have ordered some secret protection for him." You give the only reasonable explanation you could think of.
"Secret protection?" She sneered
"Are you sure this is not a mere excuse for the incompetence of your assassins."
You try to reply but she stops you with a wave of her hand.
"My husband will arrange for a feast tonight. I will make sure my son has his father's eyes and ears. Your job will be to make sure that you pull the bastard down should he ever try to get up to my son level. Do you understand?"
"Yes my empress." You say with a bow.
After leaving your sister's chambers, you head to the nearest tavern to while away time until the feast. Of course you already knew about the feast long before your sister told you but the fact that she had to use her position as the empress to impose an order on you leaves a bitter aftertaste in your mouth.
Eventually the time for the feast arrives and as per tradition you arrive late but not later than the emperor.
At the feast unlike the hunt you notice a large number of eunuchs and your mind sneers at this fact.
Of course they will come for the feast.
You tell yourself.
Is there anything else they are good for?
You stand to greet the emperor, his empress and their son Liu Bian regally dressed and approaching the center table. You continue watching as the emperor takes his seat and you feel a bit of pride as you observe your clever sister subtly position herself to the right and her son to the left of her imperial husband.
"These lowly ones greet the emperor." You all chorus with a Kow-tow.
"The emperor accepts your greetings." The emperor replies and gestures for all you to stand.
You all expect him to announce start the feast but for some reason he chooses to keep you all waiting.
You all keep waiting until a palace lady emerges from the palace and whispers something into the emperor's ear. He then starts the feast but you could see the sadness written on his face.
"I take it the young prince will not be coming?" You see an eunuch approaching you.
"Whether or not he arrives is no business of mine." You say while keeping your voice level.
"Might not be a business of yours but it setting a bad example as to the amount of respect people pay to the emperor's invitations general." The eunuch counters sternly
"The emperor should do something about it."
"And you wish me to bring this to his attention?" You ask sarcastically
"Are you not an eunuch who is far more closer to the emperor than I am?"
"Am I his brother in law?" He asks in an equally sacarstic before his voice then turned serious
"Prince Liu Xie has disregarded the emperor's invitation twice now. If he can do that, what is to stop you, me or anyone in this hall from doing the same?"
As though in answer to that question, the bastard prince in question casually walks in. He is seen wielding a training sword, with a spotted tiger cub following him and heavily covered in sweat, grime and dust. One look at him and everyone in the hall can easily tell where he had been.
"You have been practicing your martial arts after a hunt?" Eunuch Zhang Rang asks in surprise
"Is that not too strenuous for your young muscles my prince"
"Always train when your muscles hurt eunuch." The prince replies casually
"That is when the training takes effect the most."
He then turns to the emperor and says
"Dear father. May I be permitted to go to my chambers?"
"NO!!" You reply sternly
The whole palace turns to look at you but you simply turn to emperor and bows
"Forgive me for overstepping my boundaries my emperor but you have made this feast so that we can all celebrate the young prince's victory over that vicious animal. Should it not then be proper that the young prince joins in as well?"
The emperor's face twists in concentration as he considers your words and you can see that he was about to reject your request untill your sister whispers something in his ears.
"Fine." He answers coldly and turns to Liu Xie
"Take a seat my son. You will join us in our celebration."
"But imperial father, should I not take my bath, change my clothes and appear worthy of your esteemed presence?" The prince protests
"Are you really that ashamed of your family Bohi?" The empress asks sweetly
"Please eat with us for once"
You do not need anyone to tell you the implication of that first statement and neither did the bastard because his face twists in a sly smile.
"But where can I seat father?" He asks innocently
"All the desirable places has already been taken"
The emperor then turns to his empress and says gently
"My love, would you mind adjusting a little further so that the reason why we are all here may seat by my side?"
Rather than reply, the empress simply stands up, goes over to her son and sits by his right hand. As she sits down, she gives you a dirty look and you subtle nods.
You allow the feast to continue for a while before you decide to put your well prepared plan in action.
Pretending to be in admiration of Liu Xie, you stand up, clink your cup to get everyone's attention, raise your cup in the air and say
"Today we have witnessed an exceptional display of courage, strength,initiative and wisdom in the person of our young prince Liu Xie so please join me in raising your cups as we take a drink in his honor."
The hall takes the drink in his honor and you gently bows to the prince and ask
"My prince will you do us the honor of telling us how you managed to tame three tigers cubs and killed a tiger that killed a dozen hunters?"
The prince takes a plate full of meat and passes it to the tiger who were under his table.
"I fought it, tried to tame it and when it refused I had to kill it." He answers simply
"And yet it did not lay a finger on you?" You ask innocently
"I pride myself in being a competent martial artist He Jin." He replies non-chalantly
"One that is gifted in speed"
"Still I find it hard to believe that a tiger that killed twelve men will die so easily without leaving a mark on its killer." You counter doubtfully
"Unless the tiger was already bleeding and dying when you met it."
"And if you had met it weak general?" He asks gently
"Will you have killed it?"
"No." You reply
"I would have given it the honor of a decent fight."
"Then that will make you an incompetent fool general." He counters in a harsh tone
"Did you not read the art of the war? That mercy to your enemy is cruelty to yourself?"
You clench your hand in fury but manages to stay calm as you notice your sister's approving smile and the disapproving gazes directed at the prince.
"Does that mean you did not give the tiger and honorable death?"
"The tiger did not die honorable general." The emperor intervened with concealed anger
"Though at whose hands I believe you are more qualified to say."
Words can not describe the phenomenal shock that runs through your bones the moment you hear these words and you gently stop speaking in order to avoid provoking the emperor's anger.
"Any man who attacks only when he has an advantage is a coward general." He says with his tone dripping with scorn.
"You should learn how to fight with your mind a little more."
You desperately try to force down your anger
"And do you fight with your mind my prince?" A boot licking eunuch asks
"I always fight with my mind eunuch." He replies and turns to you
"That is why I never lose"
"And can you say that with a weapon in your hand?" You ask in bearely concealed anger
"I have a weapon." He responds lightly and picks up one of the chopsticks.
He then makes a mock charge that sends the entire court laughing at your expense.
Unable to take the shame you walk away from your high place of honor and stand towards the door since you cannot leave without the emperor leaving first. Yet even there you do not find peace.
"It will not be good for you to continue fighting against the emperor favoured son general."
You turn to see Zhao Zhong and your blood boils with fury.
"He would not be favoured if men like you do not insist on ruining my plans." You say with heat
"Let me ask you something general." He says in a casual tone
"If you had the emperor, Confucius and sun tzu at your mercy and you can only save one person who will you choose?"
"I believe the answer is not in any of the three men is it?" He shakes his head
"What is the answer eunuch?"
"It depends on you." He says simply
"You are the one with the blade are you not? You possess power over all three men."
"Come to the point eunuch"
"Power is a shadow my friend." He says gently
"And sometimes a small man can cast a very large shadow"
You were trying to think about this when suddenly the palace doors blows open and the captain of the palace guards flies halfway across the room. This makes you and every other general gather at the center and draw your swords in order to protect the emperor and confront the intruder.
You wait for a while and watch as more guards fly into the palace, all the while contemplating if you should take the fight to the intruder.
Eventually the intruder arrives and you were able to see his appearance in full detail. He was clad in a fire red and gold armor that coveres every part of his body, bearing a sword, spear and an unusual shield which was slung across his back, dragging two unarmored men on each hand,
And his lion helmet brought a chill down your spine.
He walks towards the emperor with measured steps which makes no sound and when he got close to the center, he puts down the bodies he was carrying, takes off his helmet and Kow-tow.
It was then you all could see that the intruder was no man but rather a woman with horrible burnt scars on her face.
"Forgive my intrusion o son of heaven." She says gently
"I wish to speak to Liu Xie"