As they left the temple, Wayy's expression was a mask of confusion. "Pete, this is so complicated. Who is the girl? What does she look like? And what happened in the past?"
Pete's eyes scanned the crowded streets, his mind reeling with the same questions. "This is the answer that I'm trying to find."
Just then, an old man bumped into Pete's shoulder. "I'm sorry, Pete." He smiled, his eyes glinting with a knowing light.
Pete's eyes narrowed. "How did you know my name?"
The old man's smile deepened. "Trying to find the answers for what happened in the past and what will happen in the future? Your heart knew it, but your brain forgot it."
And with that, the old man vanished into thin air, leaving Pete stunned.
"Pete, what's going on? He vanished!" Wayy trembled, his eyes wide with fear.
Pete's mind reeled as he stumbled backwards, his vision blurring. When he came to, he found himself back in the deep blue ocean, surrounded by the merman's ethereal song.
The merman handed Pete a silver bracelet adorned with blue diamonds and a water dragon pattern. "Take this."
Pete hesitated, his fingers closing around the bracelet. "What is it for?"
The merman's smile was enigmatic. "You will know later."
Pete's frustration boiled over. "Why are you putting me in the dark? Why is everything complicated? Why do the questions have no answers? And why is everything hidden?"
The merman's expression turned somber. "Because you are supposed to find the answers by yourself and solve the problems with that lady. And be careful, or history will repeat itself."
And with that, the merman disappeared, leaving Pete with more questions than answers.
When Pete woke up, he found himself back in his bed, Wayy shaking his arms. "Wake up, Pete... wake up... you're scaring me."
Pete rubbed his forehead, his mind still reeling from the dream. "It's nothing, I just had that dream again."
Wayy's eyes narrowed. "Pete, do you think you might be related to the ocean?"
Pete laughed. "No, it's impossible. Don't forget, I'm a human being, and there's no such thing as supernatural stuff in this generation."
But as he looked at his wrist, he noticed a silver bracelet identical to the one the merman had given him. "Where did I get this bracelet?"
Pete touched the bracelet, his eyes wide with wonder. "The old man gave it to me in my dream."
Pete's eyes locked onto Wayy's, a shiver running down his spine. "This thing is becoming scary."
Later that day, Pete spotted Yihwa in the library, her tiny frame straining to reach a book on the top shelf. "Yihwa..." he whispered, his voice low and husky.
She turned around, her eyes sparkling with surprise. "Yes?"
Pete stood behind her, his chest inches from her back. "Shorty, let me help you."
As he reached for the book, Yihwa turned around, her forehead bumping into his chest. "I'm sorry, are you hurt?" Pete asked, his voice laced with concern.
But Yihwa didn't respond. She was too busy gazing up at Pete's face, her heart skipping a beat. "Wake up, Yihwa... how can you love your uncle-in-law?" she chided herself.
Pete's eyes crinkled at the corners as he smiled. "Oh no... it's nothing. Your chest is not that hard." Yihwa said
Yihwa's cheeks flushed as she pinched his arm. "You're day dreaming again."
She said to herself