Chereads / Forbidden Desires: A Targaryen Tale (Completed) / Chapter 5 - Chapter 5: Trial by Fire and Trust

Chapter 5 - Chapter 5: Trial by Fire and Trust

"Tell me more about Westeros Sir Barristan. It's quite some time that we don't have news about the Seven Kingdoms." Rhaenys asked from her chair. They were having a dinner after they meeting with Grazdan mo Eraz and they invited the Knight.

"Well Princess, by the time I left I could say that House Lannister was going to war against House Stark." The Knight said.

"Why?" Daemon took a sip from his wine.

"Catelyn Stark had kidnapped Tyrion Lannister, Jaime confronted Ned Stark in Kings Landing killing his men and wounding him. Soon after Robert was wounded in a hunt." Barristan said.

"He died because he was wounded in a hunt?" Aegon chuckled.

Ser Barristan nodded. "He was quite drunk your grace, a trait of Robert. Most of the time he was in the presence of whores and drunk, his hand Jon Arryn was the one ruling for him most of the time."

"He seemed to be a great King." Daenerys muttered.

"Robert never had interest in rule. He wasn't the worst neither the best. At least the realm was in peace."

Daenerys laughed shortly. "Viserys always told me that the people of Westeros waited eagerly for his return, plotting behind their King's back. That they wanted him as King. He was a fool."

"Pardon Princess, but what happened with him?" Barristan questioned.

She looked at Dany and for a second sadness flashed in her aunt eyes. "I don't know, last time I saw him was before my niece and nephews found me. He was in Illyrio's mansion when the Dothraki destroyed it. We don't have news about him. We don't know if he is dead or alive." Daenerys told him.

He nodded and then she proceed telling him about her life with Viserys living in the streets. "I'm sorry that you have to go through this princess, no child should live running away and in the streets." He said. Dany nodded and smiled at him.

Daemon cleaned his throat. "You said Ned Stark was wounded, what happened to him?"

"He died my prince, he was executed for treason."

"That's odd, Ser Arthur always said he was a honourable man." Her brother frowned. She had heard Arthur and Ashara say that Ned Stark was one of most honourable man in the Seven Kingdoms, even that some times he got blinded by it.

"I fear it was a plot my prince, Robert wrote a will making Lord Stark protector of realm till Joffrey come to age, Queen Cersei didn't liked. She tore the will and crowned Joffrey King, she then had Lord Stark arrested. Soon he was executed. My dismissal was right after." Ser Barristan said and they nodded.

"Thank you Ser Barristan" She said after they had finished their dinner. Then she dismissed the Knight.

"We arrive in Yunkai tomorrow." She said while struggling to carry Aeli, the other three Dragons were right behind her. Rhaenys grunted and dropped her dragon in the pile of rags in a the corner of the tent.

"What the fuck are you eating?" She stared at the dragon, the dragon just cocked her head and purred at her.

That was something that were intriguing them, their dragons were already in the size of ponies. "I can't carry you anymore girl. Fuck…" She stretched her back.

"Isn't funny?" Aegon said taking his boots. "We always wanted a sort of revenge on Robert, but now he is dead."

"By a boar." Daemon pointed out.

"You are never forgetting this." Daenerys snickered. Daemon shook his head.

"Barristan said Westeros was in verge of war, we may arrive in a destroyed land. The Lannisters may be dead, Starks, Martels…Westeros will be a chaos." Aegon laid on the mattress.

"Maybe is the best, we don't have to do much work. One less house for us to fight." Her other brother said.

"What a great future Hand of the King you are." She said putting her nightgown. "Letting the houses of our future Kingdoms destroy each other.''

Daemon just looked at her sheepishly and shrugged, she then laid beside her husband and soon she was fast asleep.

Daemon passed his hand on Lyx scales, the dragon's head was in his lap, he caressed her head till the dragon began to close her eyes. It was already dawn and he was woke by the dragon fuzzing his nose on his back, the dragon purred and pulled her head and snuggled herself into her own body.

"What are you doing awake?" His sister questioned getting up from the bed, he looked at her and saw her rubbing her hand on her eyes. He got up and walked to her.

"She woke me up." He pointed to his dragon.


"Don't know." He shrugged brushing her hair from her beautiful face.

"Come back to bed." She tried to pull him.

He held her. "I was going for a ride, why you don't join me?" He caressed her cheek. His sister hummed before she nodded, he smiled and brought her lips to his. He kissed his sister gently feeling her softly lips, a second later their tongues met and both moaned in each other's mouth, his hands went to her slim waist and hers went to his neck.

A few seconds later she broke the kiss. "Or you stop right now or we are going for another kind of ride." She whispered against his lips.

He chuckled softly and gave her a last peck. "I'm going to saddle the horses." She nodded.

He waited for his sister on top of his horse, Rhaenys came into view a minute later wearing a sleeveless shirt, trousers and boots. She mounted her horse then nodded at him, he trotted his horse and she followed right behind.

After what seemed almost half hour they stopped after they could see Yunkai from far, they dismounted their horses. "I didn't know we were so close to Yunkai." He said.

"They are preparing themselves for battle." She pointed to the tents and soldiers.

"They just have four thousand men. They will lose."

"Ye-" She stopped and looked to where a army was approaching from far. "The Second Sons?"

Daemon narrowed his eyes and observed the banner. A broken sword. "Yes." He chuckled. "That's how they want to win? Using the Second Sons?"

"Wait. Didn't we faced them before?" Rhaenys asked.

He shook his head. "Not us, but Arthur did. He made them run." He smirked. "Come, we have to go back."

Daenerys had sent Ser Barristan to arrange a meeting with the Second Sons to try to bribe them to their side. He leaned at the couch as they waited for the Second Sons. "They are disrespectful Dany. So try to keep cool." He kissed her cheek. She nodded.

A couple minutes later Barristan showed up alongside three men. "Your Grace." The knight bowed. "Mero of Bravos, Prendahl na Ghezn and…" Barristan tried to remember the name.

"Daario Naharis" The sellsword introduced himself.

Mero stepped forward, Daemon looked at his face and saw the ugly scar on his cheek. He lowered his head to hide his smirk. "Mother of Dragons…I think I fucked you in a alley in Lys." He said smugly sitting on the couch.

"Be careful with your next words." Aegon threatened.

"Why? The whore here didn't mind hers when I fucked her arse." Mero shrugged taking a cup of wine and taking a long sip.

Dany laughed. "I think I would remember of such honour." She mocked.

"Why don't you and her sit on my lap and pleasure the Titan's bastard." Mero pointed to Rhaenys. "You slave girl. More wine."

"We don't have slaves here, my lord." Dany said.

"Well, it we'll have after I win the battle, I will make you three my whores." He laughed.

Daemon cleaned his throat. "You said you are The Titan's bastard. I heard about you before."

The Titan's Bastard turned his head to him. "Why? Did I fucked your mother?"

Daemon chuckled. "Oh no, I heard about you from a friend. You see he told me a history about a man that thought he was a great skilled warrior, at one day The Second Sons were hired by a Lord from Valysar to kidnap a son from a rival lord, but they didn't know that the other lord had hired the Golden Company to protect them." Mero stiffened.

"The Second Sons lost of course, but their captain challenged the commander, a man called Arthur Sand, a very skilled warrior. Arthur beat the captain with ease, then he tore the captain's clothes off and dragged him in the mud. Quite humiliating if you ask me." Daemon smiled while Mero gritted his teeth.

"Oh you have a scar too, just like the man of the story."

"How the fuck you know this?" Mero practically snarled.

"Well funny story. He raised me. And him. And her." Daemon whispered to him. "Also." He pointed to the corner of the tent where a shield with the sigil of The Golden Company.

"Very interesting story Commander Snow." Dany cleaned her throat. "As I was about to say, break your contract with Yunkai and fight for me. And I may spare your life."

"The Second Sons have face worst enemies than a girl pretending to be Queen." Mero said.

"The Second Sons have faced worst and ran." Rhae pointed out.

"If we broke a contract people won't take us seriously anymore." Prendahl said.

"Ride with me and you will never need a contract again." Dany ate a grape. "You have two days to decide. You seem to be enjoying my wine, take a barrow with you. As sign of good faith." She dismissed them.

The Second Sons got up and left the tent with Mero slapping Missandei's butt. "I want him to suffer." Dany told him. He nodded.

Daenerys sighed as the warm water surrounded her body, she rested her hands on the sides of the bathtub and let Missandei wash her hair. She closed her eyes and hummed, a minute later she felt Missandei hands leave her hair, seconds later she heard the girl gasp, she opened her eyes and saw a unsullied holding a knife on Missandei's neck.

"You scream, she dies." A silky voice that she remembered said.

He took off the helmet and now she could see Daario's face clearly. "What'd you want?"

"You." He said letting go of Missandei. "Don't scream beautiful girl."

"They sent you to kill me?." She asked.


"Why didn't you have yet?"

"Because I don't wish too."

Dany stared at him and raised a brow. "I don't think your companions will be happy about that."

"Well, they don't have much to say." Daario gave her a small smile before drop a bag on the floor, she looked inside and saw the head of the other two captains.

"What's that supposed to mean?" She asked.

"It means that we had our differences."

"In what?"

"Your beauty. It mattered more to me than to them." He licked his lips.

Dany narrowed her eyes slightly and cocked her head. "You are a odd person."

"I'm a simple man, maybe the simplest man you ever met." He opened his arms slightly.

She looked at the heads on her floor. "Are these supposed to impress me?." He nodded. She nodded, and got up slowly with water dripping down her naked body. She stepped out of the water. "Why should I trust a man that just killed his friends?"

"This is my prove of loyalty to you, they wanted me to kill you, I refused. We draw our swords, here I stood with my head in place. They…" He raised his brows lightly. "But if the problem is loyalty, I can prove to you how many times you want."

"You wish to fight for me?" She asked and he nodded. She took a step forward. "Swear it."

He knelt and drew his arakh. "Daario Naharis and The Second Sons are yours, my sword are yours, my life is yours, my heart is yours. I live to serve you." He swore.

"Rise." She ordered. "Did you killed one my Unsullied?" Dany asked after a second.

"I…did, it was the only way to get in. Forgive me, My Queen." He said giving her a short bow. Dany smiled and cocked her head.

Daario was sent to the floor as Rhaenys hit his head with her spear, the sellsword breathed and shook his head, Missandei came behind Daenerys and gave her her robe. He chuckled. "It took your guards long enough."

"Oh, they were here all the time." She pointed behind her where Daemon stood, her nephew waved at the sellsword. Then she pointed to her right where Aegon stood.

"You see, we followed you since you entered our camp Captain Naharis." Rhae told him giving him her hand.

He looked at her hand for a second before he took it. "I hope you don't betray us Naharis, it would be really disgusting to make you eat your own balls." Rhae smiled and shook his hand.

Daemon stood up from his chair and swallowed all his wine at once. "Where are going?" Dany asked.

He opened his mouth and made random gestures with his hands. "You can't control yourself can't you?" His wife shook her head with a little smile.

"What? I was going for a walk." He smiled.

"Oh. So You weren't going to Missandei's tent?" Rhae raised her brow as she laid in the bed.

He groaned. "Yes I was going there, why? I can't ?"

Daenerys stood up and held his cheeks with one hand. "Should I wait for you?" She asked and he shook his head. "If she allows you to do something, be gentle with her." She kissed him quickly.

"You don't want to come with me?" He asked.

"I think it's to soon, I don't want her to have the wrong thoughts." She said and he nodded shortly.

"Don't worry brother." Aegon said pulling Daenerys by her dress. "I will keep our aunt entertained."

"Well, then I leave in good hands dear wife." He said before leave the tent.

He arrived at Missandei's tent a minute later, he moved the cloth and popped his head inside. "Hello?" He announced himself.

"Your Grace, please enter." She said from where she sat crossed legged in a cushion. "What this one can do for you?" The girl asked as he sat beside her putting the book who was in her lap aside.

He looked at her and cocked his head, she gave him a soft smile then corrected herself. "What I can do for you."

"I would like to ask if you can teach me, well I already know but I want to improve my Valyrian." He said. He did know Valyrian but he was shit in some pronunciations.

"What a coincidence My Prince, this book is about high Valyrian." She beamed at him.

"Great." He smiled at grinned at her.

Half hour had passed and both of them were laughing. "No Daemon, the word Winterfell is said Ropatasōnar. Not Winterfell, it would be stupid, all the words and pronunciations be different but just this one be the same writing and pronouncing."

"Oh." He furrowed his brows. "Well, thank you for clarifying this for me dear Missandei." She looked at him and gave him a toothless smile. They stared at each other. "You are gorgeous." He murmured passing his fingers on her cheek.

The girl blushed. "Thank you My Prince."

He closed the gap between them and when his lips almost touched hers she said. "We shouldn't, Queen Daenerys…I would be betraying her trust."

He hummed and held her cheek. "And if I told you that she knows about this."

Missandei opened her mouth but words didn't came out. "She knows, and she allow it." He continued. "I even think that she want to do the same of what I'm doing right now…"

"What…" She whispered and he took the chance sealing their lips, he felt her open her mouth slowly and allowing him to slide his tongue inside her mouth meeting hers. Her kissed her tenderly and slowly making her let out a low moan.

He lowered his hand to her breast but she broke the kiss and held his hand. "I'm not doing anything you don't want Missy." She stared at him and nodded shyly. "Can I take you to the bed?" He asked. He could see the gears working in her head.

"Are sure Daenerys is fine with this?" She whispered.

"I swear with my life."

A couple seconds passed before she murmured. "Then take me to bed." He obeyed her and took her in his arms, he laid her in the soft mattress and got on top of her kissing and biting her neck.

"Daemon…" She gasped when he sucked below her ear.

"Can I?" He asked holding the strap of her gown. She nodded.

Daemon was greeted with a pair of medium breasts with dark brown nipples already hard that got his mouth watering, he took her by surprise as he sucked on her nipple hard. "Oh gods." She moaned.

He sucked and licked her teat while his hand squeezed the other, after some time he sucked the other. He supported himself on his knees and took off his shirt, then he trailed kisses in her soft belly. He looked at her and slid her gown down her legs, she flushed and tried close her legs but before she could he held them. "You don't have to hide yourself, you are one of the most beautiful women that I ever seen." He caressed her leg. She smiled shyly and let him open her legs. He was greeted with her wild bush and wet pussy, he laid between her legs and gave her thighs soft kisses making her gasp softly, when he finally arrived at her core he licked his lips with the sight of her dark glistening lips. He stuck his tongue out and licked from her tight arsehole till her engorged clit earning a moan from her, Daemon wrapped his lips around her bundle of nerves sucking and flicking.

Her hands went shyly to his curls and gently tried to press his mouth against her, he grinned and gave her clit a strong suck making her grip tightly at his hair. "Please. More…" She whined.

Daemon was more than eager to give her what she wished so he inserted two fingers inside her moving them in and out. "Oh my prince…" She moaned.

It didn't took much for Missandei reach her peak, the Naathi girl covered her mouth with her hand and moaned, her body shook and her legs tightened around his head. A couple minutes later after her high had passed he climbed her while trailing kisses on her body. "Did you enjoyed?" He asked biting her lip.

"I did, thank you Your Grace."

He passed his hand on her hair. "You don't have to thank me Missy."

"Do you want me to…" She trailed off…

He shook his head. "I don't want you to suck me…but I want to fuck you, if you want of course."

"I…I want…" She bit her lip.

"Did you have sex before?" Daemon asked and he rooted that she said 'no'.

She shook her head and he let a breath. "The masters never touched me in that way."

"I'm glad." He kissed her forehead. "Do you want to stay on top?"

"Yes please."

He rolled to the side and took off his trousers, Missandei looked at his cock and her eyes grew a little, she breathed and sat on his thighs, she tentatively held his cock and stroked gently.

Daemon moaned. "You have such a soft hand."

She gave him a lopsided grin and continued to move her hand up and down, she then stood above his cock, Daemon held his cock and brushed on her wet pussy. Both moaned. "Spit on it." He nodded to his cock. Missandei looked down and puckered her lips letting her spit fall on his length, he spread her saliva on his cock then he aligned with her tight entrance.

The girl lowered herself slowly on his manhood, his girth stretching her tight pussy, she stopped when his cockhead hit her maidenhead. She bit her lip and let a shaky breath. "Are you well?"

She gave him a short nod before she lowered herself fully on his cock, she groaned as he stretched her to the limit, his hand went to her hip while the other squeezed her breast. Missandei began to ride him slowly moving her hips back an forth. "You are so tight…"

"You are…large. Oh gods. So big." She whispered.

His hands made way to her arsecheeks and gripped them, he helped her ride his cock faster, her little whimpers turned into moans as she began to bounce on his cock. "That's it Missy, ride my cock beautiful girl."

She rested her hands on his chest and began to move her hips faster, he took her by surprise as he landed a slap on her arse making her gasp. He wrapped his arms around her and brought her to his chest, then he raised his hips thrusting inside her, fucking her, his pace was fast and was hitting deep inside her. "Such a perfect pussy you have, do you like my cock? Do you like having him deep inside you? Stretching you out." He moaned in her ear.

He felt the girl nodding. "Yes Daemon…it feels so good." She whimpered.

He kept his pace for a couple of minutes till he felt her breathing become faster, he rolled them and now he was on top, with one hand he pinned her hands above her head and touched their foreheads as he hammered into her making her legs wrap around him, his other hand gripped her thigh hard.

"Are you going to cum?" He asked and she nodded frantically. "Cum for me Missy, cum all over my cock." He sucked her lip. Daemon watched as her mouth opened and her eyes rolled. She trembled under him and her walls wrapped around his cock, he moaned and shot his seed deep inside her.

After a moment he got off her breathless, he looked at her and saw her eyes closing slowly, he brought her to his chest letting her snuggle on him.

Aegon stiffened as he felt a heat surrounding his cock, he blinked and looked down and met Dany's violet eyes, her plump wrapped around his girth and her tongue brushing around his cockhead. He sighed and let his aunt serve him, he gasped as she took all his length in her wet mouth. Aegon looked to his sides and for his surprise his wife wasn't there.

He heard a wet pop then Daenerys said. "She left a couple minutes ago with Daemon, they said something about battle plans. They tried to wake you but you kept murmuring to let you sleep." She said stroking his cock with both hands.

He hummed in pleasure. "So you took the matter of wake me up?"

She nodded kissing the head of his cock. "I hope I'm pleasing you My King."

He grinned. "You are…suck my balls…Yes…just like that Dany." He groaned laying his head in the soft pillow.

After he had finish inside her mouth and cleaned themselves they went to the main tent where his siblings, Ser Barristan, Grey Worm and Daario Naharis waited for them.

"Who guarantee that you are not lying?" They heard Barristan voice.

The sellsword just rolled his eyes. "Your grace." He gave a short bow as he saw they entering.

"My Lords, please continue." She waved.

"As I was saying, the guards on this gate know me, they will let me in. I can take one or two of your best men and sneak them in, from then we kill the guards and open the main gate letting the unsullied in." Daario pointed to the map. "What do you think My Queen?"

Dany looked at Daemon and shrugged slightly. "It could work, if he's not planning in betray us."

He looked at Grey Worm. "He says he can sneak us into the city, do you trust him?" Daemon said in Valyrian.

The unsullied eyed Daario then nodded. "Very well then. Who will go with him?"

"I go!" Daemon and Rhaenys exclaimed, Aegon had said too but he was a second late.

"It settled then, Naharis, Nymeria, Jon and Grey Worm will go." Daenerys said. "You go tonight."

"Your Graces, maybe I should go instead of you." Ser Barristan said when Daario left the tent.

"You are the Queensguard Ser. Your position is by our Queen's side." Hit brother patted the knight's back before he kissed their aunt's cheek then leaving the tent with their sister.

"They can do it, right?" His aunt asked him.

He smiled at her. "Of course, Dae was trained by Arthur just like me, he is a very skilled man. Rhae was thought by our uncle Oberyn. Every time he visited us they spent hours and hours training, they'll be just fine."

As the night came he, his aunt and brother and sister stood inside their tent. Rhaenys was finishing her last braid on the side of her head while Daemon dressed his leather chestplate. "Where's your armor?" He heard Daenerys ask.

"I don't wear it much. It makes you slow." Daemon replied.

"It also protects you against any enemy." She protested.

"I will be fine, love. Or you don't trust my skills?" His brother wrapped his arms around Dany.

"I trust your skills, I don't trust other people."

"Don't worry Dany, I will be there. Nothing is going to happen with my little brother." Rhaenys soothed their aunt.

His wife came by his side and kissed him gently. "I love you."

"I love you." He replied handing her her spear, it was definitely a new one, this one was made of metal and it was quite heavy but he knew she would manage, the weapon had a piece of cloth and leather where she hold it and on one side the tip was a ten inch shap blade and on the other a small blade.

From the corner of his eye he could see his brother laughing trying to get out of Daenerys embrace. "Wow, all of this for him and nothing for me. I expected more from you Dany." Rhae cocked her head.

Their aunt finally let it go from Dae just to wrap her arms tightly around Rhae. "If any of you two die I will bring you back to life just to kill you myself." He heard Dany muffled voice on Rhae's shoulder.

He gave his brother a tight hug before both his siblings stepped out of the tent.

"You wait for my signal, then you come." Daario explained as they hide it behind a barrel. He and his sister nodded.

They watched as Naharis jumped off the darkness and walked to the gate, the guard flinched and shouted, Daario identified himself and the guard let him in.

"He's taking too much time." Rhaenys murmured.

He pursed his lips and looked at the gates, a couple seconds later they heard a whistle. "Let's go."

The three of them sprinted towards the gate jumping the body in the process. As they passed the gate, they found Daario sitting in a cart cleaning his blade. "Well that was quickly than I expected." The sellsword chuckled.

"Just three guards? That's odd." Daemon murmured.

As it looked like he had called them, soldiers showed up in front of them shouting war cries, Daario jumped from his spot and sided with them.

"You had to open your big mouth." His sister groaned.

The three of them formed a circle as they were surrounded by men, both siblings glanced at each other. They shrugged then attacked.

Daenerys tapped her finger in the couch for what it seemed the fifteenth time, they had gone for almost two hours and her anxiety was killing her. "Your Grace." She heard Missandei say and try to fill her glass with wine, she let the girl fill her cup and looked at her. Missandei didn't had looked in her eyes the whole day, every time they talked her head was low and eyes on the floor.

Missandei turned around to left but before she could Dany held her arm, the girl flinched. "Missandei, sit beside me." She said.

Missandei looked at her from the corner of her eyes and sat. "What this one can do for you Your Grace?"

She asked.

Daenerys held her hand and intertwined their fingers. "Why you are not looking at me? And why you are barely talking with me?"

Missandei kept her eyes at floor. "I…this one, I'm" She stuttered.

"Are you afraid of me?"

Missandei nodded reluctantly.

Daenerys pursed her lips. "Because you and Daemon...?" Missandei flinched but nodded.

Daenerys held the girl's chin and turned her face in her direction. "You have nothing to be afraid Missy, I knew that and I allowed that, I'm not angry or mad at you. It breaks my heart that you thought that I would do something with you because of this." Daenerys caressed Missandei's cheek.

Missandei finally looked at her eyes and blinked a few times. "I'm sorry My Queen, I just thought… he is your husband." She whispered.

Daenerys took her hand from her chin and rubbed her arm. "I know, but you don't need to fear me, ever again. I want you to see me as your friend and I will see you in the same way." She smiled at the girl.

Missy gave her a small smile and nodded.

"Now, tell me. How it was?" Dany wiggled her brows.

Missandei went red immediately. "It was perfect My Queen."

Daenerys grinned. "Hmm, I am glad. You deserve, also you may call me by name." Missy nodded.

"So…what he did with you?" Dany asked.

Daenerys almost laughed at the look that she received from the girl. Missandei swallowed. "He used his mouth… down there."

Daenerys hummed. "He is good isn't he"

"Yes." Missy murmured embarrassed.

"Did he fucked you?"

Missandei eyes widened. "Yes…" She looked away.

Daenerys chuckled softly. "I hope it was good."

"It was You-Daenerys" Missandei murmured again.

"I'm glad." She kissed the girl's temple.

Another hours passed and now Daenerys was pacing to a side to another. "Daenerys, stop." Her nephew said for the fourth time.

"They are taking too much time, how long it takes to take a city!?" She opened her arms.

"They are fine, the unsullied left half hour ago. They are probably on their way."

"You don't know that."

Aegon rolled his eyes then turned his head as they heard steps, they were greeted with a Rhaenys covered in blood alongside Daemon and Daario.

Daenerys let a breath that she didn't know she was holding, Naharis kneel in front of her. "My Queen. Yunkai is yours."

Rhaenys snorted. "Get the fuck up, you didn't anything by yourself."

Daenerys moved Daario of the way and checked on Daemon's face then Rhaenys. "Are you hurt? Gods is so much blood." She asked.

"We are fine My Queen. As Naharis said, Yunkai is yours. The unsullied is in control of the city." Daemon informed her.

Daenerys recomposed herself and turned to Barristan. "Sir Barristan please go to the city and make sure everything is well."

The knight bowed and left. "Now, Daario I thank you for you help, go to your tent I'm sure by now you probably have a bath waiting for you."

Daario bowed and took her hand and kissed. "I thank you my beautiful Queen."

"Well, he definitely wants to fuck you." Her husband said while grimacing as he moved his arm.

She looked at him and frowned. "I'm well." He waved.

"He's quite irritating, and cocky." She said handing him a piece of cloth. "But I will not lay with him now, I'll let him do his best to seduce me." Dany smirked, she wanted to play with the sellsword a little.

"Please tell me that our baths are ready, I'm disgusting." Rhaenys groaned as she took the piece of someone from behind her ear.

Daenerys wrinkled her nose. "Yes, They probably are."

Her niece left the tent alongside her nephew, Aegon stood beside her and put his arm around her holding her shoulder, he smiled at her. "Meereen next."