**Loki POV**
The soldiers no longer having the restriction of not killing the goblins were arranged in formations of five people each and all those formations coming together to make a grand formation. Combined with Mekkla's commands using his charm stat even the Hobgoblins were getting slaughtered in seconds by even the weakest soldiers present. Cheers of humans and the death cries of the goblins were constantly ringing out dominating all sounds within the forest. Occasionally the members of the Imperial Guard would clear out a path as Mekkla would swing his sword in the air, the sheer strength behind it creating a sword wave that toppled countless trees let alone any monster trying to use them as cover. An unlucky Goblin General had been bisected causing the morale to just about hit a fever pitch.
A goblin general would tend to have stats like the following after all:
● HP: 800
● Str: 620
● Mag: 0
● Skl: 350
● Spd: 400
● Lck: 0
● Def: 210
● Res: 100
● Charm: 190
Meanwhile, the average member of the Imperial Guards sat at around these stats:
[Tier 2]
[Level 50]
● HP: 540
● Str: 450
● Mag: 0
● Skl: 260
● Spd: 290
● Lck: 20
● Def: 380
● Res: 40
● Charm: 20
In just about any case of a one on one fight the Goblin General would always crush the average Imperial Guard. Seeing such a being getting cut down like a weed did wonders for their previously surging morale. What really set it off was the sight of their prince firing off light arrows that would kill even strengthened hobgoblins in a single shot each as they were dealing 84 damage which was only reduced by 43 damage due to the Charm of the Goblin Generals and the initial resistance. There were countless corpses of various types of goblins strewn about on the ground of the woods all other types of monsters not daring to draw near what seems like a violent turf war to them. After around an hour of constant pushing and fighting the woods had grown quiet until a loud guttural roar could be heard. Five hundred hobgoblins with rune like markings rushed forward though this rush was completely different from the previous ones, these hobgoblins both having activated bersek bringing their strength stat to 150% as well as receiving the buff from the Goblin King. In this area of the woods it was two hundred and fifteen men holding the line against the monsters charging over. The king had the following stats:
● HP: 40,000
● Str: 1860
● Mag: 0
● Skl: 1050
● Spd: 1200
● Lck: 0
● Def: 800
● Res: 400
● Charm: 800
The stats of each hobgoblin with a rune which outnumbered the Imperial Guard after the relevant buffs was around as follows:
● HP: 300
● Str: 750 (500 before berserk)
● Mag: 160 (Still can't use magic)
● Skl: 270
● Spd: 275
● Lck: 0
● Def: 300
● Res: 250
● Charm: 0
The moment the lines clashed both the hobgoblins with runes and the Imperial guard began to take take damage. Values around -52 were ticking on the Imperial Guard from each hit, with a few stray blows hitting perfectly on the head jiggling the skull just right to knock them unconscious or worse. The only thing preventing a complete collapse of the lines was Mekkla constantly yelling out commands letting his own Charm benefit them.
Every arrow of light Loki fired off it hit would end up doing damage though compared to the members of the Imperial Guard who were doing 398 damage per hit to these marked hobgoblins which resulted in an instant death had a large distance. The arrows were doing around 82 damage which would cause the targets to stagger opening them up to a fatal blow from the members of the Guard. Loki bit down on his lip in frustration especially with how he went from being a reliable source of damage to all of a sudden putting additional stress on those holding the line due to a need for around fifty guards to always be surrounding him.
(What do I do? My arrows connect and do damage, but it isn't enough! I can't train in the middle of battle and all level ups are held back until the fight is over. I can't use my darkness whip either since I need to be able utilize magic equivalent to 150% of their resistance. I'm dealing 82 damage and with my magic stat of 84 that has increased by 248 from Mekkla's charm bringing my Magic to 332. It means these ones on average have an effective resistance of 250, I'm 43 points shy of what I need in order to rob their senses with Darkness Whip. That is even ignoring that I need five blows to remove all senses.)
After a few seconds or agonizing Loki raised his hands above his head. "Whatever you do! Don't look up!" After that yell and waiting for the message to spread throughout the ranks with a few more unlucky people slumping to the ground and the hobgoblins thinning down to around 400, Loki cast the E rank spell Light Orb. He made it as big and bright as he could tossing into the air as it temporarily blinded the green skinned monsters. That was enough for the Imperial Guard to kill another hundred hobgoblins. Spirited cheers and roars rang out while the monsters began to hesitate dulling their actions as the numbers finally started to tilt in favor the Imperial Guard which was all it took to bring the Guards to around 235 standing and the Hobgoblins to 200. The monsters beat a disorderly retreat which saw 50 slain without casualties as everyone started to relax. "You don't think the King got the Vice-Captain right?" One less experienced soldier spoke up and a veteran scoffed as he pointed at some rustling bushes. Mekkla emerged carrying the heads of 20 Goblin Generals. He didn't waste any words trying to rest himself as much as possible just for the chance of the Floral Maidens failing to deal with the King themselves. His stamina which isn't shown as a stat was considerably depleted both physically and mentally from having to fight while seriously outnumbered and giving the commands for his men at the same time. The Goblin King had in fact almost started a fight with Mekkla, but was baited away by Kaya who kept dodging at the last second. Mekkla assumed a skill or spell was used to force over its attention and the last second dodges would likely keep it infuriated. Such a maneuver was possible from the wind element buffing spell she received from Saya, it was strictly boosting her speed and skill.
It was around this time when Loki felt a dizzy spell approaching him as he heard a familiar tune and saw a notification.
[You have leveled up two times!]
● HP + 24
● Str + 24
● Mag + 56
● Skl + 32
● Spd + 22
● Lck + 20
● Def + 16
● Res + 40
● Charm + 26
He felt like his head was throbbing and aside from a bead of sweat trailing down his face with some deep breaths he managed to prevent the pain from showing on his face. Gaining two level ups had once being the cause of it though if nothing else his current stats meant he could likely gain two or even three level ups at once and not feel anything now.
[Level 5]
[Tier 1]
[Class: Mirage Walker (Hidden)]
● HP: 60
● Str: 60
● Mag: 140
● Skl: 80
● Spd: 55
● Lck: 50
● Def: 40
● Res: 100
● Charm: 65
There would be an occasional gust of freezing wind, the snapping of several trees after large impacts could be heard, and oddly enough singing that made Loki wonder if they were using background music from popular games, his memory from those times was slightly foggy which is why he wasn't certain. Such sounds hadn't shown any sign of stopping even after a whole half an hour, that time had proved vital alongside healing spells to allow Mekkla to reach a battle ready state once more.
"Vice-Captain Mekkla, would you be able to cooperate with the Floral Maidens to ensure the Goblin King cannot escape?" Loki had walked up to Mekkla rather curious about it since he knew King types were always stronger, yet he didn't know how much stronger they would be. "I would need some helpers to pin it down and it would likely require me to alternate out the members of the first division on shifts to keep it occupied with minimal casualties. I don't believe that anyone other than myself would likely be able to live being struck by it once for those present." Just that information alone stunned the young Prince into silence that such a divide existed when the base was just a goblin.
(We cannot allow five monster kings to exist simotenously on the same continent! We aren't ready to take on a Monster Lord without a summoned Hero!)
According to the records the requirements for a Monster Lord were five King beings on the same landmass and after a ritual they would all have their flesh absorbed to form the body of a Monster Lord. It was a process that is quite literal with all stats being added together outright, often once two Kings show up and survive for a few months a Hero would be summoned in order to ensure they have to time to grow. As such Loki was especially worried with the outcome of this battle as there had been 3 Monster Lords within history and each time all of Mankind, Demonkind and Demi-Humans would generally be removed from that landmass.
"Vice-Captain Mekkla, could you wait as a support then to deal a finishing blow should they fail to subjugate it? You need not save them, simply ensure it dies while fighting them." That request made Mekkla contemplate it and eventually give a nod, as he bent the knee. "In the name of Loki Drai Zoval, Eight in line for the Throne of the Zoval Empire, orders you Vice-Captain Mekkla. Ensure the death of the Goblin King infesting the Caestinn Woods!" Loki brought out his Imperial Seal, proof of his identity and claim to the throne. Giving such an order would see his position lost if it were to fail since he would have to take responsibility for giving an order that is normally above his station. All the members of the Guard felt a tension much different from the sounds of the high level battle, this young Prince was staking it all, on something where he could already return home and be called a heroic prince. Granted if this Goblin King dies he will see even more attention focused on himself for his deeds. Every last member of the Imperial Guard present gave the Imperial salute as Mekkla picked out his strongest aides accompanied by the Dawnbreakers and the Nibulg Elites with the goal being to figure out the state of the most important battle in this conflict.