(Grey Eyed Girl POV)
I panted clutching my knees after running as fast as I could after the woman I just meet. I drooled at the memory of the woman dressed only in her tight fitting underwear. Her skin glowing in the moon light. Sigh. Lave… A beautiful name.
Her pink eyes sent shivers down my body just remembering it. Such an unusual color. Ah I wish I could find her again. I straitened up after catching my breath. Readjusting my partner so that it rested its weight more on my waist and not my shoulders, I glanced back the way I came. Some how or another I lost the guards.
To be honest at some point I forgot that I was running from them and was just chasing after the beauty. Sigh… No, no not good. I need to figure out where to go. This road lead down to the city of Haze. It was a low lying city placed in the valley of Terror Mountain. Hm, maybe I can make some money there. Terror Mountain was famous for having problems with bandits, wild animals, and mythical creatures. Oh, how I would like to see one.
Walking down the road again I thought of a plan. I needed to get out of this province as fast as possible. That meant that I couldn't stop at any towns on the way. Guess I was camping for the next few days. I sighed at the thought.
If it wasn't for that poor lady I wouldn't be in this situation. When I first saw her she was slouched on the street corner with a cut on her leg making it impossible for her to walk. Following the teachings of my Mother I took her back to my inn and treated her. She told me about what happened. Apparently the noble of that area had taken her daughter and was keeping her as a slave in the mansion.
Feeling pity for the lady and the injustice that she suffered, I said that I could go and free her but the lady said she had to come with me. After a few hours of arguing I reluctantly agreed. Last night we infiltrated the mansion to get her daughter back, but when she saw the master of the mansion she lost it.
Pulling a dagger from who knows where she stabbed him in the arm. She was yelling about how he had killed her daughter and something about revenge. All the shouting and screaming alarmed the guards causing them to storm into the room. The lady had completely lost it and attacked the guards. In the middle of the confusion I slipped out through the window.
Unfortunately I landed right in the middle of more guards. With as much power I could muster I ran. Finally I jumped from the walls causing the guards to shout in confusion thinking that I was committing suicide. Like that high of a fall would hurt me. Dad's training was so much worse. Huhuhuhu.
But sadly I couldn't save the lady. Sigh. That makes 936 failures and 0 accomplishments. Why was it that every time I try to help someone I end up doing more harm then good. Well if at first you don't succeed try try again. Maybe on the 934th time I can do it right.
Nodding my head to my self I heard the most enchanting voice. Following the noise off the road I came across a river to see the most exquisite sight. I can die happy.
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(Mor/Lave POV)
After running from that crazy girl I finally lost her. There was no way she could keep up with that pace. I stretched my sore muscles and watched the sun rise above the horizon telling me that I have now been walking or running for 24 hours.
Looking around I noticed for the first time that I have left the plains and ended up in a lightly forested area. Great more forest. I was coated in dirt, sweat, and blood. Frowning I walked off the road. There has to be some source of water with this many trees around. After ten minutes I found it. A beautiful pristine river. It was just deep enough to take a bath.
I smiled and stepped into the water my feet sinking slightly into the soft mud at the edge of the water. It was cool making it a welcome change from the heat that persisted even in the night. Sliding into the water so that I was completely submerged I decided that this was a good place to rest.
I floated on my back looking up at the canopy while relaxing in the water. Watching the birds sing to greet the morning I felt the need to join in. I miss my ocean. Even if I wasn't in it I still tried to stay close to it so that I could still feel the salt in the air. Giving in to the impulse I sang.
As the water flows
And the wind blows
Waves crash
And fish splash
Deep below
The seas glow
Waters rush
But fish hush
We lay in wait
As bait
Our voices soft
Heads held loft
All who hear us fear
All who fear us swear
All who catch us love
All who see us dove
To the sea below
To the depths so slow
With nothing to show
They stay in the flow
Once again we wait
As bait
Our voices soft
Heads held loft …
A rustling noise brought me back from the song. I turned my head expecting to see a small animal but instead found a girl. The very girl I was trying to out run. How the hell is she here? There is no way she could have caught up to me that quickly.
I stood up and watched her. Something about her made me uneasy. Her eyes glittered in joy as she looked at me. "ቆንጆ." She said as if in a daze. As she took a step closer I narrowed my eyes. Ignoring my obvious warning, done with body language as I can't speak to her, she kept coming.
As if snapping out of a trance she clapped in joy. "Lave, አንድ ግሩም መዝሙር ነበር. ይህ ምን ማለት ነው?"
"Why are you here?" I asked darkly knowing that she didn't understand me but hoping the tone would explain that she was unwelcome. She paused for a moment tilting her head to the side cutely.
"አንተ አታርክሰው መናገር አይደለም, Lave?" She asked this with hope. What was she hoping for? I didn't respond. "እናንተ ማድረግ!" Pure joy filled her face making my eyelid twitch. Deciding that it was best to just ignore her I made my way out of the water heading back to the road.
"እኔ እንደገና አገኘ በጣም ደስተኛ ነኝ. እኔ ለመሮጥ በምን ያህል ፍጥነት ማመን አትችልም! በእርግጥ እኔ እንደገና ማየት ፈጽሞ ሐሳብ ሙሾ ነበር." The girl droned on as she skipped happily next to me. Then she gasped. "እርስዎ, እንደገና እኔን ትተው አይኖርም, Lave." Pissed at her constant jabbering I threw a knife at her aiming to just scratch her cheek, but at the last moment she tilted her head letting it slam into the tree trunk behind her without injury.
My lips twitched. She dodged that. So she dodged me the time with the wrist as well. "እንዲህ ያለ አደገኛ ነገሮች መጣል አይገባም." She said as if lecturing and pulling my knife from the tree. Once she looked at it she gasped. "ምንድን ነው? በውስጡ በጣም ቆንጆ. እኔ እነዚህን የመሳሰሉት ቅርጾች አይቼ አላውቅም ነበር." Turning my knife over and tracing the designs carved into the bone. The carvings in the knife was used to enhance my magic. As well as the sea glass that was embedded into the hilt. I carried seven knives like this. Each one was embedded with a different colored glass. The one that she held was purple representing shadow.
Each mermaid was taught how to make weapons from a young age. Your weapon was an extension of yourself. You made your weapon alone without help. Alas this tradition was also lost with time. I shook my head and kept walking down the road. The girl looked up from scrutinizing the knife. "Lave! ይህን ቢላዋ እንመልከት." Running up to walk next to me she went back to examining the knife. Skipping along as she went.
Sigh, I guess I will walk with her for a little while.