Chereads / Just Tell Me You Love Me... / Chapter 1 - Chapter 1 - The Deal

Just Tell Me You Love Me...

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Chapter 1 - Chapter 1 - The Deal

A Young Woman frantically walks through the city streets alone at night. She is constantly glancing over her shoulder as a dark figure in the distance is steadily getting closer to her. Calling the police would seem like the right thing to do in this situation, but everyone knows how slow they respond in this city. With seemingly no way out, She resorts to the only thing she can do...


The sound of her heels clacking on the ground reverberates throughout the streets as she runs as fast as she can. Unbeknownst to her, the figure began to run immediately after she did, and it was gaining on her at an alarming rate. She decides to glance back to see if she was losing the thing following her. This turns out to be a huge mistake as the 'Thing', no the 'Man' following her was only two steps behind her. The shock caused her to trip over her own feet and fall beneath one of the street lights.

The illumination from the light allowed her to see the Man in all his glory. He was much taller than the average person, it was probably by about 8 inches or so. There was also a mask covering his face which only left holes for his eyes. The eyes in question were a very deep red. Her sense of dread increased drastically as she stared into them. But that pales in comparison to what she felt when see saw something shiny out of the corner of her eye. There, within his right hand was a very long knife.

"WHAT DO YOU WANT FROM ME!" The Woman finally manages to muster.

This outburst was left unanswered as the Man continued to just stare. Close to accepting her eminent death, the Woman began to think about her family. But then she noticed something about him. He was shaking heavily and there was something in his eyes...

It was uncertainty.

After seeing this she hurriedly got to her feet and began running again. She looked back again after gaining some distance, and to her surprise, he was still stuck standing in the same spot. The Woman ran with renewed vigor as she escaped into the night. The Man however, was stuck within his own thoughts.

'Why can I never go through with it!'

'I spent so much time planning this one out too, She was all alone with nobody to help her.'

'Why am I so afraid of the Law?'

'If only I didn't have to witness 'THAT' when I was a kid, I've been scarred ever since.'

The unnamed man proceeds to palm his face and blurt out the words "I wish there was no consequence to murdering someone, then I could really have some fun."

A dark chuckle emanated from a nearby ally drawing his attention. "What was that?" He says as he approaches the alley.

That's when he sees it. An all black creature with two huge wings on its back, very large claws at the end of all its limbs, and glowing red eyes. The shock of seeing this creature left the man mute. That feeling was intensified to the max when he heard it say "Is that really what you want Malisto Dreyvan?"

'How does it know my name?' thought the recently dubbed Malisto.

"Uh wha-what is it you think I want?" Malisto stammered to the creature.

The creature then gave a devilish smile and replied "You want to murder without consequence correct?"

Malisto just dumbly nodded to his question. "Then I have a proposal for you Boy." the devilish being spat at him.

'Ya know...That felt a little disrespectful, but I still wanna hear his offer. So I won't talk shit to em just yet.' Malisto says in his head.

"What's your proposal?" Malisto inquires with a malicious glint in his eyes.

"I shall grant you the power to kill your target without any consequences whatsoever..." The beast says before pausing.

"There's gotta be a catch right?" Malisto replies with a raised brow, although you can't see it through the mask.

"But of course, there is a certain condition you must meet before the power activates. The condition is that your target has to genuinely say "I Love You" to you while face to face." The creature replies with a smirk.

'WHAT THE HELL! This is actually bullshit...but this is my only chance to achieve my goal. I mean, it can't be that hard. I don't wanna sound like a narcissist, but I should easily be able to convince a girl to love me. Shit, maybe even a guy. I am a model after all. A really tall one that. Ahh I'm getting excited!' Malisto monologued in his head.

"So, what is it gonna be Boy? Do you accept my offer?" The creature inquires while growing impatient.

"I accept!" Malisto says resolutely.

"Very well then." The beast speaks before letting out a giant roar and facing the sky.

Red energy began to swell around the beast before it blasted into the sky. It then began to take the shape of...

A Heart...

'Are you serious...?' Malisto thought with a deadpan expression on his face.

The heart then started beating at a slowly increasing rhythm causing a Malisto to feel a very deep rumble in his chest. It was almost their hearts were becoming synchronized. As the rhythm of the heart beats got faster, the giant heart in the sky started to fall towards Malisto at a steadily increasing pace.

'Wow this really is an amazing amazing feeling too. But that hearts starting to move a little fast no?' Malisto thought to himself.

"Hey Big Guy, Don't you think that heart's moving a little fa-" Malisto tried to say before getting flattened by the giant speeding heart.

"HAHAHAHA" The creature laughed at the spectacle before him. It was very amusing indeed.

Malisto is now laying in a heart shaped crater with small traces a red energy still seeping into his body. He then begins to twitch as he starts to wake up. When his eyes open there's a noticeable difference in his eyes. Within his left iris is a seven-sided star that surrounds his pupil. Though Malisto probably wouldn't notice it until he sees himself in the mirror.

'Well damn, I don't feel different at all.' Malisto thought as he stood up.

"Are you sure it worked?" He questioned the beast.

"Do not question my power Boy. Of course it worked. Now then, I must take my leave, but do not fret, I shall watch over your progress." The beast responded.

"Wait, before you go, what's your name?" Malisto questioned.

"My name? hmmmmm...I guess I can go by Onex . I do not see the reason you need to know it though. Unless it's for you to 'talk shit' to me." Onex replied with a smirk.

'Wait, he can read my mind!' Malisto thought in a panic.

"Uh no, I didn't want to know so I could talk shit. I just wanted to know the name of the being that gave me something invaluable." Malisto spoke to the Onex.

"That is a good answer Boy. Oh I almost forgot...when you finally get your target to confess to you, You will be given several options to choose from. These options will specify the different deaths you can give them. One example you could choose would be to make them die a natural death, but I have a feeling you are going to want a more hands-on approach." Onex informs Malisto.

'Hmmmmm, so I get to choose how I kill them before I do it? That could make for some fun scenarios...' Malisto thought to himself.

"Yeah you're right about me wanting to be hands-on." Malisto replied with a chuckle.

"Well then, I shall now take my leave Boy." Onex says as he starts to fly high before disappearing into the night sky.

'Well I guess I should head home now...' Malisto thought to himself as he started walking in the direction of his home.

As he walked home several thoughts were swirling within his head. They stemmed from trying to find ways to test his new ability to how in-depth the ability would let him go when deciding how to kill someone. 

'hmmm, now that I think about it, people tend to take quite a while to confess their love under normal circumstances. Maybe this new power will help expedite the process? If it doesn't then I'm gonna have my work cut out for me. I could also try taking acting seriously, or even start singing. I don't know if it's genuine, but in those professions people tend to have a lot of fangirls...and they tend to say 'I Love You'...a lot. I also wonder whether it has to be romantic or not...Onex didn't say specifically that it did, just that they had to say they loved me to my face. That would mean just being close friends with someone could be enough...Damn, there's really so much to think about. I'll continue brainstorming tomorrow.' Malisto monologued to himself on his trip home.

As he walked into his apartment building he immediately went into the elevator and selected the 43rd floor. His apartment building was a rather tall building standing at 70 floors. Most of the buildings within this city were around this height. Thus giving the city its name, Sky City, or the city that touches the sky.

"Ahh, home sweet home." Malisto says as he walks into his apartment.

He immediately begins to take off his clothes and prepare to shower. However, when he walks into the bathroom he's baffled by his reflection.

" eye looks crazy. I wonder if other people can see it? It'd probably be bad if they could." Malisto ponders to himself

"No, others cannot see the eye of Onex" A voice spoke in his head.

"Damn Onex, you really startled me there...are you always gonna be in my head." Malisto replied.

"No, I have better things to do..." Onex informed.

"Uhh okay, I have a question for you though..." Malisto says to Onex.

"What is it Boy?" Onex inquires.

"Does the love my target feel for me have to be romantic?" Malisto questions.

"You will have to figure it out yourself, I want to be entertained after all. It would not be fun if you knew all of the nuances from the start." Onex replied smugly.

"Alright that's fine I guess...if you're not here to help then you can leave." Malisto replied in an annoyed tone.

"Farewell then, Boy." Onex said as his voice faded away

"Well then, time to get some rest. I have a big day ahead of me tomorrow." Malisto said to himself as he got into the shower.

After finishing his shower, Malisto can be seen lying in his bed scrolling on his phone. He isn't really active on social media, but that's about to change.

'I guess I should download some dating apps...I should probably be more active on my social media too. Just showing my face should warrant enough responses to lose count. I am a real model after all' Malisto thought to himself as he drifted into a deep sleep.

He's probably gonna dream about exploring his powers tomorrow.