Chereads / WORLD —evolution or death— / Chapter 10 - FREEDOM OF THE PRESS


Nonconformity is good, it is healthy, that there are factions more concerned with fighting among themselves than with seeking out

the real opponent.

Lord Vetinari

Thanks to the Freedom Act, there must be a program antagonistic to the official line, in this country it is directed by Vázquez Roberto, the radio broadcast that reached the most listeners was the one entitled "Maslow's Inverted Pyramid": "Good afternoon listeners, the time I have is short so I will get to the point, education has changed, it does not prepare human beings, it manufactures mindless machines, without interest in others, who only seek to satisfy hedonistic pleasures, while the population receives the basic securities without doing anything it stops thinking along the generations of comfortable and devoted workers".


"Without a need to seek internal improvement, the population is devoted to banal security, contributed pleasures that indebt the people, but everyone does it, society looks at itself looking for what is new and better than what it has; it does not love, it only lets itself be guided, it marries with a list of requirements, it has and educates its children as it was educated, the population defends itself as it can, we stockpile weapons but not for our survival but for the maintenance of our status".


"We never reach a moral realization, there is no need, the likes have us asleep and the media reinforce it; young people dream of being nuts and nuts do what they must do, they know nothing else.


"That's all for this week, tune in next week for our topic on futility and

week for our topic on the futility of government. I'm your conscience from the booth. Good night."


Listener population: 5 billion. 

Program length: 5 min.

Program rating: 6x10-11.