Chereads / Wip for bassam / Chapter 1 - demon king alden

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Chapter 1 - demon king alden

A man could be seen walking on the street. As he walks people start to notice he doesn't have an arm. They think to themselves he's most likely an hunter where people tend to loose limbs on jobs. The man arrives at a store, "hello anyone here?" The man asks. A young lady approachs him and says, "yes what can I help you with?"

"Can I have a small dagger, any material will do."

The lady nods and goes to grab a silver dagger.

"Will this do?"

"Yes. How much is it?"

"500 zenni."

"Alright I'll take it."

The man buys the dagger and heads out of the store, he soon arrives at his home.

"Man fuck I can't believe I ran into a fucking dragon, It took my arm. How should I have known a dragon would be in a small cave? He first talked to me about a stuipd deal. I refused, and then he started attacking me. Retarded dragon. Now I can't go on harder quests which means less money, well whatever I'll think about it tomorrow."

The man wakes up next morning with a strong headache.

"Fuck my head hurts like hell, it's like there's a bullet through my head. The man touchs his head to find his hand full of blood. What the fuck? My heads bleeding?"

The man Rushes to a mirror. He sees his old same self with blood coming down his head. "I need to find some bandages fuck."

He tends to the wound on his head.

"I need to go to a nearby doctor fast."

As the man enters the hospital, a tall young black haired man greets him.

"Hey azel, how are you?"

No time elcara my heads bleeding.

"From a job?"

"No, I woke up this morning and my head was bleeding."

"Jeez ok come with me."

They go in a room where elcara examines azel's head.

"Looks like there's a cut, a pretty deep one. You said that you woke up and found this on you?"

"Yes, I don't know how."

Hmmm it's a dagger wound, But not a normal one it has some traces of magic.

"So someone tried to kill me while I was sleeping?"

"Maybe, who knows? Anyhow I'll take care of it."

"Thanks elcara."

Elcara starts tending to azel's wound.

"I don't give you what you deserve elcara your probably one of the best doctors in town."

"Nah I don't think so, and you only visit this hospital right?what could you know about the other doctors?"

"No comment" azel says with a low voice

After elcara finishes tending to azel's wound.

"Thanks elcara how much do I owe you?"

"Nah don't worry it's on me I won't charge my friend who doesn't even have an arm."

"Yea pesky dragon got me, but still let me pay"

"No man I got money, no need for you to pay me"

"It won't sit right with me having not paid, now how much do I owe you?"

"I'll give you a discount then, 700 zenni."

"Alright heres the 700. Now I gotta go to my guild they probably are worried I haven't been there for a week."

"One of them was looking for you actually."


"The Long haired blonde guy."

"Alright thanks see ya elcara."

"Bye azel," The man waves happily.

"So Leon was looking for me?" Thats odd, as I recall he hates me. Well whatever I'll just head to the guild.

As he was walking back to the guild he so happens to fine another guild member.

Is that jack? HEY jack over here,

Jack notices azel and heads towards him.

Azel we haven't seen you In a few days, you said that the job was easy?

"Yea easy my ass, look I don't have an arm now." Azel points at his arm.

Shiiiit what the fuck cut your arm??? Jack says

A fucking dragon can you believe it?

Nah I don't, dragons don't exist bro. Your just trying to make a cool story about how it was cut, a small monster properly jumped you and took it off by surprise.

Wow thanks for being a supportive guildmate azel says.

No problem.

Anyhow jack, who's at the guild?

Same old people, by the way master's looking for you. He said something about you being late blah blah blah and the you had something important to discuss.

Oh shit I forgot. Azel says In a panicked voice.

See ya later jack gotta go.

See ya I guess.

Azel finally arrives at the guild, it's a inn with a blue roof and a big mark on its door a sword like shaped mark, the guild mark.

when he enters he sees that no one is there. Hello? Anyone here? A tall old man shouts, AZEL. I heard that you came back why didn't you head back here right away? The old man says in a loud voice.

My bad i was tending to my lost arm.

Oh you lost your arm huh? Fucking twink.

What the fuck old man, a dragon blasted it off what could I have done?

A dragon you say? Are you sure your not on anything son?

Whatever, anyway wheres everyone?

I sent them to look for you after I heard you were back.

All of them?

Yes all.


Well, for your punishment for being late your job is to go and bring everyone back.

What the hell old man, can't you let a guy without an arm rest?

No, go now.

Fine I'll go.

As azel is leaving, he notices his heavenly tool starting to disappear.

What the hell? My power is disappearing? Masumune now feels weaker than ever, his heavenly tool which is a very rare power that is bestowed by heaven hence the name, the powers vary depending on the tool. Masumunes tool is one that enchantes his physical capabilities.

Fuck, I lost my arm now my fucking tool? I haven't told anyone I have a tool only the master knows. But shouldn't the tool spread across your whole body when you take it? I took it with my left arm, now it's gone. Don't tell me it was in my left arm and now that my arm is gone the tool went with it? But it should have disappeared as soon as the dragon blew it off. Maybe it had a lingering effect? Doesn't matter, now that I lost my arm and tool I am as weak as a level 3 hunter. I was a level 1 before, the rankings of hunter are, level 0 through 8. 8 being the weakest and 0 the strongest.

And then you have the 6 gatekeepers, which are levela beyond level 0. Most people have a dream to become a gatekeeper. But I just want to make money out of this hunter gig. And to be a gatekeeper, you need to be a wizard which is very rare, only 1% of people in the kingdom of great land can use magic, and I am not one of them. I guess becoming a keeper will get me a ton of money, but nah it's too much work.

Let me just look for those dipshits.

As azel is looking for his guildmates a man stops him to sell him some weird magic device.

Hello good sir, could I interest you in buying this magic device?

What dose it do?

It measures everything about you, your height age health pretty much everything.

Alright how much?

3000 zenni

3000 thousand huh? Can you make a discount for a man without an arm?

Not have an arm is not my proplem sir.

Well how about 2600 for it?





You have a deal good sir, here you go.

Masumune hands the man the money and leaves.

Now it's time to measure my shit.

Height: 181 weight: 70

Age: 21

The fuck? I ain't 21 this shit is broken. Am 19

Well whatever.

As azel is walking he spots a girl with silver hair.

HEY Sylvie, he shouts.

The girl looks back and sees azel but he's different?

Azel heads over to where she's standing,

Yo Sylvie how are you?

I am feeling fine, but I don't know about you.

Look's like you don't have an arm.

Yea I lost my left arm from a dragon.


Yea a dragon you don't believe me?

No I do.


You seem a bit odd to me, like your missing something.

Yea duh an arm.

No not that, something else like your much weaker than before. And a weird aura is around you.

Maybe the dragons aura? Azel says jokingly.

Maybe who knows. Anyway master said who finds you first gets a reward, and look who found you first.

Yea about that, jack found me first.

Sylvies face becomes blank.

Too bad, anyway head back to the guild master made me look for everyone as a punishment.

I saw Leon nearby, maybe he's still around here?

Alright thanks for the info Sylvie, See ya.

As azel is waving bye to Sylvie he's thinking to himself.

Sylvies long hair and well developed body is nice as hell.

Best thing i like is her hair, I adore long hair.

Well gotta look for Leon now.

As azel is walking in a ally, he hears a man talking.

So your saying the gatekeepers, who guard the hell gates. One of them is visiting here today?

Yea, the gate keeper of the north gate, Elvis.

Isn't Elvis considered the strongest?

Yea he is, the ranking is probably like this :

1 Elvis keeper of the North gate

2 Shannon keeper of the south gate

3 kethirc keeper of the west gate

4 Pandora keeper of the east gate

5 Lyon keeper of the sky gate

6 hikimi keeper of the under gate

Azel ponders to himself, Elvis? What the hell, I gotta find Leon quick.

Azel Rushs to find leon but with no luck, "where the hell is he?" I've been looking for hours.

As azel sits on a chair to rest a man wearing a black shirt and white pants sits next to him.

Are you azel of jiknon?

Who's asking?

Lyon keeper of the sky.

So one of the strongest people in the world is asking for me?

Yes, can I not ask for people?

No no of course you can, so what do you need?

I have an urgent mission to do, and the sky gate will be unprotected can you protect it in my place for a few days?

Why me?

Because you have the heavenly tool of strength, the sky gate should always be lifted.

Surely there are people stronger than me.

Yes there is, but they aren't available, and you at least are able to lift it.

Sorry but I have to decline.

Why is that?

Because I lost my heavenly tool.

The white haired man bursts laughing, you lost your tool? nice joke.

No really I lost It, my arm got blown off by a dragon and my tool with it.

A dragon you say? Your telling the truth I can tell, well tough luck I'll just look for another person.

Alright see ya azel.

The white haired man leaves.

As azel is getting up to leave he notices something strange, A door of some sorts in the middle of the park

" Hey LYON" azel shouts. Lyon turns his back and says


Do you see this door Infront of me?

"I don't see anything" Lyon remarks

"Alright see ya" azel shouts again.

After Lyon is out of eyes view.

Azel ponders what could this door possibly be?

"Ah fuck it" azel says as he opens the door.

Behind it he find a room full of darkness.

"What the hell?" Azel says disturbed by the view Infront of him.

He walks in the room.

"A room that's all black? In the Middle of the park? This isn't some kind of prank right?"

As azel explores the room, the door closes behind him.

"What the fuck" azel sprints to the door trying to open it, but to no avail.

"Great" now am stuck in here

A women appears and says "ahh azel I heard you lost your heavenly tool" "is that true?"

"Yea what about it?" Azel responded.

"Well.... It's very rare for someone to lose their tool unless they're dead" the women says with a worried face.

"Well explain how I lost it then"

"Tell me what happened before you lost it"

"A dragon attacked me"

"A dragon? You must be joking, I saw to the dragons extinction myself"

"So your saying you made dragons go extinct?"

"Yes I did"

"Who even are you? First you trap me in this room then ask me shit."

"Who I am is none of your concern"

"Yea no need, you just identified yourself as a black haired short bich."

"I won't respond to the insults"

"I came here to inform you that your heavenly tool has been reborn"

"Reborn? What do you mean?"

"When someone dies their heavenly tool gets transported to somewhere else waiting for its new owner"

"So what does that have to do with me?"

"I am saying that you should go and look for your heavenly tool before someone else get it"

"And why are you helping me exactly?"

"Because my lord said that it wasn't fair for you to lose your tool too soon"

"Really? How nice of him, so any info on where it is?"

"It's somewhere East of the great kingdom that's all I can say."

"Alright thanks for the info"

As azel is heading towards the exit he hears the women calling him

"Wait azel! I almost forgot something else."


"My lord said to give you a new arm"

"A new arm? Your lord sure likes me huh?"

"It's only temporary until you find your tool" the women says with an annoyed face.

As the women was preparing azel's new arm he asks her

"At least tell me your name can't you do that?"

"Do you really have to know?"

"Yea I do, your helping me find the heavenly tool back"

"I am only doing this because my lord said so"

"I don't care, your still helping me so yea"

It's Lina, my name's Lina"

"Lina? Cute name, anyways nice to meet you Lina."

Lina Ignores azel and starts chanting a spell

Azel starts to feel something in his arm.

"What the hell?"

Magic starts gathering around azel. And starts forming a hand.

"This will be your temporary hand, it is imputed with strength magic so it's stronger than your left hand."

"Why the hell dose it have a tattoo on it?"

Lina remains silent for a while

"Umm hello?"

"It's not a hand made from magic"

"Then what is it?"

"It's a previous demon king's hand"

"Then I don't want it, I'd rather not have an arm than having a demons arm."

*It isn't a choice"

"Not a choice huh? At least tell me which demon king's arm?"

"Do you know the 7 demon king's?" Lina asks

"Yea I know them"

"Well this arm isn't from a current king he has been long dead for centuries, he was the demon king Alden."

"I don't know him"

"I doubt anyone dose, he is one of the first demon king's."

"Yea nevermind give me that hand"

"I thought you'd rather not have arm?"

"If bro was one of the first demon kings then he's cool af idgaf, the new demon king's are like the 100th ones."

"As you wish"

The arm starts heading towards azel

"Grab it"


"Grab the arm"

Azel grabs the demon king's arm.

It teleports and it's now attached to azel body as his new hand

Azel starts shadow boxing with his new arm

"I feel the arms power it's insanely strong"

"Thanks Lin-"

Lina is nowhere to be seen, and azel is back to reality.