Chereads / Argonaut 51 / Chapter 50 - Chapter 50 - Settle in

Chapter 50 - Chapter 50 - Settle in


Bearof was at his wits end. They hadn't found a single piece of confounding evidence. Not a single one.

'How the fuck?'

He hadn't cursed in a while, and he didn't plan to. But that didn't stop him from doing it in his head.

'How the fuck?'

Again. He really was beginning to lose it. Him, Varric, Le'ahna and Bob, had been here in Fort Blanche, for about 5 days now, along with the rest of the refugees.

And, to make matters worse, throughout the duration of their stay, Aedhira hadn't been anything BUT accomodative. Food and a place to sleep was literally ALL they could ask for, and they received it spades. 

So, again, Varric, Le'ahna, Bob and Bearof sat in a familiar arrangment in a rather dim room.

" guys manage to find anything?"Bearof began.

Bearof's frustration was palpable as he posed the question. They had scoured Fort Blanche for anything that might validate his suspicions, but their search had been fruitless. The dimly lit room, their makeshift headquarters, was silent for a moment as each of his companions considered their responses.

Varric leaned forward, elbows on his knees. "Nothing," he said, shaking his head. "Everywhere we looked, it was the same. Clean, orderly, and above all, no signs of anything suspicious."

Le'ahna sighed, her shoulders slumping. "I went through the medical bay's records, the logs, everything. It's all legitimate. The androids are thorough, efficient. There's no indication of foul play or hidden agendas."

Bob, who had been quietly staring at the floor, finally spoke up. "The people here...they're starting to settle in. They feel safe, secure. I've been talking to a few of them. No one has any complaints. They all think Aedhira is a godsend."

Bearof rubbed his temples, trying to make sense of it all. "How the fuck?" he muttered again, more to himself than anyone else. The others looked at him, sensing his inner turmoil.

"Maybe..." Bob hesitated, choosing his words carefully. "Maybe we need to accept that not everything is a conspiracy. Sometimes, things are exactly what they seem."

Bearof shot him a sharp glance. "You really believe that, Bob? After everything we've been through?"

Bob shrugged, his expression a mix of exhaustion and resignation. "I don't know, Bearof. But I do know that these people need a chance to rest, to rebuild their lives. Maybe it's time we do the same."

Le'ahna and Varric nodded in agreement, though their eyes still held a trace of wariness. Bearof sighed heavily, leaning back in his chair. "Fine," he said at last. "We'll give it more time. But we stay alert. We don't let our guard down completely."

The decision made, the group slowly disbanded, each member heading to their respective quarters. Bearof lingered a moment longer, staring at the empty room. The dim light cast long shadows, creating an eerie contrast to the orderliness of Fort Blanche. 


That night, Bearof found sleep elusive. He lay on his cot, staring at the ceiling, thoughts churning. The unease that had been his constant companion for so long was hard to shake. He couldn't simply turn it off, no matter how safe things seemed.

The next morning, he decided to take a walk around the compound, trying to clear his mind. As he strolled through the corridors, he saw...nothing.

It was just a long stretch of empty hallway. Though he wasn't particularly surprised.

In the days he'd spent here, he'd seldom find instances during the day where nearly everyone had collectively gone to sleep. And the lack of a Light-Cycle didn't help either, yet the refugees managed any how.

As he continued walking, he heard a voice.


It was young, boyish and had a particular, mischievous charm. Yet most of all, it was familiar to him.

He heard a long string of beeping, before a 'Damnit' or something along those lines.

It was Aedhira.

He came around the corner, as slow and quiet as he could. He peeked, slightly, to get a good look.

He saw Aedhira, in what he could only call-wait

'Are those pyjamas?' he asked himself.

They were. He was wearing pyjamas. Where he got them? That was anyone's guess.

Aedhira was talking down to a much shorter and stockier...automaton of some kind. And that said a lot, considering the boy himself was rather on the short side of things, at most 5 foot. Then again, to be fair, he did seem rather young....

Bearof shook himself out of that thought, and looked at the two intently.

"Sire, I implore you to take action"

'Action? On what?' Bearof's heart tightened, he feared the worst. The refugees had pulled something dumb or maybe his and his team's efforts were uncovered. Thoughts raced before he snapped out of it AGAIN, when Aedhira answered the bot.

"What do you want me to do Monitor? We've already got our hands full here, with all these people. The Siege and the storm that came with it is out there, beyond the walls, wandering aimlessly, seemingly looking for a new target-"

The boy seemed to have a lot on his mind. He hadn't even stopped to take a breath!

"And NOW, YOU TELL ME, THAT THE DEEP DARK HOL-" he paused, and took a breath in, perhaps to calm down. "Sorry. As I was saying, the same dark and mysterious shaft that WE"

He pointed to himself and then the bot, "had agreed was to be left alone, that same shaft, yes?"

The bot vigorously nodded.

"A Trooper has gone missing in the same area?

The bot nodded again.

He took another calming(?) breath, and pinched his nose in annoyance. 

"Do you expect me to go out there and tell those people they're in danger, of not being killed by horrifying monsters, but swallowed whole by a dark hole?"

"How exactly do you propose I handle that? Do you think telling them will calm their nerves?" Aedhira's frustration was evident. Bearof watched closely, the boy's every movement revealing the weight of his responsibilities. 

Monitor, the bot, hesitated for a moment before responding. "Sire, I only mean to suggest that precautions should be taken. We cannot ignore the risk."

Aedhira sighed heavily, running a hand through his messy hair. "I know, I know. You're right. But it's just... everything is falling apart. We need to keep these people safe and sane. If they find out there's another threat right under their feet, it might push them over the edge."

Bearof's suspicion began to waver slightly. The boy's genuine concern for the refugees was apparent. He wasn't some malevolent overseer; he was a young leader, overwhelmed and trying his best to manage an impossible situation.

"I'll send a team to investigate discreetly," Aedhira finally said. "But we keep this quiet. No need to alarm everyone unless we find something concrete."

"Last thing I need is a riot right now"

Monitor nodded in agreement, seemingly satisfied with the plan. "Very well, Sire. I will organize a team immediately."

As the conversation ended, Bearof felt a pang of empathy for Aedhira. Maybe he had misjudged the boy. The thought of a leader genuinely trying to protect his people made Bearof's paranoia seem almost unfair. Still, he couldn't afford to let his guard down entirely.


Later that day, Bearof reconvened with his group in their makeshift headquarters. He relayed what he had overheard, watching their reactions closely.

"So, there's a dangerous area in this compound," Varric said thoughtfully. "And Aedhira is trying to keep it under wraps."

Le'ahna frowned. "That doesn't necessarily mean he's up to no good. He could genuinely be trying to protect us."

Bob nodded in agreement. "It makes sense. If there's a hazardous area, the last thing he wants is a bunch of panicked refugees running around."

Bearof rubbed his chin, considering their words. "Maybe you're right. But we need to be sure. We can't afford to take anything at face value."

Varric leaned forward. "So, what's the plan? Do we investigate this 'dark hole' ourselves?"

Bearof shook his head. "No, it's too risky. We need to find another way to get information. Maybe we can talk to some of the troopers discreetly, see what they know."

Le'ahna smiled. "I can handle that. I'll talk to a few of them, see what I can find out."

Bob looked around at the group. "In the meantime, we should keep an eye on Aedhira and bot called 'Monitor'. If they're planning something, we'll catch wind of it."

Bearof nodded, feeling a renewed sense of purpose. "Alright, let's stay vigilant. We owe it to ourselves and the other refugees to ensure this place is truly safe."


Over the next few days, the group worked subtly to gather information. Le'ahna managed to strike up conversations with a few troopers, learning that the area around the 'dark hole' had been off-limits for some time due to structural concerns. However, no one seemed to know the exact nature of the danger lurking there.

Bob and Varric kept close tabs on Aedhira and Monitor, noting their movements and interactions. They reported back that Aedhira spent most of his time either overseeing the day-to-day operations of Fort Blanche or in deep discussion with Monitor and other key personnel.

Bearof continued to patrol the compound, his eyes and ears open for any hint of trouble. Despite his lingering doubts, he couldn't help but feel a growing sense of respect for Aedhira. The boy seemed genuinely committed to the well-being of the refugees, working tirelessly to keep the compound running smoothly.

One evening, as Bearof made his rounds, he stumbled upon a small, hidden alcove near the edge of the compound. Inside, he found a shield plate, partially buried in the dirt. He picked it up, turning it over in his hands. It was marked with a name: Trooper R. Salvas.

His heart quickened. This could be the missing trooper Aedhira and Monitor had mentioned. Bearof carefully concealed the helmet and hurried back to their headquarters to share his discovery with the others.

When he arrived, Le'ahna, Varric, and Bob were already there, discussing their findings. He placed the plate on the table, and the room fell silent.

"I found this near the edge of the compound," Bearof said. "It's marked with the name Salvas. This could be our missing trooper."

Le'ahna picked up the plate, examining it closely. "This is definitely a trooper's armor plate. But how did it end up there?"

Varric looked thoughtful. "Maybe Salvas found something he wasn't supposed to. Or maybe he got too close to the dark hole and fell in."

Bob frowned. "Either way, we need to find out what happened to him. If there's a threat here, we need to know about it."

Bearof nodded. "Agreed. We'll keep this between us for now. Le'ahna, see if you can find out more about Salvas. Varric, Bob, keep an eye on Aedhira and Monitor. We need to be ready for anything."


The next few days were tense as the group carried out their plan. Bob shadowed Aedhira as discreetly as possible, noting his interactions and movements. He reported back that Aedhira was genuinely trying to help the refugees, constantly working to improve their conditions and address their needs. Yet, there was a lingering anxiety in his demeanor, a weight that Bob could see but not fully understand.

Le'ahna and Varric, meanwhile, delved into the facility's maps by which they meant the odd maps that had been stuck onto the walls around the compound to help avoid getting lost, trying to pinpoint the location of the shaft.

They discovered it was in one of the older, less maintained sections of Fort Blanche, an area that had been cordoned off for safety reasons. The maps were....sparse with the information they provided, filled with warnings and vague references to dangerous conditions.

Bearof focused on finding the missing trooper. He questioned the other troopers discreetly, piecing together the trooper's last known whereabouts. The more he learned, the more it became clear that the shaft held secrets that could potentially threaten them all.


At some point, a day or two later, as the group reconvened in their quarters, the atmosphere was thick with tension.

"Change of plans" Bearof said

"We need to see this shaft for ourselves," Bearof said. "It's too dangerous to ignore. If there's a threat, we need to know what it is."

"Agreed," Le'ahna said. "But we have to be careful. If Aedhira finds out, it could compromise everything."

"We go tonight," Varric suggested. "Under cover of darkness. We'll take what we need and get in and out quickly."

Bob looked uneasy but nodded. "I'll keep watch and warn you if anyone comes. Just... be careful."


Under the cover of night, the group made their way to the older section of Fort Blanche. The air was cooler here, and the corridors were dimly lit, giving the place a more ominous feel. They moved silently, their senses heightened.

They reached the entrance to the shaft, a large, circular opening in the floor surrounded by rusted metal railings. A faint, musty smell emanated from it, a stark contrast to the sterile cleanliness of the rest of the facility. The darkness below seemed to swallow the weak beam of their flashlights.

"Let's go," Bearof said, his voice barely above a whisper. They descended carefully, their hearts pounding in their chests.

And so they went.