Jiang Yuan and Miao Ruixiang arrived at the scene just as the personnel from the Criminal Science Center were also nearly there.
The local forensic doctor from Qianjin District, Niu Tang, who was stout and short with somewhat squinty eyes, had also been called over.
"Captain Jiang is already here," Niu Tang said, yawning from fatigue, and hastily added, "Sorry, I've been collecting evidence all over the place ever since we started catching those involved in pairs."
An important piece of forensic knowledge: biological material related to the human body constitutes forensic evidence. That is to say, a piece of toilet paper when white and clean is just ordinary evidence, but the moment it gets stained with human tissue, whether it be mucus, blood, breast milk, saliva, or something else, it instantly becomes forensic evidence, which is Niu Tang's specialty.
Jiang Yuan smiled and nodded to Niu Tang, "I was actually at a body examination, but got called over. Let's head inside first."