Looking at the eight figures ahead, Fang Wang asked, "Who is the An Tian Emperor?"
As soon as these words were spoken, the True God of the Heavenly Palace and the seven Fang Wangs all fell silent, looking at each other with no one replying.
The True God of the Heavenly Palace said with emotion, "It seems we are not that last Grand An Divine Emperor, I too thought that I was the reincarnation of the An Tian Emperor."
His words drew everyone's attention, and Fang Wang also looked at him.
The True God of the Heavenly Palace said earnestly, "You don't need to concern yourself with those matters. Just remember, your past life only includes us."
The original Fang Wang followed with a laugh, "Thanks to my Nine Lives Nirvana Sword Technique, otherwise there wouldn't be any of you."
Fang Wang couldn't help but look at this version of himself and asked curiously, "Did you create the Nine Lives Nirvana Sword Technique?"