Chereads / The Innkeeper and The Vampire King / Chapter 15 - Nobles and Their Damned Confidence

Chapter 15 - Nobles and Their Damned Confidence

"Thank you, thank you. No, no. I think we have everything we need. You have helped us enough."

I watched Marcellus from the bed of our shared room. He was busy trying to send off the middle-aged woman that owned the guest house but even I knew that was going to be difficult.

The way her eyes brightened and latched on to the nobleman was a sight I was becoming more and more familiar with.

Even in such a terrifying situation he's turning heads.

Then Marcellus shut the door and I had to go in on him.

"What was all that about?"

Marcellus paused at the door, turning to face me completely with his back against it and his legs crossed.

"What do you mean?" he asked with genuine confusion. He even did that little head tilt I found so endearing, even while a little pissed.

I pressed my hands to my knees as I got up and got closer to him, arms folded.

"I haven't known ya for that long but I've never seen you that…snappy with people." I was lost at the way he'd acted.

The Marcellus I saw out there with the villagers was too different from the relaxed man I was used to back at town.

He only returned to himself once all the people had left. I thought it was him being uncomfortable with crowds at first but he'd been fine with them back home so it couldn't be that.

I watched as Marcellus shifted his stance, my eyes subconsciously focused on his lips when the man licked them.

"…Truth be told, I do not know how to answer you honestly," Marcellus said with a sigh, looking back at me. "I do not wish to lie to you, Diego."

"Then don't."

"Always so blunt. I have some experience dealing with Mind Flayers. Back home. My home."

My arms fell to my sides, eyebrows creased as I silently asked him for more.

The nobleman scratched the back of his head as he moved to the bed, sitting down with his elbows on his knees and not meeting my gaze.

"Where I am from, nobility have a duty to protect their regions. Not merely by sending our guards or hiring…adventurers. By all accounts, I am my lands' main defense." He sat up with his jaw clenched, staring out the window as he continued.

"Mind Flayers are usually underground, but something happened and they were suddenly in my city. It is how I learned that if there's one near an area with civilians, they can easily control them to act normal before using them to try and harm you. I was on edge at the possibility the same might have occurred here."

I stared at the man for a moment, knowing that there was more to the story. It was odd to begin with that the nobility in his land were as active as he described, something I'd never heard of before. 

I had so many questions and I usually wouldn't have pried, but my curiosity got the best of me. At least at the mention of the attack in his territory. 

As I sat down beside him on his bed, I asked softly, "What happened?"

Marcellus finally faced me but the pained smile on his face crushed my heart.

"…I was able to stop them but…there had been casualties, I'm afraid. So I might have gotten a tad worried that the villagers were affected by the same thing and…"

He trailed off slightly so I urged him again. "And what?"

I froze when he put a hand gently on my head, ruffling my hair softly.

"I was quite worried that you might be harmed."

"I-I can take care of myself."

"Would you have been able to fight them, Diego? The civilians? Little Helena?"

I blanched at the thought as well as what he'd implied had happened in his territory.

My silence must have been answer enough because he chuckled and got off the bed again. 

He stood in front of me and said with his usual confidence, "Right. So what's the plan? And please do not even think of telling me to stay here nor that the plan is merely walking in."

So we're changing the subject then.

"How'd you know I was gonna do that?"

"Ah! So you were?"

I didn't appreciate the cheeky little grin on his face but I preferred it to the pained one from before so I let it be.

"Cheeky little…Right," I muttered as I looked up at him, a little tense when the man stepped closer and was then looming over me. "R-right. So the plan. Yeah. That."

I couldn't think with him looking down at me like that.

"Hmm?" he hummed in question, stepping even closer. 

I started sending mental apologies to Leon for even getting hot and bothered during the boy's rescue mission.

"You're experienced with Mind Flayers, from what you've said." I actively looked at the ground and ignored his burning gaze. "So I'm guessing you have a way to avoid getting them in your head."

"Mmm. Mental magic is good like that. What about you?"

Really fucking wish you'd told me that before so I wouldn't have been so fucking worried.

"Perfect. I've got a thick ass skull so they've never really been able to get in here." I even lightly knocked on my forehead for effect, feeling less tense when it made Marcellus huff out a laugh.

"As impressive as that is, let me just…"

I did, in fact, jump when Marcellus suddenly bent down and pressed two fingers on each side of my head.

His face was so close and I was able to fully confirm that his brown eyes did in fact have a red tinge to them. 

I felt a slight warmth pass through his cold fingers but I was too focused on how perfectly long his lashes were or how his dark eyes were so steady as they pinned me in place.

I knew for a fact that I was blushing and I couldn't stop myself from sucking in a breath when the nobleman's pink tongue peeked out to lick his lips again.

Leon I am so, so sorry, I thought as the image of that tongue licking my lips popped into my head. That odd itch to jump the nobleman just couldn't leave my mind no matter what I was doing or feeling.

"There," Marcellus said with a sigh, his warm breath brushing over my lips. His lips turned up into that warm smile I lov—liked! "I put some safeguards to your mind. That creature would experience immense pain if it even tried to enter."

"Thanks." Why am I breathless?

Marcellus chuckled before saying, "My pleasure."

You really must be doing this on purpose.

"I also think it might be best that I face the beast while you rescue the others."

That had me on my feet and staring down the taller man.

"Not on your life. This ain't a regular ass battle where you have your guards for backup. It is literally just you and me! You're a civilian yourself at the end of the day and I'd be downright mad to—"

Marcellus took my face between his hands and shut me up immediately. He was good at that. Making me quiet.



"Must you always argue? We're doing my plan."

"And if you're hurt?" I sounded so scared and I hadn't meant to let it show.

What if I had another of my episodes? What if the monster got to Marcy? What if it made the hostages attack him and I couldn't stop them because of my fear of hurting people? What if he gets hurt?

Too many 'what ifs.'

"I won't be."

"You can't promise that."

Marcellus stroked my cheeks gently as he smiled, canines peeking out.

"I very much can. I am stronger than you might think. Mind Flayers are weak to mind magic and I am rather proficient."

I scoffed, rolling my eyes but the smile playing on my lips couldn't have been stopped.

"You nobles and your damned confidence. Borderlines arrogance."

Any other time, I would've been worried the man would have hated me for my comment. I was glad that the nobleman only responded with an amused laugh.

"Fine," I said after he'd finished laughing. "Fine. Your plan. Though as soon as I see anything happen to you, I'm getting you out of there. First rule as an adventurer, protect your party at all costs."

"I can agree to that. I appreciate your worry." He was still stroking my face, not that I was complaining.

I noticed the way he bit his lip while staring at me and it made a shiver run up my spine.

Then he stepped back and asked, "So when do we leave?"

Moving to get my bag I'd thrown over my bed, I pulled out my enchanted gloves and put them on.

Still feels like they used to, I thought as I bumped my fists together. The slight gust of wind the action caused hit me with a wave of nostalgia.

"We leave now. Hope those clothes aren't too expensive."