Chereads / lonely bear and cub- Russian SI / Chapter 118 - Toast for our culture (April-June, 1891).

Chapter 118 - Toast for our culture (April-June, 1891).

The Bullmoose]

* Perspective of Theodore Roosevelt.

"The Travels of Theodore Roosevelt Jr".

"After a few days of waiting, I had finally gotten an answer to my request, and to my surprise, Tsar Alexander III had actually accepted the offer of an interview, so we met in April.

I was called to the Gatchina palace. to meet with the Emperor of All Russia.

There I was introduced to Tsar Alexander III, fishing near his palace. A seemingly imposing man and the most powerful in all of Russia, with whom I sat fishing while we talked. "


"A pleasure to meet you, Mr. Roosevelt." Tsar Alexander III salutes.

"The pleasure is all mine!" Roosevelt responds, shaking the tsar's hand before ending the salute. "I must say that I am quite surprised for various reasons. In the first place, why accept the interview?"

"Taking interviews is not my style, I have the Imperatorskaya Gazeta but there I mainly answer requests from some citizens, or letters from children. I must say that I am surprised by a foreigner requesting an interview." Tsar Alexander III explains.

"I see. But there are still many questions, mainly why?" Roosevelt exclaims. "There are many decisions, that escape me as a foreigner, for example so many nature reserves, Pleistocene Park, zoos, botanical gardens and all that. I am a fan of nature, and I have never seen a state so committed to this type of Projects."

"If you're interested, I also have a fox taming program in Khodlaya, an island in the Arctic. And a Tarpan repopulation program in the Polish Congress." Tsar Alexander III mentions quite excited about his own projects. "Well, why, that is a good question ... We did some studies, and we verified how important different life forms are in an ecosystem, something that can be damaged very seriously by human activity, that is bad for children, for the future, for the economy, and I'm sure it would be frowned upon in the eyes of God ... also, I'm a big fan of animals. "


"A straightforward man without the appearance of showing off too much, I have the impression that if Tsar Alexander III had been born out of the Romanov family and/or outside Russia, he would probably be a farmer or a sportsman.

However, the tsar did not seem a simple and happy person either, he was very contemplative, although he was sincere and direct, there was a thought behind his words.

A logical thought accompanied by personal opinions, some more childish than others. On the one hand there was the welfare of the country, increasing the production of Siberia, re-populating species and other associated projects, and the simple fanaticism of one man for animals and sports.

The truth is that I did not have much interest in talking about politics, but while I was drinking some beers and vodka that some of the Tsar's assistants brought me, the interview drifted to a few things. Activities planned by the Tsar, his views on the United States and what Russia was like before, etc."


"I plan to visit the United States again in May, one of my musicians, Pyotr Tchaikovsky, has an event in New York." Alexander III calmly mentions among his immediate plans.

"Ah, New York. I tried to be mayor of the city, and I lost hehe, things like that happen, speaking of the U.S. How would you define your previous visits to the United States?" Teddy Roosevelt asks curiously.

"They were very useful experiences, my brother adored the freedom of the country, I on the other hand preferred to learn about ships, architecture and farms. I bought some souvenirs." Tsar Alexander III responds.

"That sounds like good news, Tsar Alexander II was a good friend of the United States, no offense, I'm not saying you are not. But I wonder what has changed since his government, [that of Tsar Alexander II]? ". Roosevelt adds promptly.

"... My father and my brother were quite idealistic, am I one too, but I believe in a certain pragmatism, before freedom, people need education, food on the table and money in their pockets. Before, Russia did not have so many schools, so many universities, so many factories, so many cars or tractors, etc. But now there are many more literate people, a lot of food and many jobs and industries ... the government and the amount of alcohol remain the same! " Tsar Alexander III exclaims.

"I toast, for the alcohol!"


[Five Arrows: Madagaskar]

The 1890s arrive, and there is a fact that marks the development of the island of Madagascar enough, the Russian-Malagasy forces put an end to the era of decentralization of the Merina kingdom and Madagaskar territories, the tribes, kingdoms and small lords have been defeated to be submitted to the central authority of Antananarivo, nominally under Queen Ranavalona III.

However, it is obvious that Russia has a great influence, and there are also territories that were not legally under Merina's authority (which were independent), such as the south of the island of Madagscar and parts of the west of the island.

Under the end of the war, Russia takes 'direct control' (colonial civil-military authorities) of positions in the region to create ports, cities and military bases with all associated infrastructure, hospitals, administration and schools by the Russian Orthodox Church and civil authorities, etc.

Centers of Russian dominance over the region (apart from the influence in the capital Antananarivo) that only amplify Russian control over the great island, a control that is beginning to deepen the pseudo-protectorate that Madagaskar represents for the Russians and their citizens.


* Perspective of Tsiraka Tsiajotso.

"After the Madagaskar pacification war, in general many veterans (like Gavriil or myself) moved to the Russian-administered portions of Madagaskar, after all there was not much for us in Merina.

We were given citizenship, parcels of land and jobs to inhabit the Russian initiatives together with the empire's settlers in Eurasia. Gavriil became a priest, I'm not surprised by that to be honest.

On the other hand, I started to work in the armed forces of the region, in the beginning it was not much, but it was an honest job and things were improving.

A port appeared, schools appeared, churches appeared, orphanages and industries appeared. The roads were usually to connect the coasts, although with time roads to the interior would appear, these were more difficult due to the jungle and animals (and sometimes by the natives ...). "

-Tsikara's Diary.


After the wars in the Malagasy land, there was a considerable group of Russian-Malagasy veterans (generally Malagasy who were educated and trained by the Russians), to take advantage of this population, the Russian government used them.

Citizenship, pieces of land and work (builder, dockworker, priesthood, military trades, administration work, etc.) were offered in exchange for populating the Russian region of the island (thus obtaining a loyal population).

Not all agreed, but Russia was winning anyway, quickly populating her territories and getting loyal citizens in the Russian parts of the island.

And in the island protectorate (Merina), Russia still had a loyal population that it could use.


[Gastrodiplomacy: Siam]

With relations established between Siam and Russia, Tsar Alexander III is still striving to train his heir, this includes the creation of an initiative of the Russian government, partly led by the Tsesarevich under the command of the Russian foreign minister, Nikolai de Girs.

This initiative marks the beginning of gastrodiplomacy, Siam is close to the silk road, and to increase cultural and economic ties, winning hearts and minds through the stomach.

The Tsesarevich delegation proposes the construction of restaurants and a culinary exchange (native and traditional food, that is, a cultural exchange) between the Russian Empire and Siam.

Siam, between the British Empire (the British Raj) and the German Empire (Deutsche Südostasien) and which does not know much about Russia, finally accepts.

This supposes the expansion of the economic-cultural ties between both nations, and allows a greater interaction of the New Silk Road in the area.

An interaction that other European powers greatly undervalue, underestimating soft power and taking these initiatives as a waste of time and resources, an eccentricity of the Russians.

In particular for some observers, this is another demonstration that the Russian Empire is primarily an Asian empire, uncivilized and more related to Asia than to Europe.

But Russians make a profit from starting to sell their food, spices and other products from the New Silk Road in Siam.


* Alexander and Nicholas.

"Do you know why this initiative is important?" Tsar Alexander III exclaims.

"Hmm ... Because we have interests in Siam relative to other European empires in the region." Nicholas inquires thoughtfully.

"It is a good answer, but not the only one." The tsar readily contends. "By creating this initiative, we are showing the authorities and the people of Siam, that we are different from other European states, that we are interested in trade."

"Makes sense, so are we going to make them more and more dependent on us?" The Tsesarevich questions.

"Not yet, we are going to make Siam come to us. First we build the trust of the authorities and the population in us, we strengthen ties ... and we wait for the English, the Germans or another power to make a mistake with Siam, then they will come to us. Because we seem different to the other European powers." Tsar Alexander III points out. "... I trust you Nicholas, I know you will not disappoint me."

"... Sure old man!" The Tsesarevich accepts.



*France and Africa.

On April 1, there is another great migration of the European population to North Africa, mainly of French people to Algeria, this is to "continue developing" the ports and farms of North Africa, but also to prepare the ground for the Transaharan Railway.

To a lesser extent there is also a migration of Italians to Tunisia, but their presence is much less damaging, since in comparison, the French army crushes the native opposition to the increase of the French presence, taking drastic measures but understandable for observers of the time.

That includes violence and suppression of African natives, and the looting of their history, culture and wealth, to give space to the European white man (segregation between black and white neighborhoods). Some Italian observers weren't too surprised, but those Italians in Tunisia who decided to inquire about the interiors of French Africa would find in later years ... more rugged information.

... There is another "alternative" for the African subjects of the French colonial empire, much more unknown since it occurs in the interior of the desert and under a lot of secrecy, much more brutal and even uncivilized for observers of the time (like Joseph Conrad), forced labor.

In essence, slavery that leads to crimes against humanity, exchanges of forced labor and in general the degradation of human dignity (punishment and torture).

All this hidden from the public, but known and accepted by the French elites, and supported by money from the economic elites (mostly unaware of the facts), this was mostly approved by the French-European "civilizing mission" propaganda , and all the economic benefits: the railroad would transform the region, becoming a leading producer of cotton and agricultural products, the cattle population and rice production would increase dramatically and benefit society. Development and progress for the French colonial empire.

It would also allow France access to Sudanese resources (and the British thought it would help the British Empire).

In later decades, radical thinkers of Afro-descendant origin such as William Edward Burghardt Du Bois, Cyril Lionel Robert James, George Padmore and Oliver Cromwell Cox understood Boulangisme / Boulangism, not as a radicalism out of the march of progress due to the French right wing that came out incredibly bad for prior material conditions, but that they understood Boulangism as the logical progress of Western civilization, a blood relative of slavery and imperialism.


May 1, military forces of the Second French Empire shoot 39 strikers in Fourmies, these strikers were workers in favor of the 8-hour work week.

Sympathetic protests also take place in the UK, by workers opposed to the British government's relationship with the French regime.

On the same day in nearby Italy the Fascio dei lavoratori (Workers League), or Fasci Siciliani (due to the group's Sicilian origin), is created. The Fasci are a labor movement in southern Italy, rooted in socialism and democracy, the creation of the Fasci leads to rapid radicalization, violence and strikes throughout 1891 and subsequent years.

May 5, opens the Music Hall in New York.

May 11, Eliezer Ben-Yehuda finally arrives in Russia after his release from French jail.

On May 15, Pope Leo XIII publishes the Rerum novarum, which explains the rights and duties of capital and labor (as a reaction to the emergence of socialist movements and unions, the Vatican recognizes the suffering of the working class), leading to the creation of various Christian Democratic parties in Europe.

June 16, John Abbott becomes Prime Minister of Canada.

June 21, first long-distance AC transmission in Colorado, USA. The United States is far behind in this respect, where Europe (Russia, Germany, Italy, Austria-Hungary and the United Kingdom for example, although not France) is more advanced, since the principles of long-distance CA are used since the great electrification of the Russian Empire.

June 25, the character of Sherlock Holmes, authored by Arthur Conan Doyle, appears for the first time in The Strand Magazine (London).


[Music Hall]

Tsar Alexander III and a Russian delegation were widely welcomed in New York, after all it was the third and best-known visit (in 1891) of Tsar Alexander Alexandrovich Romanov to the United States of America.

The first was as a sailor during the American Civil War, the second was a business visit as a private citizen, and this was as a sovereign on a pseudo-diplomatic visit, to honor years of trade and good neutral relations between the United States and the Empire. Russian.

The main guest conductor of the inauguration was precisely one of the musicians of Tsar Alexander III (table of many things), Pyotr lyich Tchaikovsky.

The event was not only a celebration of Russia's equidistant politics with all the great powers and relations, but also an expansion of cultural ties between the two countries.

Tchaikovsky's music, popular in Europe, soon became popular among the American upper classes (influenced, like other circles in the Americas, by European fashions).

It was also popular with Russian communities that had migrated to the United States before the great Alexandrian reforms, Russians in New York, Miami, etc.


* American perspective.

Tsar Alexander III was a breath of fresh air regarding European leaders and their policies in the Americas, at least for the people of the U.S, as the Tsar had not accepted Wilhelm II's proposals to invest heavily in the Canal of Tehuantepec (although he invested in the railroad network from southern Mexico, that was forgivable).

And the czar did not interfere in the Brazilian civil war either.

So the Americans saw in the Tsar a Russia that was a good trading partner, a neutral country like the United States, and a European power that didn't interfere in American affairs (Alyáska was fine).

The first was extremely important, investment in Mexican railroads was good, the English and Germans had done it, among others, and they were not a direct threat to American commercial interests.

But the canal was a threat to the southern United States and its commercial interests, as the conditions of the German-Mexican deals were largely unknown, the Americans were afraid of a German military presence in southern Mexico, some Americans believed that the The United States had to build the Tehuantepec canal (and take more territory from Mexico in the process), or create a canal in Nicaragua or Colombia (and therefore the German canal in Tehuantepec was a threat to these interests).

That is why it is obvious that at the end of the 19th century and the beginning of the 20th, the administrations and some American conglomerates would arm and pay revolutionaries and rebels in Mexico, with the hope of overthrowing the German-Mexican project or even the imperial government of Maximilian I and Porfirio Diaz.


[Son of God]

* Perspective of Eliezer Ben-Yehuda.

Ben-Yehuda had returned to Russia as a different man, marked by the tortures of the French regime, he had been released in 1889-1890 (time was difficult to tell and there are different versions of events) by the French, but due to his In a deplorable state of health, Ben-Yehuda spent some months missing in France.

He returned to Russia for health reasons, taking a cabin in the Crimea for medical advice. There Ben-Yehuda settled with his wife, a Russian Jewess who had been in France in support of Ben-Yehuda's release.

But Eliezer had another objective, in his sorry state he probably did not have much time, and together with his wife he began to write everything that he had lived in prison, a testament to anti-Semitism and the situation of the prisons of the Boulangist regime in France.

In July the son of the Jewish couple would be born, but 1891 would continue to be a rather bad year for the Ben-Yehuda family.


[Sport culture]

Other four teams are chosen for the Russian Soccer League.

* Vyborg.

* Vladivostok.

* Omsk.

* Tomsk.

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