Chereads / lonely bear and cub- Russian SI / Chapter 109 - Dead emperor, dead kaiser, dead dreams? (January-March, 1889)

Chapter 109 - Dead emperor, dead kaiser, dead dreams? (January-March, 1889)

White Sea-Baltic Sea Canal]

1889, the Russian Empire terminates the White Sea-Balic Sea Canal (Беломо́рско-Балти́йский кана́л, Byelomorsko-BaltiyskiyKanal), which links the White Sea and the Baltic Sea (Gulf of Finland) through the lakes Vygozero, Onega and Laga the Neva and Svir rivers.

This also includes the Volga-Baltic Waterway (Volgobalt, Волгобалт), which connects the Volga and the Baltic through the Neva River.

This effectively forms a huge maritime transport system in European Russia, where the Moskva and Volga rivers (via the Moscow Canal), the Volga and the Don, the Caspian Sea, the Black Sea (and the Sea of Azov) are connected. , the White Sea and the Baltic Sea, among many other river systems of European Russia (mainly tributaries of the Volga).

This represents a series of new assets and economic possibilities for Russia, now that through the north route products from east (Russian Far East) to west (European Russia) can travel from the White Sea to the Baltic through the canal.

Of course this does not nullify the New Silk Road by land or sea (still necessary, useful and fruitful), but it does mean that Russia is much less dependent on or limited to exclusively using its colonial ports for internal or external trade.

This new river transport system simply continues the steady increase in freight and passenger transport through European Russia.

Now while Russia reaps the fruits of its recently completed project, more needs to be planned, there is a population still thirsty for work and many possibilities to continue various projects.

Tsar Alexander III considered a series of projects worth planning such as:

Saint Petersburg Dam (Saint Petersburg Flood Prevention Facility Complex, Ко́мплекс защи́тных сооруже́ний Санкт-Петербу́рга от наводне́ний, kómpleks zashchítnykh sooruzhéniy Sankt-Peterbúrga ot navodnéniy).

The Crimean Bridge (Крымский мост, Krymskiy most).

Other statues and monuments.

Among many others (the construction of educational buildings and railways was already usual for the government, you just had to discuss where to put them).


[Haussmann and Russian urban development]

March 31st.

After years of work, the various urban development projects in various cities of the Russia had ended, one of the main architects of this wave of development was Baron Haussmann or simply Georges-Eugene Haussmann.

Haussmann had served under Napoleon III and was one of the main (if not the main) aesthetic reformers of the city of Paris, in Russia on the other hand he served under Alexander III, a monarch who was still completely absolute, so no there was no one who could remove him from his job or attack him publicly (on a political level) like in France.

Haussmann, the urban planning komitets and many other Russian architects (natives or naturalized foreigners) worked for the Russian state for the creation or renovation of various sites in European Russia (respecting many of Russia's historical sites and achievements of course).

This with the creation of templates for the formation of cities to meet certain parameters (and in part also intended to facilitate the transport of troops and military equipment), various buildings and amenities for the new Russian middle class and upper class, sewers, green spaces (parks for example), bike lanes, car streets, pedestrian lanes, hygiene needs and hospitals, schools, water supply, street electrification, new transportation methods, places of worship (churches of all kinds ), etc.

Unlike France, Haussmann had a virtually infinite space, where buildings would not have to constantly go up, but could extend in almost all directions. Product of the vastness of Russia, geographically speaking.

This assumed that Russia was modernizing without losing much of its older architecture, unlike Paris, where Haussmann had killed medieval Paris to make way for modern Paris (although the wars also destroyed much of the work done by Haussmann proper).

The difference with France is that Russia also had its own aesthetics, while Paris had its own style, in general Russia used its own influences (Russian architecture, neo-Byzantine, etc.) for most of the renovations.

The only exception were the so-called "French Neighborhoods" (Французские окрестности, Frantsuzskiye okrestnosti), designed by Haussmann that literally imitated the Parisian style.


* Perspective of Alexander III, Haussmann and a visitor.

Tsar Alexander III was alongside Haussmann, various critics, officials, and civilians through some of the new St Petersburg streets designed over the years in Haussmann's renovations.

"It is aesthetically displeasing." One of the critics insists.

"Your face is aesthetically unpleasant. The difference between a building and your face is that we can fix the building, not your face." 80-year-old Haussman answers.

Meanwhile Tsar Alexander III looked away avoiding laughing.

Contemporaries criticized the Haussmann renovations in Russia, mainly foreigners, the natives were fine, the nobility obsessed with the West liked the French neighborhoods, the Slavophiles still had traditional and nationalist architecture, and the common people did not think much about this either.

Haussmann was not the only inspiration, the Russians also relied on Roman urban planning and Spanish renovations for the construction of some new cities and local renovations.

Of course there were particular cases and exceptions, etc.

Five Arrows: New Solomonic Era]

On January 15th, the Emperor of Abyssinia, Yohannes IV, dies due to complications with diseases. On his deathbed Yohannes IV revealed his "nephew" of his, Mengesha Yohannes, as his natural son and his favorite heir.

Despite being a supposed natural child, Mengesha Yohannes' own family is divided among the relatives of the families of Yohannes IV, from Tigray. Dividing the Mengesha camp and creating a small (regional) civil war.

Therefore, Mengesha cannot form an effective claim to the Ethiopian throne, King Menelik of Shewa presents himself as the rightful next ruler, since unlike Yohannes IV (and therefore Mengesha), Menelik was descended from King Solomon through uninterrupted male line (while Yohannes IV and Mengesha only through women).

As a member of the former triumvirate (now duarchy), Menelik had gained support, had resources and powers that Mengesha Yohannes simply did not have.

For this, and with the backing of Alexander III, Menelik ascended as Emperor Menelik II promptly in March, (almost) undisputed ruler of Abyssinia. Consecrated and crowned by the Bishop of Shewa, Abuna Mattewos.

The ceremony was actually quite humble, as the government decided to continue its efforts (and therefore invest more resources) in fighting the Great Ethiopian Famine.

Some Russian and Ethiopian historians consider this the beginning of the New Solomonic Era, others say that the New Solomonic Era only begins in 1891 due to the end of the Great Ethiopian Famine and Mengesha Yohannes abandons his claims to the Ethiopian throne.

What is clear is that Ethiopia was headed in a new direction, the emperor now concentrated new powers that would make it simpler to change the state in the right direction, he was motivated to change the status quo towards modernization, and he had advisers who would be very important to the reforms of the New Solomian Age.

There was also Menelik II's patron and partner, Emperor Alexander III, important to such a transformation of the Ethiopian state.

Among the first steps, Emperor Menelik II moved his court and government to Addis Ababa, a city that was the initiative of the projects of Menelik II and Alexander III.

The construction of the New Moscow-Addis Ababa railway continued through the supply route fighting the Great Ethiopian Famine in the region, and overall the plans of both monarchs were moving in the appropriate direction.


[Preparations of ministries.]

With 1890 approaching, Tsar Alexander III was preparing some changes in the Ministry of Transportation and Railways, the Ministry of Finance, Commerce and Industry, and the Ministry of the Navy.

For the first two, Tsar Alexander III planned the rise of Deputy Minister Sergei Witte (it was not uncommon in the Russian Empire that a person could occupy more than 1 ministry at a time).

Witte was a civil servant with years of experience and talent in the Ministry of Transport and Railways, and he was also the only person that Alexander III considered a suitable successor to Nikolai von Bunge.

And for the Ministry of the Navy Stepan Makarov would be promoted to that position.

No other changes were seriously considered, Iosif Romeyko-Gurko would remain defense minister for the time being, and Tsar Alexander III could not find a worthy successor for Nikolai de Girs.



On January 1, a solar eclipse occurs that is seen over California and Nevada, United States.

January 8, Herman Hollerith patents his tabulating machine in the United States.

January 15, death of Emperor Yohannes IV, which allows the rise of Emperor Menelik II.

February 15, Philippine liberals against the government of King Carlos VII begin the publications of the newspaper La Solidaridad.

February 21, the Empire of Japan adopts the Meiji Constitution, which will convene the first diet of Japan in 1890. Within Japanese policies there are two groups very interested in influencing and fighting for power, the Imperial Japanese Navy and the Imperial Japanese Army.

This will usher in an era of politicization of the military, and the influence of the military in politics. Both groups have opposing views of Japanese foreign policy and its goals.

March 4, Benjamin Harrison is promoted as the new president of the United States.

March 4, Menelik II is consecrated and crowned by the Bishop of Shewa.

March 23, in Punjab, British Raj, Mirza Ghulam Ahmad claims to be the Promised Messiah and Mahdi. Leading to the founding of the Ahmadiyya, a Muslim community that believes that Islam is the final dispensation for humanity, but that it must come to a more pristine form and its original true intent, with peaceful means to revitalize Islam and put into motion a moral system that will bring lasting peace.

Among many other beliefs of course, nothing is so simple.


[Russian Soccer League: Round of 16]

(OOC: I forgot this in the past update lol XD).

* Saint Petersburg vs Warsaw: The Saint Petersburg team wins by 1 to 0.

* Kharkov vs Helsinki: Kharkov's team wins by 2 to 0.

* Arkhangelsk vs Saratov: Arkhangelsk's team wins by 2 to 1.

* Grozny vs Vladivostok: The Vladivostok team wins by 3 to 2.

* Baku vs Tbilisi: The Baku team wins by 2 to 1.

* Novo Arkhangelsk vs Murmansk: The Murmansk team wins by 2 to 0.

* Minsk vs Sevastopol: The Minsk team wins by 1 to 0.

* Moscow vs Erivan: Erivan's team wins by 3 to 2.


[The Hunter Kaiser]

January 30, Kaiser Rudolf had received ... news, from his mistress, Baroness Marie Alexandrine Freiin von Vetsera. It turns out that the baroness gave birth, a pregnancy that was obviously due to her relationship with the Kaiser of Austria-Hungary.

The baroness died due to the event (although the baby survived) and soon the Austrian authorities were trying to cover the whole event, but Rudolf did not make it easy, the Kaiser was quite desperate now, more than before.

The Kaiser wanted to commit suicide, but he had a horrible fear of dying alone. He wasn't prepared for the pressure of having a bastard child (a son) either, but that's another matter.

Again the Kaiser was a deer caught on a hunt, the difference between a deer was that Rudolf had guns, he was a hunter on his own, and this time he made a drastic decision for any 1889 Catholic.

Kaiser Rudolf I committed suicide on his hunting ground in Lower Austria, Mayerling.

There were several reasons, Kaiser Rudolf I was trapped in a marriage that he did not want, the rise of Wilhelm II and Georges Boulanger also had to do, the Austrian situation, etc.

Franz Joseph's brother, Karl Ludwig, promptly abdicated his rights and led to the rise of Kaiser Franz II of Austria-Hungary (aged 28 at the time of his ascension to the throne).

But Rudolf's death would shake the whole of Austria-Hungary, it was another nail in the coffin, on the one hand it shook the Catholic authorities, on the other hand it also crushed many government liberals, and the reconciliation of Austrian and Hungarian factions.


"... What a cruel world, you were not a bad man. Well, I hope where you are you can rest in peace, Rudolf." Tsar Alexander III exclaimed to himself at the funeral of Kaiser Rudolf I.



It was February 5 when the Prince of Wales, Albert Victor proposed to his cousin, Princess Alix of Hesse and by Rhine, and she accepted. The problem is that this caused quite a political stir in the UK and France (because Albert Victor seems to think more with his heart ... or his lower head, than with his skull).

The United Kingdom was going through a highly anti-German period in its foreign policy, precisely the United Kingdom was going in an anti-German course due to its policies towards France.

At first the Prince of Wales received a refusal from his father, the strict King Edward VII, but at the insistence and undisclosed comments to the public, the Prince of Wales received what he wanted.

The official and most accepted version are the opinions of Queen Victoria towards Princess Alix's family (positive) and perhaps some kind of threat (abdication, suicide, etc).

Minor rumors say that perhaps Albert Victor was homosexual and the whole marriage was a cover for the possibility of a scandal (or that the prince was Jack the Ripper ...) and that somehow this influenced the fact that the marriage was celebrated so quickly But it goes too far into the realm of conspiracy.

On February 25, in a Europe ravaged by the tragedy after the suicide of Rudolf I, there were also certain events to celebrate, such as the wedding of Princess Alix of Hesse and by Rhine with the Prince of Wales, Albert Victor.

Most people didn't think it would be a big deal, the British royal house was German after all, and they were already assuring their French and Austrian allies that this didn't change anything and the like.

After all, Britain was a constitutional monarchy ... No one really knew what to expect.


"Well, we dodged a bullet. Again!" Alexander III holds together with his son (who he again had to leave Manchuria for European family events).

"Yeah old man." Nicholas can't help but appear happy for the couple, but in reality he is happier for himself.

Discussions over the marriage of Tsesarevich Nicholas Alexandrovich were also continuing of course, and he was quite familiar with some of the proposals, but there was still time.

Tsar Alexander III and the Tsesarevich only decided that things could not be postponed any longer than 1900.


[The Bullmoose]

*Theodore Roosevelt perspective.

"This one is strong." Roosevelt exclaims with excitement, patting the head of an Alyáska bison, in one of the many nature reserves of Tsar Alexander III. The bison tries to head-butt the American, but he hardly flinches. "I tried to be a bison rancher once. In America, much less cold than here."

"How did it ended?". One of the caregivers accompanying Roosevelt asks.

"Not too good, but it wasn't that bad." Roosevelt exclaims as he continues to fiddle with the Russian bison.

"The Travels of Theodore Roosevelt Jr".

"My travels through the Russian Empire began in the American continent, traveling from the west coast to the Alyáska railway. My goal was to go to some of the bison reserves in the region, while the bison disappeared in the United States and Europe, Russian bison continued to increase.

Perhaps it was a possibility of adventure or business.

However, my journey began through the railways and cities of the southern coast of the country.

The cities of Alyáska were very different from what I had seen, yes, they were not as big as New York or cities on the east coast, but they were not that small.

The different thing was that there was not only a large presence of whites, but there were also Asians and Indians living side by side, there were no Chinatowns, ghettos or the like. There the Indians did not have reservations either as in the United States, they had their own lands and communities away from the big cities, but the state had not expelled them or forced them to be there.

It was an agreement between both parties that had resulted in successes and changes in the region. For example, many of the Indians were army soldiers, on an equal footing with the whites and the 'Cossacks' of Russia.

I would better understand what a Cossack was later in my travels.

The Alyáska tundra was still huge, the main cities were on the coast and as one went further inland, the roads became dirtier or disappeared into the snow.

Some indigenous camps or army forts were erected there, but despite the militarized presence, travelers and citizens alike had to carry weapons at all times to defend ourselves from wild animals.

Without a doubt that was quite an experience by itself, touring the frozen places, navigating the rivers in the area, and looking for animals. A dream come true.

There were also the reserves of Tsar Alexander III, a strange man from all that I had heard from him. He seemed like the typical man with a lot of free time and a lot of money, he bought entire islands and set up nature reserves, bought companies and brands, etc.

But he seemed genuinely committed to wildlife, after all he was promoting his bison programs and some wild creatures for something. If you were lucky and had money, you could receive a limited hunting license for some particular species (only in certain areas or times of the year or years, it depended on the species and how successful the Russian government programs were)."