Chereads / A Journey Unwanted / Chapter 130 - Chapter 122: Mighty

Chapter 130 - Chapter 122: Mighty

King Thordan sat on his throne, impatiently tapping his finger on the arm of his throne. As a warrior first, he rarely found himself agitated, but the situation as of late was almost delicate. Mikoto Yukio, a blessing or a curse, which was the boy? He had absurd strength and destructive power that surpassed his own. Though some of the fears he had may be founded, he had been requesting a meeting with the boy for some time now, but apparently he was just gone. Could he merely have been busy or was this just blatant disrespect for authority?

Who truly knows? One thing was undeniable, and that was that Mikoto was valuable. Much too valuable to be left to his own devices. If they could further hone his power, he would be a great asset to the kingdom. Though he was just a boy, it put a bad taste in his mouth to want to blatantly use him as a mere weapon like Lucinda. But even so, his kingdom came first, and he would do anything to secure it.

"-and my training with Codice Ruptor is progressing rather smoothly, father." His eldest daughter finished her form was planted down the steps leading to the throne, but he heard her all the same. It snapped him out of his inner musings. King Thordan hummed with satisfaction.

"That is good, Astrid. Codice Ruptor is among the mightiest of Divine Artifacts. When the time comes, make sure to use it well, for it has chosen you," he advised.

"Of course, father."

"Though there is something I am curious about. Mikoto Yukio, tell me, what do you think of that boy?" Her father's sudden question caused her to quirk up a brow, but nonetheless, she mulled over it. Mikoto, the boy, had been all the talk for the past few days. Fighting Selwyn Von Auerswald and causing such absurd destruction in that forest, and shaking nations, segmented him as powerful. And of course, because of that, he was seen as a valuable player in the coming festival.

"Well, I've only had a brief conversation with him," she mulled over it for a moment. He was odd but not in a rude way. His unserious nature could be seen as endearing to some, and she always did enjoy non-serious folks. "He seemed quite nice," she innocently deduced.

"I see." Her father seemed unsatisfied with her words, but he did not voice his opinion. Instead, he sought to change the subject. "And what of your sister? How does her practice with Arcane Ascendance progress?" The second biggest news was the discovery of two new Inheritors, the former Gregory heir and his own daughter. At the very least, his second daughter had something to make her stand out.

"I still have to meet up with Mira at the capital today, but yesterday she had informed me that it was not progressing at all." Astrid gave a sheepish chuckle as her father sighed.

"I suppose it has only been a few days since she was discovered as an Inheritor," he reasoned, but a frown still sat at his lips all the same. "Even so, things would have gone quicker if your sister had half your talent."

"You must not be so hard on her, father. I've seen her, Mira is determined to improve."

"Determination is all but useless without skill or talent," Thordan spoke with a small scoff. "The trait of destruction we spawns of Aragorn have is a difficult one to overcome, but with time and effort, it is attainable. Your sister only excels in destruction; she has little talent for other magic. Even Valerie exceeds her in raw talent. I thought her a lost cause, but being an Inheritor seems to be her saving grace." The king offhandedly mused, missing how his daughter frowned at his words.

"I... I see. Well, I shall not keep you any longer, father." Her father merely bid her farewell as she turned and walked away, swiftly leaving the throne room. Stepping onto the vast halls of the extravagant castle, she sighed. ("Mira will improve, I'm sure of it. She'll be stronger than me someday.") Yes, Mirabella had potential, the fact that she was an Inheritor further cemented that. Their father would see the value in her younger sister. But still, she wished she could be of more help to Mirabella.

She knew how her sister was, much too headstrong to really ask for help from others. Too prideful even, she was strong, but with most of her lecturers, she was antagonistic towards. She was surprised her sister was even accepting help from Headmaster Aleister, but the thought made her smile with pride. ("Mira is growing after all; mom would be proud.") She could not help but think, though her thoughts were cut off when she spotted a familiar figure walking through the hallways, their back facing her. A Cheshire-like grin grew on the crown princess's face. Valerie, her dear younger sister, was taking graceful strides. How like her to maintain her image even with no one around.

Astrid sneakily walked up behind her and then, without reservation, she slid her hands under her younger sister's arms before effortlessly lifting her up. She got a small 'eep' as a result.

"Val!" She happily exclaimed as her youngest sister spluttered in the air.

"Wha-Astrid!? Let me down this instant!" She demanded, she might have sounded threatening were it not for her adorably squeaky voice.

"Not happening~" Astrid said in a singsong voice as she spun her sister round and round.

"S-stop it! I'm not a little girl anymore!" Her sister argued with a pout. Astrid could just chuckle as she begrudgingly placed her sister back on the floor. Her sister huffed and gave her a glare, which was not at all threatening. "You... you oaf! You can't just go picking people up like that!"

"I can if they're my sweet little sister~" Astrid smoothly retorted as she ruffled her sister's hair, much to the latter's annoyance. She did like how her sister pouted; it was good seeing her actually act like a child instead of being the pompous little princess most thought she was.

("After mom's death, Val took after her to the extreme. I think it's because she wanted father to notice her.") A frown tugged at Astrid's lips. ("But father would barely look at either Mira or her; he focused on me most. Due to my 'talent' and my aptitude for artifacts.") Their father was a difficult man, too caught up in the kingdom and what held value to him. He only ever married their mother because of a necessity. Astrid shook her head; now was not the time for such thoughts. Smiling, she addressed her youngest sister. "Say, Val, how would you like to go to the capital with me? Mira will be there too."

Valerie gave a huff as she crossed her arms, "As crown princess, do you not have more important duties? Even I have a schedule; today I have piano and dancing lessons, among other things."

"Aww~ Too bad, Mira and I would have spoiled you." Astrid shook her head in mock disappointment. "Maybe we should find another lucky girl."

"N-now hold on!" Valerie was quick to speak up, much to her amusement. Quickly, she cleared her throat to regain her composure. "I suppose I can take some time out of my busy schedule to indulge you."

"Great! Then let's go!" Without reservation, she took her sister by the arm and bolted down the castle hallways.

"H-hey, we're not supposed to run in the castle hallways!" Her sister exclaimed.

"Hahaha! Who cares?" She shot back with a happy smile; her younger sister could just sigh in exasperation.


The chamber was as vast as it was dark, a secure location deep beneath the earth. A place of silence where you could practice the most sacred and delicate of things. And this was their purpose here today. Aegraxes stood with his arms folded, his expression unreadable. Beside him, Asmodai stood with his body tense, hovering beside him was a large multi-colored orb that illuminated the room with an intense glow. Ezerald worked on the floor, her right palm dripping with blood. Blood in which she used as a means to draw something, an expertly drawn circle with an intricate graph adorning the insides.

"Is this really our best bet to combat Mikoto Yukio?" Ezerald could not help but ask as she continued the ritual circle.

"You would question, Aegraxes? Someone who is your better?" Asmodai scoffed.

Ezerald clicked her tongue as she shot a glare his way, "No one asked you a thing, fossil."

"Dammed brat!" Asmodai spat, Aegraxes could but chuckle.

"Come now, let us not fight. This is an important ritual after all." Aegraxes cut in. "We will not only be resurrecting Arne, but we'll be fusing his own soul with that of an Ancestor."

Ezerald frowned at his words as she finished up, rising she carefully stepped away from the completed diagram as she glanced at Aegraxes. "Are we not disgracing Arne's soul? These Ancestors, they're a foul bunch. Strong enough to rival the Gods yet foul all the same."

"Impudent child, Aegraxes knows this as do I." Aegraxes stated, all he got was a frown from the demon women. "This is a risk Aegraxes has to take and a risk Arne will happily take."

"Indeed, though gaining the soul of a deceased Ancestor was no small feat." Aegraxes mused, staring at the radiating orb near Asmodai. "Alas, we seek to merge the soul, but there can only be one dominant personality." Aegraxes wore a heavy frown. "Alas, it is up in the air on who the dominant one will be."

"You mean to say we could risk snuffing Arne out!?" Ezerald bellowed. "What... what would Beatrice think?"

Asmodai did not lash out; the older demon's lips thinned, "That is why she is not here; the two of you are the youngest. You lack rational thinking, you rely on your emotions more often. However, you two also serve to be our strongest, as the metamorphosis is yet to fully encapsulate you. So you have potential, and that is your only saving grace."

"As Asmodai stated, this is a needed risk. If we wound up resurrecting an Ancestor, then I'm sure we could use them either way. If Arne should live, then all the better." Aegraxes reasoned, so let us begin. Ezerald pursed her lips as Aegraxes took a step forward.

Aegraxes spoke, his voice echoing through the chamber. "In the depths of the underworld, where shadows creep and spirits dwell, I call upon the ancient power to bring this soul back from the hour. By the moon's light and the stars above, I command you, bring them back to respite. From the darkness, let them rise, with renewed strength in their eyes." he intoned, his voice filled with a mixture of reverence and command. "We summon you, one, from the depths of the abyss."

As he spoke, the ritual circle began to glow with an intense, blinding light as it seemed to absorb the radiating orb rapidly. The air crackled with energy, and a thick and apparent mana filled the chamber. The three stood in silence.

Then, with a deafening roar, the circle erupted in a dazzling display of light and color. The air shimmered and distorted, and a figure began to materialize in the center of the circle. The figure was a woman, her beauty so intense that it was almost overwhelming. Her hair, a cascade of golden blonde, flowed down her back, and her eyes, a fiery red, seemed to burn with an inner power.

She was clad in elaborate gold armor, each piece intricately detailed and adorned with precious stones. Her aura was one of pure, unadulterated power, a force that seemed to ripple through the very fabric of reality.

As the woman stepped out of the circle, the three had varying reactions. Asmodai grit his teeth in apparent frustration, Ezerald looked on with wide eyes, and Aegraxes heaved a sigh as he spoke. "Arne... has lost the battle of souls," Aegraxes said, his voice unreadable. "An Ancestor, your power is beyond measure."

The woman smiled, her eyes gleaming with an otherworldly light. "I have come," she said, her voice a soft whisper that carried across the chamber. "Though this is a lackluster welcoming, and you lot even dared to taint my soul." The woman smiled cruelly, "Oh well, all shall be forgiven should I find this new era worthwhile. Greetings, Fate Walkers. I shall give you the honor of knowing my name. I've battled the God of War as an equal, and I've slain the Divine Beasts Adhohan and Celtrius. The Gods loathe me, and the dragons are weary. I am Rhiannon! Mightiest of all Ancestors!"