Main Characters:
-Mikoto Yukio
-General Grimm
Magic: Magic is a simple concept. It comes in many forms and is used for many purposes. And it varies.
But how does it function?
Envision water. How would you create water from nothing? You couldn't. That is where mana came in; mana is everywhere. From the plants and trees to humans', animals', and demi-humans' In simple terms, every sentient being had set mana that replenishes itself. However, did that necessarily mean every person had a lot of mana? No, the amount of mana a person could draw out from that set well of qauntity varied greatly.
Let us make an example.
Person A can draw out 80%.
Person B can draw out 10%.
That could go on to billions and more. It is true that when something goes on and on, there is no end to it, meaning theoretically, a person could perfectly attain unlimited mana. But that was neither here nor there. Person A obviously has 'more' mana in simpler terms because he can draw out more of said set well. But people varied; some could draw out 100%, 200%, 100 000%, 1 000 000 000%, and so on. So mana was a simple concept.
But something to add was that every single person had a unique mana signature. Only rarely are they the same.
Back to our first question: How do you create water with magic? In truth, there is no set way to conjure water; every person had a method they use to get the desired results. Some used their imagination.
Imagine the flowing and calm current of water. That serene and unique aspect. And viola water was created, not real water. A mere concept was created—the concept of water.
Main Types of Magic:
1. Elemental Magic:
-Fire magic
-Water Magic
-Air Magic
-Earth Magic
-Light Magic
-Dark Magic
-Ice Magic
-Lightning Magic
-Nature Magic
2. Healing Magic:
-Regeneration Magic
-Restoration Magic
-Purification Magic
-Herbal Magic
-Life Magic
3. Illusion Magic:
-Glamour Magic
-Phantasm Magic
-Deception Magic
-Hallucination Magic
-Shapeshifting Magic
4. Necromancy:
-Raising the Dead
-Controlling undead
-Soul Manipulation
-Spirit Communication
5. Psychic Magic:
- Telepathy
- Telekinesis
-Psychic Projection
-Mind control
- Clairvoyance
6. Enchantment Magic:
-Enchanting Objects
-Enchanting Potions
-Enchanting Weapons
-Enchanting Armor
-Enchanting Tools
7. Time magic:
-Time manipulation (to an extremely minor degree, control varies depending on the individual.)
- Precognition
-Temporal Freeze
-Time Loops
8. Divination Magic:
-Tarot Reading
-Crystal Ball Gazing
-Palm Reading
- Astrology
-Aura Reading
9. Summoning Magic:
-Summoning Elementals
-Summoning Spirits
-Summoning Familiars
-Summoning Demons or Angels
-Summoning Mythical Creatures
10. Elemental Control:
-Manipulating Fire
-Controlling water
-Creating and Bending Air
-Shaping Earth
-Harnessing Ice
-Manipulating Lightning
-Plant Manipulation
11. Celestial Magic:
-Astral Projection
-Celestial Energy Manipulation
-Star Magic
-Lunar Magic
-Solar Magic
-Cosmic Manipulation
12. Song Magic:
-Singing spells
-Enchanting with music
-Manipulating Emotions through Melodies
-Song Summoning
13. Rune Magic:
-Writing Spells with Runes
-Casting spells through inscriptions
-Rune Energies Manipulation
14. Elemental Fusion:
-Combining Element Magic for Advanced Spells
-Fire/Water Fusion
-Air/Earth Fusion
-Light/Dark Fusion
-Ice/Lightning Fusion
Subtypes can further be classified within each main type of magic, depending on their specific characteristics and applications.
Tier 1: Basic Spells: These spells are simple and easy to cast, usually used by beginner spellcasters. Examples include illusion spells, minor healing spells, and basic elemental spells.
Tier 2: Advanced Spells: These spells are more complex and require a higher level of skill and experience to cast. Examples include powerful elemental spells, advanced healing spells, and defensive spells.
Tier 3: Master Spells: These spells are extremely powerful and can only be cast by those who have dedicated their lives to studying and mastering magic. Examples include divine spells, small matter-manipulation spells, and major elemental or destructive spells.
Tier 4: Forbidden Spells: These spells are considered too dangerous to be used by any spellcaster and are often deemed illegal or outlawed. Examples include spells that manipulate minor aspects of life and death, mind-control spells, and spells that summon or control dark creatures such as demons.
Tier 5: Divine Spells: These spells are only accessible to those chosen by the gods and are extremely powerful. The Familial Arts.
Tier 6: Primordial Spells: These spells are believed to be the oldest and most powerful spells in existence, capable of causing widespread destruction or creating new realms. Examples include spells that summon the primordial forces of nature, spells that control divine energy, and spells that transcend time and space. This is a tier only the God's reside in.
Spawns: Spawns are the 'chosen', so to speak. Upon birth, they are blessed by Gods or Goddesses who favor them. Usually, a family can be comprised of spawns of a single God and any offspring that follow.
Being a spawn of a certain God or Goddess means inheriting their traits as well as appearance.
Familial Arts: The cornerstone of any spawn, unique magics easily accessible to the spawns based on the God or Goddess who chose them. Familial Arts are a branch of the Divine Magic, magic the Gods themselves used.
Safe for a few, Familial Arts are not primarily only accessible to the spawns. A capable sorcerer would be able to make use of a spawns Familial Arts as at the end of the day it is but another branch of magic.
Traits: Characteristics that the spawns Gods possess that they too have. It ranges from appearance to simple talent. A person's specialty or exceedance in a specific field. The traits vary depending on the Gods or Goddesses.
Astrothians: Magical Beast in the simplest terms. They are enhanced by the natural mana of the realm which causes mutation of the body and for it to alter. They are descendants of the Divine Beast, though few Astrothians can match their power.
Astrothians are sorted into various classes to determine their danger levels: class D, C, B, A, and S, respectively. With S being the most fierce and dangerous. Despite not being magical creatures Dragons are also considered Astrothians, at least lesser dragons.
Magitech: Advance technology fueled by mana syphoned from individuals or leylines. It can range from dangerous weaponry or magitech mechs to mere holographs or daily essentials.
Divine Mana: Divine Mana is mana refined to the max in the most simplest terms. Making it large in quantity and extreme in quality and it's reserved for Divine Beast, Arcane Ascendance transformations and Gods with a few exemptions.
Hell, the Underworld, the Netherworld, Perdition; Abaddon, the Abyss; Acheron: Its names are many but its nature simple. Home to the foulest of creatures, their malformed forms a nightmare to all and their nature unpredictable. Descendants of the once proud race of Fate Walkers, they are a mockery of them but comparing the two is useless. Demons could not be more different, more vicious. Chaosmaws, former pure Fate Walkers are classified as the strongest of demons. However that is only the case because the most vicious of demons can not escape the confines of the Abyss.
Divine Principals: A mysterious aspect, a set of rules Divine Beings and Dragons alike follow religiously. None are exempt from these rules, not the strongest of Gods or the strongest of Divine Beast. All who come into existence follow these principal's. Yet the question lingers, who created these sets of rules?
Primordial Gods: Of the Gods the few with this title stand atop the rest. The most powerful of Gods to grace the realm.
Plain of Elysium: There are different plains of reality in the realm, different layers to it. Dimensions so to speak, the first dimension, the second dimension, the third dimension and so on. Humans, demi-humans and Astrothians along with a few others reside in the third dimension. The Plain of Elysium is numbered the twelfth dimension. Here the true forms of divine, demonic, dragonic and more resides. These powerful beings need vessels in order to come into being on lower dimensions without affecting them to exponential degrees.
Keepers of Order: The Architect, the Abhorrent, the Exalted, the Unbound. These are beings that predate all, holding power beyond comprehension. It is these beings that enforce the laws of the Divine Principals, all abide by these powerful rules. Even the Keepers of Order themselves and even the Bringer of Death and the Source of Life abide by these laws.
Age Of Gods: The prosperous age where Gods were the majority. The realm at this era was only plaque by Gods, Dragons, Divine Beast, The Ancestor and unique races in the heart of the world called Aethel.
Celestiallia: The pinnacle of Divine innovation. The grandest of cities no matter the past, present or future. Nothing could compare to the grandeur of this city, the city the Gods built in but moments. This grand and enormous city welcomed all that resided in Aethel. This was a cornerstone to the Gods, their pride resided within it as they overlooked their masterpiece of innovation and technology.
The Four Guardians of Celestiallia: The Bellum Knight, the Mortem Knight, the Fames Knight, and the Knight of Conquest. They were the peak of military might, their titles bestowed upon them by the Gods. They possessed power enough to be rival the strongest of beings, their sole purpose to uphold the peace of Celestiallia.
Divine Beast:
Telluris, Beast of Beginning.[Alive]
Adhohan, beast of the abyss.[Dead]-Killer: Rhiannon, Ancestor of Chaos.
Naga, beast of fortune.[Alive]
Altera the world plunderer.[Dead]-Killer: Dante, the Blood Starved Knight.
Celtrius the Hound of Eternity.[Dead]-Killer: Rhiannon, Ancestor of Chaos.
Theophany, Starbeast.[Alive]
Aurelius, the Beast of embers.[Alive]
Descendants: A simple yet apt name, referring to those who were chosen by the Great dragons. To be a Descendant of a Great Dragon is a rare occurrence, much like how spawns are selected the the dragons residing in the Plain of Elysium choose a mortal they favor. Said mortal is 'blessed' by their respective dragons. Inheriting their unique abilities, among that is the exponential increase of their physical prowess and senses, an innate healing factor, a passive nullification of magic and most prominent of all Draconic Resonance.
Draconic Resonance: The ability to influence reality to a minor degree. Forcing reality to follow a specific order or enforcing a law onto reality. The supernatural ability the great dragons possessed. The law forced upon reality resulted in a combustion of their unique respective abilities. Abilities the descendants of the great dragons are able to make use of.
Ancestors: Beings from another plain of existence, only seven now plaque the realm. Rhiannon the Ancestor of Chaos. Britha the Ancestor of Might. Aelfric the Ancestor of Wisdom. Aurélie the Ancestor of Pestilence. Aithne the Ancestor of ??? Lyra the Ancestor of Knowledge and Gisèle the Ancestor of Malice. Unwanted titles granted to them by the Keepers of Order, titles they revel in all the same. Each possess a physical shell that somewhat limit their potential, a self imposed burden they need follow less they suffer the wrath of disobeying the Divine Principals.
Each Ancestor possess a unique ability that predates most and each excel greatly in magic. Their power, enough to turn the heads of Gods and dragons alike, enough to earn the ire of those who oversaw the Divine Principals.
Ultra Vires: Barring their powerful magic the Ancestors make use of an entirely different ability. A power beyond magic and Draconic Resonance. It is not a singular power, but rather a deep, inherent connection to an underlying fabric of another plain of reality, a plain on the same level of Elysium. Imagine it as a unique frequency, a vibrational pattern that resonates with the very essence of their existence. Each Ancestor possesses a unique resonance, a personal symphony of foreign energies that interacts with the world in unique ways. That is how their power comes into existence within the third dimension.
Ultra Vires is not something that can be forced or controlled. It is a gift, a unique expression of the Ancestor connection to their plain of existence.
Paradigm Rebirth: The special art used by the Descendants. In essence, they become avatars and embody the dragon who chose them. It heightens their abilities to new heights, a mockery of Arcane Ascendance.
A/N: Just something I probably should have done a long time ago. I'll move this to the top of this volume some time later. I'll keep on updating here and if there is something you're confused about feel free to ask and I'll clarify here.