Chereads / A Journey Unwanted / Chapter 166 - Chapter 158: A start

Chapter 166 - Chapter 158: A start

The cold wind of Verdantis howled erratically, causing the swirling snowflakes to speed through the air in reckless abandon. Atop a high snow-covered cliff, he stood like a vigilant sentinel, not at all bothered by the severe cold.

"Hmph," Dante merely grunted as if to expel his annoyance. He was looking at something, and to an outside perspective, it would seem as though he were gazing at the intense blizzard before his eyes. The crunching of snow rang clear behind him as someone approached, stopping at his side.

"You'll catch your death out here, you know?" Despite the raging blizzard, Aerinon's voice rang clear in Dante's ears.

"Hardly," The strongest mortal merely uttered, "What have you learned?"

"Much, I suppose." Aerionon shrugged, "These Ancestors are quite the bunch, for some reason, they've allied themselves with Vel'ryr." He informed unbothered, "Honestly, do you know what a chore it was to keep Maerwynn from attacking Vel'ryr once we've learned that?"

"Vel'ryr, huh?" Dante muttered, his mind racing as to what the Ancestors' intentions may be. "Then it would be prudent to dispose of them now."

"You seem eager to do that," Aerinon could not help but note, ("Though that much is understandable, I suppose. In just a day, these Ancestors have shown what a threat they were. Though I view myself as no hero, the idea that so many lives were snuffed out in but a blink of an eye does leave a partial bad taste in my mouth, I suppose. These Ancestors are powerful if Lyra's words are to be believed, I suppose I'd rather not want to risk my life against such opponents. I still have a younger sister, funny she's more mature than I, yet I must look out for her.")

"It has nothing to do with eagerness," Dante merely uttered out, his cape wildly fluttering about yet his form remained steady, "This is all out of necessity. The Ancestors would alter the very balance of the world with their existence and goals. Regardless if some did not have bad intentions, their presence here complicates things. As such, I will use every ounce of my power to eviscerate every one of them, even should it cost me my life or very soul."

("Very noble as ever, I suppose. I admit sometimes even I think of what it would be like to have such unwavering conviction. To state something with such confidence, alas all I care for is normalcy and not much else. Though I loathe how absurd things have gotten now, there is naught to be done, I'm afraid,") Aerinon's single eye merely scanned the barely audible landscape before him as he spoke. "Such conviction. Despite how long I have known you, I can't for the life of me ever decipher your character. Why such effort for the betterment of others? These Ancestors are powerful. It may very well take everything to stop them, even to you who holds such power."

"My reasonings are not complex," Dante quickly clarified, "I do what I do merely because I can and I have the power to do so. You know the state of the world, petty squabbles all around and another war on the horizon. Yet still, this is as close to peace our world will ever be. There was an era of nothing but war and strife. Misery all around...." He unconsciously clenched his fist, "There are those who would see us go back to such an era. An era of chaos. I am merely here to make sure that does not happen. I am no saint or hero, I am merely a warrior who does the only thing he can. And that is to fight."

"I like to say I see, but I honestly don't," Aerinon admitted, folding his arms as his gaze wandered as the intense blizzard began to die down all around them. "My own life and that of my sisters are more important to me than anything else in the world. I can't see myself caring for the despair of others. Perhaps I can at most sympathize. But I just can't picture it, I suppose. To potentially throw my life away to keep the balance of the current era."

"An understandable line of thinking," Dante merely said, "Others may view you as a coward, but you're merely realistic. To defend the realm is a calling better left unheard. Stick to your path or deviate from it. In the end, all roads may lead to chaos." Dante turned on his heel, the crunch of snow beneath his greaves apparent, "I suspect the Ancestors' positions will be ever-changing. Lyra wishes to be of help as well. Her strength may prove invaluable. For now, return to Galadriel with her. I shall make my way to Vel'ryr with Maerwynn."

"Off to the belly of the beast then?" Aerinon mused. "You're a brave and strange one, I suppose. But maybe I should use your conviction as an example. It would maybe cause Ingrid to lay off my back."

Dante merely let out a grunt that sounded somewhat amused.


"Good, it seems everyone is here," Guinevere noted, her lilac eyes scanning over Mikoto, Mai, Lukas, Astrid, Adrian, and Fiona. Currently, the group stood outside the gates of the capital city, the surrounding trees that lined the path ahead stood tall and resolute. "I'm sure all of you are aware why we're here, but just in case, I'll reiterate..." Guinevere started. Mikoto noted from his peripheral vision Astrid giving a small excited wave for some odd reason. He quickly tuned back to Guinevere, "Astrid, Fiona, and Lukas. You three possess Divine Weaponry, weapons used by the Gods themselves in the age of the Gods. They're not merely weapons but now an extension of your own self. It is bound to you until the day you cease to be."

"Why not cut to the point and say this is a training exercise to get them used to the weapons?" Mikoto cut in, for some reason that earned him a glare from Lukas.

Guinevere merely smiled, "I suppose that's one way to do it. But yes, basically this is all to have you three become more accustomed to your weaponry. Astrid has some experience, but more would be needed. We'll gain that via battle. Or in this case, hunting of Astrothians."

"But why is the demon fiddler and the chick in the Ao dai here?" Mikoto questioned, jabbing a thumb at the aforementioned two. Adrian merely gave a smile while Mai tilted her head in confusion.

"General Mai along with me are invigilators," Guinevere informed, "Originally I was not going to be accompanying you all, but since I got you to come along, I could not let such an opportunity pass. I am quite curious to see just what you're capable of." She said as her fine lips curled up into a small smile.

"Me too!" Mai excitedly exclaimed, "I've heard a lot about you, Mikoto! They say you're strong."

"You don't say, but what about this guy then?" Mikoto nudged at Adrian.

"Well, his talent to call demons from the abyss while taboo is a unique skill. Especially if there are no sacrifices or lengthy rituals in place," Guinevere clarified, throwing a sharp gaze at Adrian. "He is the sole owner of such power, a power with a limit we're oblivious to. But that's enough chit-chat, our destination is the neighboring city of Veron. We'll take the path halfway, then I can invoke some teleportation magic."

She got her confirmation as she began to walk, leading as everyone quickly followed. But Mikoto was stopped by a sudden voice the others did not seem to hear.

"Mikoto!" Stopping, he turned to glance behind him, quirking up a brow as he registered who it was.

"William and Ruby?" He muttered out. The two looked somewhat out of breath, as if they ran a good while to reach them.

"Glad we caught you before you left," William breathed out somewhat tired.

"Leaving without saying goodbye?" Ruby looked at him with a deadpan stare, "You've truly no tact. You haven't even spoken to us in a while."

Mikoto hid a sheepish smile as he spoke with a shrug, "Sorry, sorry, that was my bad. Just been kinda busy, you know?" Mikoto apologized as he approached the two, "But did you two come here to see me off?"

"We did," William smiled, "Honestly, I wish we could spend more time with each other like usual. But you participating in the festival no doubt makes that very difficult."

"You should make time," Ruby mumbled.

"What? Miss me that much?" Mikoto snorted, though he could not help but take note of something odd, ("Eh, probably nothing.")

"But are you going for another training exercise?" William questioned. Mikoto gave a so-so gesture.

"Something like that, that Guinevere woman wanted me to tag along, but yeah mainly it's a training exercise for the others along with. I'm just tagging along cause I ain't got nothing better to do. But there's something different about the two of you, I'm sensing a foreign energy. More natural than mana," Mikoto noted. William nodded his head almost excitedly.

"Well, for some reason, me and Ruby received formal training from General Mai of all people under the headmaster's behest. She taught us this strange power called Qi. Honestly, it's very confusing. I haven't gotten a proper grasp on it, but Ruby seems to have it done. I'm still not sure why we were taught it," William informed. Mikoto hummed in thought.

("Maybe the headmaster wanted more players for the festival. I could understand Ruby, but William...") Mikoto glanced at Ruby, he could see it. Under the layer of her refined mana, an undertone of a transparent energy that was in tune with everything all around them. Something entirely different than mana. "Impressive."

"But of course," Ruby gave a smug smile as she puffed out her chest, "I'm me after all."

"Yeah, yeah. Cut back on the pride, short stuff," Mikoto bluntly stated, eliciting a pout.

"You're as short as me, though..." She could not help but note.

"Dunno what you're talking about," Mikoto shrugged as he glanced to the side, "Anyway, what say you two after this thing we catch up? Like usual?"

William smiled, "That would be great. I have a lot to tell you....hell, I even think making amends with my sister may be possible. After I grow worthy of her forgiveness, of course."

"I'm sure you will. Agatha has grown a lot, I'm sure things will go back to how they were with the two of you," Mikoto affirmed.

"You better keep your promise of catching up, Mikoto," Ruby stated with a dull glare.

"Yeah, yeah, I will," Mikoto turned around, "See ya." And with a simple thought, his form disappeared from view, a warp in space as he appeared behind the group consisting of Guinevere and the rest.

Astrid glanced back, a curious look adorning her face as she slowed her pace somewhat to reach him, "You were gone?"

"Yeah, just some things I needed to take care of," Mikoto stated offhandedly, taking note of Lukas' piercing gaze but ignoring it.

"I see," Astrid muttered, but a smile quickly adorned her face, "But I am glad you could join us, Mikoto," she stated excitedly.

"That so?" Mikoto questioned with a raised brow. He would have thought Astrid may hold some hostility after his blatant disrespect to her father.

"Indeed, I look forward to the journey ahead with you," she affirmed, "And like many, I am curious of your strength."


"Princess." Before Mikoto could speak, he was cut off by Lukas, "Maybe it would be wise to go through possible strategies while we have time?" He presented.

Astrid merely tilted her head, "Now? But we're moving."

"We may not have another chance if we are presented with threats on the road," he pressed. Contemplation filled the princess's face as she glanced back at Mikoto.

"I suppose so, well, Mikoto, I hope to talk to you more later," she finished with a smile as she slightly picked up her pace to match Lukas. Mikoto did not miss the glare the knight threw him.

("Wonder what his problem is?") Whatever it was, Mikoto was not in the mood for any drama. As long as he kept his hostile nature in check, there would be no problems.

Otherwise, things would get messy.