Chereads / A Journey Unwanted / Chapter 149 - Chapter 141: Advice

Chapter 149 - Chapter 141: Advice

The moon cast its ethereal glow on the moonlit forest. The trees, their branches stark and bare against the night sky, stood tall, well, some did anyway. Some were nothing but skeletal framework. Some trees had been cut cleanly, their severed stumps smooth and precise. Others, however, had clearly been hacked at with brutal force, their jagged edges showing as much. So many trees were gone that an enormous clearing had made way, large enough to fit a village.

In the heart of this, he stood motionless, a silhouette against the night sky. As the moonlight bathed him in its silvery light, Mikoto's features were made more apparent: ethereal beauty, skin pale as porcelain, eyes a vibrant crimson that seemed to burn like rubies. His hair fell to his shoulders in wild disarray. He was dressed in a black turtleneck tank top that clung to his lean frame, and baggy black pants that draped loosely over his legs. His feet were encased in black boots that seemed almost too large for him. As comfortable as the armor felt, there were moments that it became too much of an annoyance to wear at every waking moment. In his tight grip, he held Sabre, its large blade radiating a crimson glow that seemed to flicker. Mikoto stood motionless, his gaze fixed upon the moon above. His expression was one of contemplation, as if lost in thought. The moonlight cast strange shadows upon his face, making his features seem almost otherworldly.

("The moonlight looks so beautiful tonight,") he could not help but appreciate. ("I wonder if mom and Hinata are watching the moon too over there, or maybe they're basking in the sunlight.") He hummed at the thought, ("I'd like that if they could enjoy life some more without me.")

"But that isn't the case, is it?" He answered himself. ("Mom's hysterical and Hinata confused. Aunt Maya is there to support them, but even so.") With no battle of extraordinary destruction or stakes being held, with no absurd individuals to converse with, he was alone with his thoughts. He had come out here to better his swordsmanship, but questions and thoughts plagued his being in no time. ("A simple goal, return home and be done with this absurd world. But I couldn't help but be selfish. I never wanted anything extraordinary in life. I've been content, no forced to the path my dad had laid out for me. To be perfect in academics and sports, to one day be as great a surgeon as he was.")

He chuckled at the thought. ("I never had a goal I wanted to achieve. Even when I came to this world filled with such wonder, I did not think of the greatness I could achieve in such a world. My mind was only set on getting back, but then I got this sword. It did show me what I could do with the boundless power I was granted. To be a hero, huh? To save the lives of others, to make the choices others could not, to make your own path. As much as I like to act more mature than I am, at the end of the day, I'm still a kid, I guess. Being some hero seems so enticing no matter how you look at it.")

("Can I be this selfish, though? Sure, I plan on returning home first before playing hero, but even so, I pose the question again. Mom would never let me put my life in danger like this. I admit it's idiotic to risk my life for billions of people I've nothing to do with. But is that not reason enough to save a person? Some deserve chances at life. Should I abandon this universe, then what will happen?") Mikoto sighed as he ran a dainty hand through his long hair. "I really don't like being alone with my thoughts."

At his age, there should be other things to be worried about: what new video game was coming out, when his favorite manga would get a new chapter, what work he should study for school. Yet here he was, the fates of billions resting on his shoulders. It made him think if there were not others better suited for this. Sure, he was powerful, but there must have been someone way more powerful than him, the Gods, for example. Why let him do all the work? Or was there a greater reason for why he had been chosen? He frowned as he dismissed Sabre, the blade doing its signature disappearing act as a red light engulfed it before it disassembled into naught but red particles that were found adrift in the wind.

He walked to a nearby cut-down tree, making a seat of it, he blankly stared ahead. ("What does it mean to be a 'hero'?") he pondered internally, his eyes once again drawn to the vast moonlight. ("It should be a simple thing, yet why am I struggling with what I want to do? I thought I made my mind up once I got Sabre. Those heroes I saw, none wanted to be one, yet they did so anyway because they had the power to do so. With my power, I can save this world and then some. I can even fix my own world.") Mikoto snorted as he leaned back.

("Where would one even start with that?") he mused before breathing out in annoyance. ("Doesn't matter, I'll save this world because I want to and can. It should have been that simple from the beginning.") He reasoned, his thoughts were halted from continuing, however, as humming filled his ears.

It was an odd melody, one he was, of course, not familiar with, but it sounded so soothing. It could put a babe to sleep in an instance, a feeling of safety and familiarity engulfed him. As if it was his own mother humming a tune to put him to sleep. Curiosity got the better of him as he stood up, he swiftly moved through the clearing he had created, avoiding the toppled-over trees as he entered a section of the forest with trees still standing.

He took note of a myriad of birds perched upon branches, all idle as they stared into the direction of the melody. Smaller critters such as squirrels and bugs were much the same, Astrothians were much the same. Towering wolves with ruins etched onto their fur stood motionless gazing into the direction of the humming, odd he noted whilst moving through the forest. Eventually, the trees gave way to a large river flowing downstream. The moon reflecting off the river created a more vibrant scene, a myriad of animals and Astrothians were also gathered. Bears, more birds, fish, Basilisks, rune wolves, and more. All docile around the river as the figure hummed on, the moonlight's glint made her all the more ethereal.

Telluris, he noted, seated on the lush grass without a care as her humming filled the air. A simple action yet it generated a melody so divine it could pacify beasts of all sizes. He watched her intently as she abruptly stopped, her vibrant eyes turned to him.

An ethereal smile graced her face, the myriad of creatures gathered did not seem to mind her stopping the melody. "Mikoto, how great to see you once more," she stated, her voice as soothing and natural as ever.

"Didn't expect to find you here," he voiced, glazing over the calm beast all around.

"I find comfort in such a vast forest. I have spent too much time in the wastelands of Vel'ryr," she clarified, she patted the grass-covered ground besides her. "Come sit, you seem to have much on your mind." Mikoto obliged with a shrug as he approached the Divine Beast before plopping down next to her.

"Weird seeing so many animals and Astrothians being so docile," he could not help but state.

"They must find my melody soothing, or perhaps they find comfort in being so close to the first of one of their own." A chirping small blue bird flew down from a tree as Telluris raised her right hand, extending her index finger. The bird hoisted itself atop it as Telluris smiled as she pet the bird. "My lesser brethren and the animals are so much different from you humans and demi-humans. They follow a set path, they follow nature as it is intended. Yet you lot carve your own paths, whether good or bad." She mused before turning to him, "But it seems my melody has drawn you in too, pray tell what bothers you?"

"Guess I'm just getting a bit overwhelmed now, suppose anyone would be when you were summoned to save a universe," his rosy lip curled into a frown, "My decision is still set in stone, however I wouldn't have minded some guidance when first starting out. I was just kind of dragged here without so much as a word of advice."

Telluris gave a small chuckle at that, "It does sound like the 'Octavia thing to do," she joked. "But she had no ill intentions behind her actions, of the billions of your own realm, she saw you as worthy. There is no doubt a reason for that, there is always a reason for what Octavia does." Telluris informed, Mikoto frowned at that. What reason could there be for randomly dragging a child from their home against their will? His annoyance had lessened, but it was still there all the same. Nonetheless, he continued listening to Telluris. "She had faith in you, she knew you would find your way. And you did, did you not?"

"Doesn't make it any less annoying, only reason I'm sticking around is cause I want to. Not because of Octavia." He clarified, leaning his arm over his leg. "Honestly, it still annoys me she did all this, if it weren't for me getting Sabre I wouldn't have even thought of staying here any longer than necessary." He smiled, "Pretty selfish, huh?"

"It's endearing, I think." Telluris, contrary to what he was expecting, stated, "Honesty is a good trait, my dear Mikoto. Yet despite your reservation, you've made the decision to save this realm from the calamities to come."

"You give me too much credit." Mikoto snorted, "At the end of the day, I'm just doing this so I can feel like I'm important. To actually do something with the power I have." He breathed out sharply, "And I don't even know what I'm supposed to do. All I know is that those Chaosmaws are somehow involved, but nothing even beyond that."

"Merely stick to the path you have carved for yourself and then you shall find your purpose," Telluris sagely advised, Mikoto could just look at her questioningly.

"How vague, but I'm guessing you're trying to say I should just continue as I am now." He deciphered.

"Indeed, it seems you've knowledge to go with your immense strength," She complimented with a bright smile, "But it seems you were busying yourself with training earlier,"

"Just the basics of sword fighting, I'm just self-taught really. I don't really need to invest time in magic as much, I can copy any spell I see and create a new one in an instance." He explained leaning back on the grassy ground. "So I'm left with training with Sabre,"

"I could be of help should you require it," She offered, Mikoto looked at her in surprise.

"You know how to fight with a sword?"

"Indeed, I'm quite adept in many weapons. And I would be most happy to teach you, it would brighten my mood considerably."

"What, cause I'm cute?"

"Of course," She shamelessly confirmed, he could but snort in amusement. "Worry not I'll teach you everything you need to know about the way of the sword, Octavia herself had taught me."

"Well, I guess I'm in your hands."