Chapter 72 - Center of Argaman

 Ryker's earlier decision to hide himself turned out to be a correct one, as he keep on finding lizard beast after lizard beast the deeper he go.

 He also learned, unfortunately a bit late, that the tunnel wind around like crazy, along with having some intersection that would leave those that did not know of the way to go through, lose.

 Fortunately, he actually realize it, and opt to follow the lizard beast, seeing as they are the best guide in the place. And so, Ryker find himself following the lizard beast, hoping it would lead him to the center of Argaman's tallest peak.


 He did not know how long he followed the lizard beast, as the turn he took make him slowly lose count of the time, but he knew he spend more than 5 hours at the very least.

 However, he do know he must be getting close to center when the light get brighter. Soon, they reached an entrance where the light is the brightest. He squint his eyes, hoping to not be hurt by the bright light, or if he did get hurt, at least not by a lot.

 When he pass the entrance, even with the bright light hurting his eyes, he could not help but gap. After all, what could one say at the sight in front of him.

 A large skull rest at the center of the mountain, with pool of blood surrounding it. If he had to hazard a guess, the skull and blood owner is the same being. However, how powerful the creature is if it's blood could remain, not rotting from the passage of time.

 He turned his attention towards the blood pool again. He could see some of the lizard beast, smaller then the rest, likely the young, jump into the blood pool. He could see them flailing inside the pool.

 He could see some of the young die, from simple drowning, to having themselves dissoliving inside the pool, to one exploding like a balloon. Though, for 9 that die, one manage to survive, growing stronger and look more alike to the adult.

 'That must be how there are so many powerful lizard beast!' he exclaimed. The creature blood must be the nourishment they need to become so powerful.

 They absorb the blood since young, if they survive. The survivors would be a lot strong, and could face off against the more powerful beasts. As time pass by, the number rise higher and higher, expending the lizard beast clan to a deadly level.

 He frowned. For some reason, the lizard beast keep staring upward. A look up revealed a cacoon of sort at the very top. He could barely see what inside but he could tell, there is a woman inside it, from the silhouette he could see.

 The silver-eyed man wondered how a woman is inside the cacoon, and could only guess that she is the master of the creature that die here.

 "Saving her would be great, but it is impossible," he said out loud, before turning around. He could not do anything more inside the place, and rather than watched the lizard beast do their baptisement, he would be better increasing his own cultivation.

 Besides, he already did his objective, and learned the mystery of Argaman Forest. As he turned, he did not notice on the bone rattled.

 As he was about to take a step away, a powerful aura land on him, stopping him in his track. He barely able to turn his head, the sheer power of the aura is too much for her.

."W-what the?' he uttered, surprise by how powerful the aura was. He wondered the origins of the aura. One thing he sure of is the being should be at the Spirit Grand Realm at the very least.

 He then turned towards the source. In which the aura stopped pressing him. Which gave idea what the owner wants. He walked back towards the center of the mountain, using the Shadow Traversing Step to pass through the horde of lizard beast.

 He then looked warily as he peered to the bottom of the cave, where the skull is. 'Do you want me to go there?' he asked in his head.

 Well, there is only one way to find out. He weave through the lizard beasts, avoiding them as best as he could. The only reason he could get this far is because of their weak Soul, allowing him to pass through without the beast detecting him and turning him into lunch.

 Though, even with the Shadow Traversing Step it is not easy. There are time Ryker find himself underneath a lizard beast before he manage to get away. Fortunately, luck is by his side as the powerful lizard beasts began to leave the area, though he do wonder if the owner of the aura is the reason.

 He soon reach the skull and entered through the eye hole. Once he was inside, he sense a change outside. He tried to get out, but a barrier seem to appear out of nowhere, blocking his exit.

 He lightly cursed before trying find any other way out. After all, a skull is not a prison.


 Ryker had to refute his previous statement. A skull can be turn into a prison. He could not find any way out. He even use brute force, but the only thing it do is rattle the bone slightly and leave his hand aching.

With the Hidden Ancient Mansion, at least he could live a happy life inside the spatial artifact, but there is no way want to be stuck inside the skull for the rest of eternity.

He continued his search, hoping to find any place to exit, not losing hope of yet. 

 While the silver-eyed man search for the exit, he did not or, to be precise, could not notice the presence of a being, watching over him. 

 The said being keep himself shrouded, watching the one he trapped. He could sense the other party cultivation level, only at the Genesis Condensing, not enough to handle the beasts outside.

 The being sighed. In the end, the one in front of it is the best bet for it to get out of here. He willed itself to transform into a mist before descending towards Ryker.

 Normally, Ryker would have sense such danger but against a more powerful being, he could not detect it until it is too late.

 The most was permeate through his skin, absorbed into every part of him. He only detect it when the last of the most entered him and try to push it away, but the most he did is just pushing the mist.

 And soon, darkness claim his vision.