Ryker looked into the mirror and had to admit to himself. He is not narcissistic but he looks good in the newly bought suit.
The suit in question is dark blue in colour with white shirt underneath it. A bow tie find itself near the collar as Ina put a finishing touch on one of the pocket in the form of a red rose.
As for the trousers, it share the same colour as the suit, which would allow him to blend in the dark of the night, though it was not as comfortable as his regular clothes.
His hair, often kept unkempt had been combed by both Miriam and Ilina, both wanting him to look smart, or so they say.
"You look impressive big brother! You will surely get Big Sister Sophia attracted to you!" Ilina said with an excited grin.
Ryker sighed but smiled nonetheless. He is also looking forward to how the Noble expert such as her would react to his current attire, though he would not said it loudly.